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Rob's House

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Everything posted by Rob's House

  1. That's the damn truth. They're like hyenas. They only attack the weak (women/elderly) or in packs when the numbers are strongly in their favor.
  2. I think this is true to a point, but unless he was undercover or the video is being misrepresented, meaning he really is part of Portland Antifa, the odds are overwhelmingly high that he's knowingly and willingly engaged in their mission, which is violent agitation in the furtherance of their Marxist movement. They are one of the most radical and violent Antifa groups. Their history over the last few years has clearly established this. If he's a part of that, I have no sympathy for him. I'd be more sympathetic to a member of ISIS who may have been converted at gunpoint than to a pampered little ***** that joined a domestic terrorist organization that actively initiates violence against people like you and me.
  3. If he's with Antifa in Portland I know quite a bit about about him.
  4. I appreciate what you're doing, but Tibs isn't worth engaging. He's an insufferable troll with no interest in honest debate.
  5. I hope he's okay. I hate to see violent thugs who would savagely beat me in front of my kids for carrying an American flag get hurt.
  6. In most situations, "justice for person A" is just another way of calling for the lynching of person B.
  7. This theory is false. I've always returned the cart, usually to the front of the store, and I'm deplorable.
  8. You'll leave these two because they're all you could come up with and they're both bunk. The first one you have to go back 60 years, the other is race neutral. Cities tend to have higher property taxes irrespective of color. Blacks can move into the suburbs just as easily as whites can. Most of those who are too poor to move to the suburbs (which are typically cheaper than all but the worst parts of the city) are usually on public assistance and aren't paying property taxes at all.
  9. Let's play a game. It's called spot the substantive argument. The rules are simple: - The object is to see who can find the highest number of substantive arguments in the following posts. - An argument does not have to be an objectively good argument to qualify, it just needs to address a relevant issue in controversy and provide substantive reasoning for the position taken. (See Sample Post below for illustration) - Signify any qualifying argument copying and pasting it in your response. - In the case of a tie, a winner will be determined by who can present the best critique of a cited post (entertainment value may be a factor). - All matters of scoring will be decided by the Honorable Judge Rob's House. - We're on the honor system here, so please don't cheat off anyone else's post. Cheaters never win (unless they're Democrats). Winner gets an all expense paid night of dinner and drinks with Rob's House at a venue of Rob's choosing.* Special thanks to Capco for allowing us to use his post as a sample for this illustration. Let the games begin: * Travel and accommodations not included. "All expenses" limited to whatever Rob deems reasonable and just.
  10. I wasn't endorsing the theory. Just a funny way to turn the thread back to the original topic.
  11. I know it's easy virtue points to prop up teachers, but what have they done worth mentioning? In my area they've gotten a 3+ month paid vacation. I'm not knocking them, just wondering why you find that applause worthy.
  12. I don't think there is one. That's why we need to push back against this hard and fast before it takes hold and becomes a political football. This isn't a left/right issue. It's important for all of us and something we should all be able to agree on. Conservatives should oppose it because of the immense power it gives the government. Liberals should oppose it because of the obscene level of power it gives the banks. I talked to a friend today who's a self avowed Marxist and he thinks about as much of it as I do. It's one of the few political issues we agree on. Once it becomes political we'll all fall in line with our side and genuinely believe our side is right. You do it and so do I. It's just how we're wired. But if reasonable people recognize what this means and oppose it we can prevent that. Right now that can happen. And I'm trying to make it happen by posting about it on the political sub board of a football message board. I think it can work. * I deleted the meme you reacted to earlier. There was another one that looked similar and I inadvertently grabbed the wrong one. I do believe there is a global Marxist movement that's gaining influence, but I don't think they plan to reduce the world population to 500 million.
  13. I'm all for increasing privacy laws, not only for financial data, but internet and social media as well. I just don't trust them to be effective. When you hand your security over to an entity that is bound only by the rules that the entity implements, and which that entity has the sole power to enforce, you put yourself completely at its mercy.
  14. The pandemic has already swept across the nation and presents an infinitesimal risk to children. The charade is over. We saw the man behind the curtain when you dispensed with the lockdown to gather in massive groups across the country to protest police brutality for weeks on end. The fear mongering political operatives posing as scientists have been wrong about everything, and are now back tracking, moving the goal posts, manipulating data, and generally bending over backwards to exploit this so-called pandemic to create as much misery and economic destruction as possible for the purpose of influencing an election. It's telling that the people who are so determined to swallow this narrative are the same people who have swallowed every other bogus narrative the media's pushed for the last four years without so much as a hint of skepticism.
  15. Let's call this BLM movement what it really is. Yes, it is a Marxist movement, but the path to Marxism runs through the province of conflict. In this conflict the Bourgeoisie is comprised of those bestowed with "white privilege" and the Proletariat are the minorities oppressed by said privilege. It is noteworthy that the people relentlessly pushing to radicalize minorities with anti white sentiment are the same who gleefully remind us that white people are only a generation or two from being a minority. It seems that their vision of a utopian future is something vaguely resembling South Africa. Obviously, this will not occur overnight. In the interim we will regress to a form of racial discrimination similar to that which we emerged from in the 20th century. Racial identities are becoming prioritized. One's racial grouping is increasingly viewed as a collective consciousness unbroken by time, rather than a successive group of individuals who are separate and distinct from one another. The philosophy of intersectionality dictates that justice is served by attribution of guilt and grievances upon individuals based on group identity, thus holding one individual responsible to another for a debt he did not incur. The following piece details how this is already coming to fruition. https://townhall.com/columnists/patbuchanan/2020/07/10/the-new-systemic-racism-that-is-coming-n2572229
  16. The schools need to be fully re-opened by the start of the new school year. This is borderline child abuse. I realize the school year starts before November, but that's too damn bad. Everything's about the children unless we can compromise their well-being for political gain.
  17. Even if such laws were put in place it's entirely likely they'd erode away. A law only has as much power as the government gives it.
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