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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. TO is not on this team anymore, stop living in the past man...
  2. No but that would explain alot, And why would i eat a lincoln or a guitar that seems like a horrible decision, No nutricious value whatsoever! But apparently Bobsleds are a new form of tansportation real soon because last night i dreamt me and my cousin traveled around the world by bobsled.
  3. Voted for Jax trade. Instead of posting a whole shpeel ill just do this... What He said...^^^
  4. OHHHHHHHH Another One. There hasent been one of these in awhile!!! So you say your not going to do something half way in the post, of what your actually doing, but supposedlly not doing?????
  5. The world is a giant cycle and we are just coming out of the last ice age. Period of "Global Warming" Then followed by an ice age. Its the earth way of balancing itslef out!
  6. Say you ran out of checks, and you didnt want to be late on your payment, and send them i giant bag of pennies!!
  7. I thought 3rd had a hairy Chest? 1st is the worst, 2nd is the best, 3rd is the one with the hairy chest.
  8. I have a TomTom, i love the thing. Except for the one time it brought me to the middle of the ghetto when i was trying to get to a bar for my buddies birthday. "You Have reached your destination" Uh... Im in the middle of the street with two abandoned buildings on each side of me!
  9. Have you ever had a toe injury. I broke 3 toes and it sends shock waves up your leg if you put to much pressure on it. He just had surgery to repair torn ligaments in his plant foot. I dont really see how this effects anything about whats upcoming. He stayed in the game and played the very next play after the injury happened, Kids got guts. You may not like him, but he does.
  10. Oh boy, now you're just asking for it
  11. If Nickelback is the Band on this wagon alot of people on this board are going to be pissed...
  12. Ive had dreams where i have killed several of my friends in the most obscene ways, wood chipper, lawn mower, cliffs. Probably has something to do with the amount of Horro movies i used to watch.
  13. 1st is the worst, 2nd is the best!!!!!!
  14. Correction. Crazyest dream i ever had was someone on TSW offered the idea of Charlie Whitehurst as our starting QB!!!!!
  15. Since there is nothing new going on in the sports world and had a real odd dream last night i thought id start a topic to show off eveyones weird-ness. What is your crazyest dream you have ever had? This is mine: I had a dream last night where i was hungry, so hungry i could not stop eating. When i ran out of food i tunred to people. I started eating anyone who walked by my house, setting up traps and diversions just so i could eat them. It made it on to the news that there was a homicide eater on the lose. I hid out in the woods and would sneak up and rip peoples limbs off and eat them. The LAPD and NYPD (why they were working together is beyond me) set up a sting or a trap. When i went to go eat my target i was shot with tranquilizers. I was tried and then charged with cannibalism, and my punishment was to eat nothing but greens and fruits for the rest of my life.
  16. I had a dream once where a bear was eating my Count Chocula... I was pissed!!!!
  17. This advertisement has been approved by Chuck Norris!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. This discussion is so full of fact and very helpful. I knew nothign of Tebow before this knowledge was put infront of me. I'm just glad no one was called dumb......... yet.....
  19. It's good to have you back!!! P.S. Dick Trickle
  20. I felt like an idiot after finding out that is what you had to do. Here i am trying to over complicate it because thats just what i do, i turn look back at it and just go, thats all.
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