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Rob's House

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Everything posted by Rob's House

  1. That's why they never try to define it. The more you know the dumber it sounds.
  2. You'll want to read the whole thread. This is pretty fukked up.
  3. I noticed that too. Pretty soon they'll be blaming us for touting our privilege.
  4. The Ugly Truth About the BLM Protests Excerpt: From large metro areas like Chicago and Minneapolis/St. Paul, to small and mid-sized cities like Fort Wayne, Indiana and Green Bay, Wisconsin, the number of boarded up, damaged or destroyed buildings I have personally observed — commercial, civic, and residential — is staggering. Keeping exact count is impossible. One might think that a major media organisation such as the New York Times would use some of their galactic journalistic resources to tally up the wreckage for posterity. But roughly six weeks later, and such a tally is still nowhere to be found. A standard retort one often hears is that “the riots” must not be conflated with “the protests,” which is technically accurate in certain contexts. But the distinction is not as obvious as the media like to make out. ... This view is just as likely to be espoused by black people and other minorities as anyone else (the Milwaukee man was black), which renders the media’s strident insistence to depict the ‘movement’ as entirely peaceful incongruous with the perceptions of working-class Americans (of all races). So many of them experienced what transpired more as a painful tragedy than any kind of wondrous harmony. Indeed, the resulting destruction may have set their majority-minority neighbourhoods back economically for months or years, if not longer. Most had already been struggling due to the pandemic, with the riots interrupting fragile reopening plans. To exclude the perspectives of these people from popular media narratives amounts to a kind of purposefully obfuscatory, moralising snobbery. Talk about ‘erasure’. ... black Americans whom I’ve spoken to on the street across America in randomly-selected encounters were almost unanimous in their approval of the National Guard deployments to their neighborhood during the riots. If anything, their main criticism was that these deployments came too late to prevent the destruction. ... It should be more widely known that large swathes of a major American metropolis, Minneapolis/St. Paul, still lies in rubble over a month after the riots. And the main perpetrators of this destruction — namely those who committed the most incendiary arson attacks — were, by many accounts relayed to me directly, white Left-wing activists. ... In Chicago, at the peak of the riots during the last weekend in May, there were a record-breaking 18 homicides in a single 24-hour period — the most since such data started being collected in 1961. I mention this not to make a knee-jerk “what about black-on-black crime” point, but simply to ask in general terms: why wasn’t this historic occurrence featured more prominently in the coverage of these protests? Something extreme just happened in America. I could give dozens of additional examples of reportorial tidbits which don’t align with the prevailing media narrative that has flourished in the wake of this “movement”. And if you hadn’t seen it directly, would you ever know?
  5. Well, this is what the Smithsonian is peddling now. https://nmaahc.si.edu/learn/talking-about-race/topics/whiteness
  6. I suppose in a literal sense it could be, but I don't think that's what one would typically refer to with the term "discrimination."
  7. That's because your choice of words was impossibly broad. But racial discrimination was outlawed during the 20th century. I'm sure you'll claim it continued beyond that, but supporting evidence would be nice. By that definition whites are the primary victims of discrimination. Whites are many times more likely to be attacked by blacks than vice versa. For some reason we're supposed to accept it and pretend that our attackers are the victims.
  8. This is why Cuomo killed all those old people.
  9. It's definitely Disorderly Conduct and possibly Obstruction depending on what the cops were doing there.
  10. They talk all that *****, then play the victim when they get what they were begging for.
  11. I didn't realize that. Parler is still getting it together. Hopefully as membership builds they'll work these things out. It's a good excuse to create a profile though. I'll follow you.
  12. Nick Cannon Update. To my surprise, he has been let go by Viacom. But here's the kicker: He was released specifically for "anti-Semitism." They couldn't bring themselves to even mention his blatant and overt racism against white people. https://variety.com/2020/tv/news/nick-cannon-dropped-viacomcbs-anti-semitic-comments-podcast-1234706748/
  13. https://share.par.pw/post/f4e0f7513c2841e29c8ebce455a2ebfb This video is worth viewing and sharing. A black Democrat from Georgia speaking with President Trump gets real about police and BLM.
  14. I hate to repost a lot of tweets unless it's for a video, but he's exactly right and too many people are in denial about it. This one too
  15. I can't really say that "racism" exists because the word no longer has a definable meaning, but going by the traditional definition, there will always be racists of all different colors. That doesn't mean that racism is a powerful force in the country today Like "microaggressions", the concept of "white privilege" is itself evidence that there is no longer any significant level of anti-black racism in America. If there was we wouldn't need these nebulous concepts to justify our continued acknowledgement of a societal ill that is so scarce that we are constantly having to redefine it to claim its existence. The only racism today that is publicly accepted, institutionally implemented, and even encouraged is anti-white racism. It is growing at a rapid rate and a generation of black kids who have never known the kind of racism they bemoan are being radicalized and taught to believe an entire race of people, most of whom have no ill will toward them, are their oppressors. This obvious truth is summarily dismissed by reference to conditions of times past, or trivialized as the perceived privileged class claiming victim status. These deflections simply deny the reality rather than refute it. More importantly, they evade the real issue, which is not how the world exists today, but how it will exist tomorrow. The victim is not you or me, but the happy 5 year old boy who has no concept of any of this. He sees the world as a playground and a black boy as a playmate. But his innocence and happiness are not to last. He will soon be held responsible for beliefs he never had, crimes he never committed, and debts he never incurred. He will be required to atone for the sin of his existence lest he face the persecution of heretics. It will be of little comfort to him to know that in a time before his, people who looked like him were generally better off than those to whom he must now be subservient. Black Lives Matter, as a means to its political ends, is about condemning that little boy to a life of grief and servitude because of the color of his skin. And they pursue this goal in the name of combating racism.
  16. This is already in the protest thread. Just cataloging it here.
  17. Update I thought this pedophilia thing was overly exaggerated, but it sure seems to be one hell of a coincidence. Good to know. I stopped eating at McDonald's when they started putting social justice in the special sauce, but I'll make an exception if they're not making any money off it.
  18. Retribution for the crime of waving an American flag.
  19. Not sure if we covered this one, but this is the latest black man whose "murder" by police sparked protests. Background: The guy being arrested had warrants for a triple homicide and the "victim" had a warrant for Robbery.
  20. How do you know what color she is? These @ssholes beg for it, then play the victim when they get what they ask for. On a side note, notice how many SJWs fall into the category of unfu¢kables.
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