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Rob's House

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Everything posted by Rob's House

  1. They say they're transparent about their methodology then hide it behind a paywall. ???. What a pile of *****.
  2. Wokeness is not about understanding the experience of others and showing consideration for them. It is about dehumanizing people by identifying them as members of groups, ranking them accordingly, and aggressively seeking out an enemy to destroy. When there is no enemy one must be invented. The Redskins name isn't a primary target. It's a secondary target, but it's worth asking why it's a target at all. American Indians weren't upset about it. It wasn't hurting, offending, or oppressing anyone. Then one day the woke police unilaterally decided on behalf of a perceived victim group that this thing is now offensive. It doesn't matter that there was no ill intent behind it, that they can't agree on the explanation for why it's supposedly offensive, or what it means to the fans, it only matters what it means to the offended. And "the offended" are the woke. Strangely, that standard only applies to the targets of the woke. When the shoe is on the other foot we have a different standard. Say, for example, millions of people are offended by kneeling for the anthem as a show of disrespect to the flag. It no longer matters how it's perceived by the offended, but only what the woke claim it really means. It's pretty convenient. These people claim to oppose racism, yet rank people according to race. They claim to oppose hate, yet preach wholesale condemnation of all who oppose them. They claim to value tolerance but seek the destruction of all who challenge their faith based ideology. These are not good people. They are who they purport to hate. They've set race relations back decades in the name of "progress." Over a decade ago a majority of people, both black and white, thought race relations in America were good. That is no longer the case. The reason isn't because white people suddenly became more racist, but because there are people actively stirring the pot for the purpose of causing problems, and the woke are the ones buying the propaganda and spreading the message. They do nothing but spread racism and hatred.
  3. I'd like to see a properly sampled survey that shows otherwise, and one that samples real Indians, like my father in law who was born on a reservation, and not a bunch of woke white Elizabeth Warren types who feel high and mighty because they have some distant Indian ancestor that gives them license to speak for the tribe.
  4. I imagine it's been mentioned, but WaPo did a survey a few years ago and found that ~ 90% of actual Indians didn't find the name offensive and a lot of them think it's cool. This contrived controversy isn't for the benefit of oppressed or marginalized communities, it's for self-righteous white people who want to advertise their wokeness and feel good about themselves.
  5. And half the people with the targets on their heads are the biggest cheerleaders for their would be executioners. They think being woke will save them, but that will never be enough. They'll always be sub-human in the eyes of the militant black supremacists they fetishise. Based on numbers alone it's highly unlikely any such movement would succeed now, but give it a few decades and it's entirely possible America will look more like South Africa than the country we know. If that happens I just hope the woke whities are still alive to tell their kids they let it happen because it felt good to virtue signal on the internet.
  6. [VIDEO] BLM Mob Once Again Swarms St Louis Couple’s Home…Harassment’s So Bad They Boarded Up Their Home This is not a protest - these people are not political - this is harassment and intimidation by the BLM Mob https://www.waynedupree.com/2020/07/mccloskey-st-louis-couple-blm/?fbclid=IwAR3BF6JbfzDu2_8didbhK_nK0QzuS2J3sXi5QUvMehjKY18QNrVZC063nZs
  7. http://dlvr.it/RZyVbc PRAGER: The Present Moment Has Set Blacks Back A Half-Century "Take the movement to defund police departments and the incessant charges of “police brutality” and “racist police.” Only those who don’t care about Blacks other than using them to advance their power — Democrats and the rest of the left, both Black and white — argue this war against the police is good for Blacks. Already the increase in the number of Blacks murdered, not to mention injured, is reaching levels unseen in decades. And there is every reason to assume, as police pull back from high-crime areas, it will get worse." "Take the constant, often absurd, charges of racism at the most benign comments. If you say, for example, that you see nothing wrong with the picture of Uncle Ben on a box of rice, you will be accused of racism. As a result, most whites understand they can no longer speak truthfully or from the heart in the presence of a Black American. It is hard to imagine a worse recipe for genuine relationships between the races. Whereas the great majority of whites, and even most Blacks, thought white-Black relations were good and improving when Barack Obama assumed office, a minority of both groups think so today."
  8. Half the white ball lickers on the main board probably support this *****. I remember when guys with tiki torches were a terrifying threat. For the "both sides" crowd, show me the white equivalent of this. I'll wait. And if you're showing me some Klan video from 80 years ago you're making my point.
  9. If it were just playing the "black anthem" it wouldn't be that big a deal, but it's the whole package of shameless pandering to an overtly racist and Marxist movement is too much for me to stomach. Everyone pretending it's 1870 is pretty nauseating, but then attacking anyone who refused to pretend this absurdity has merit is too much. I'm not supporting any of this bs.
  10. You're proving my point. They are, just not the kind you have a problem with.
  11. Don't I know it. Failure to validate the hallucinations of the woke is inherently racist.
  12. That's funny. I only see one set of people being "systemically" cancelled, silenced, and marginalized, and they aren't the people you're talking about. In fairness, every 200 year old black guy I know had it a lot harder than the new generation of oppressed minorities. It's not a bad deal, all the victim status, sympathy, and special treatment without having to suffer actual oppression yourself.
  13. You should be embarrassed, but not for any of the reasons you stated.
  14. There's a difference between choosing who you do business with and organized movements to prevent anyone who disagrees with you from doing business. The latter is endorsed only by those who have utter contempt for the principle of free speech and seek to silence dissenting voices by any means necessary.
  15. Upon further review, I think paying to see the NFL is like paying your wife's boyfriend to hang out with you. Wearing a jersey is like putting his picture on the wall of your office. Buying a jersey is like asking his permission to jerk it while he plows your wife. Watching the game on antenna TV is kind of like watching through the peep hole and rubbing one out.
  16. You can't help but feel bad for the driver here. Otherwise, another feel good video.
  17. I think I've had enough of this horseshit too. I don't even think I'll watch on the free app or follow the standings. Watching football now would feel like hanging out with a friend after learning he fu¢ked my wife.
  18. Not sure about int'l but it's an Android app called NFL Live Streaming.
  19. I'm thinking I may do the same. I've got an app that lets me watch the games free, so I don't THINK they get any money or measurable ratings from it, but right now I'm so disgusted with the league I don't even care about the game.
  20. So are y'all going to watch football this year? If so, are you going to buy tickets, merchandise, Sunday Ticket, or anything else to contribute to their revenues?
  21. Apparently Webster's dictionary is updating the definition of "racism." The new definition is: "The failure to go out of one's way to lick black assh0le."
  22. You mean the Andrew McCabe that we know beyond a shadow of a doubt lied under oath? Is that the "Andy" McCabe you're talking about?
  23. Tell us the one about the Hispanic white supremacist that shot the white guy because systemic racism.
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