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Posts posted by NoSaint

  1. Until someone steps up and beats Kelly's accomplishments on the field he remains in a leadership role with the Bills. I love his passion for the team and the city.


    I think we all love what he did on the field, and his passion, but that doesnt include drafting/rating players. I am sure he watched a lot of tape on qbs, so his opinion does hold some extra weight, but lets be honest -- would you rather have a guy that was a successful player, or a guy that is a successful scout make the call? Neither is a lock but ill take my chance with the guy that has earned the position by evaluating players.

  2. He's only 31 I think...truth be told, you can be a fat DT/NT and be effective as a space clogger for a looooooooong time in the NFL.


    See Sapp, Warren or Washington, Ted.


    If the Bills end up trading for Shaun Rogers, I would think they would wait until the 5th round or later to draft a NT.



    I think sapp, warren was the opposite of a space clogger.

  3. there has been zero news off field with him.

    could he finally get it?

    i see us giving him one last shot with chan gailey.

    in an open cometition is fred really better?

    could be interesting



    Its true, since that weird incident with the $20 there hasnt been anything... that was what, about 2 months ago now? If he can make it 4 more now. I think hes a good runner, but lets be honest, it march and we are celebrating him not being arrested yet. I think that says something.

  4. Maybe a change of scenery would be good for him



    i mean, its not impossible, we will see what happens with hargrove but being in new orleans has been incredible for him thus far.


    even if hes not 100%, he could be a good option, barring him having a total meltdown. i guess thats the hard part to predict, and it can be very hard on a locker room to watch someone go through that though.


    I feel for the guy either way.

  5. So, he's a Bill, just not signed yet??


    $18mil?? Wow. Probably back-loaded with a lot of incentives..


    NIIIICE!! :doh:



    If i had to guess, it would be just the opposite. Probably a lot of money in the form of roster bonuses this year to get the cash on the books in an uncapped year.

  6. Was he THAT good at Alabama? I really didn't see them play much. I will say his lack of interest in the weight room shows a lack of commitment to his profession, so I am concerned there. But we do need a wide body. The semi-informed "experts" on Sirius do not like Cody until the 3rd/4th round and like Cam Thomas better.



    i mean, he set the bench record at bama, and has lost 50+ lbs in the last two years. I dont know if you can call that a lack of interest. In interviews he came out and said he didnt know the most basic of training and weight loss strategies before going to alabama. Simple things like eating breakfast to start his metabolism, or that eating late at night was worse for you then during the day. Simple things that are like obvious to most of us, but if he wasnt taught them.... how would he know.


    There are definitely red flags, but for every question mark there seems to be a reason to believe that it may have just been a poor upbringing and hes on the right track.


    he seems like a high quality kid, and id be thrilled to get him.

  7. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/draft10/news/story?id=4984943


    This article talks about the wonderlic test that players take at the combine and how Tebow scored below average. Who cares? Dan Marino and Jim Kelly scored a 15 on the wonderlic and look how they turned out. On the other hand, Matt Leinart scored high on the wonderlic and look where that got him.


    The combine becomes more irrelevant more every year.



    The combine "test scores" is not whats important. Its a learning process. A kid running fast or scoring high is certainly an indicator of things to come, but its an opportunity to learn about the kids on a different level. Do they prepare hard, do they respond to adversity, how do they interact with each other.... and yes, how fast do they run, how many reps can they bench, can they digest information for a test like the wonderlic.


    Its like going into an interview for a new job, the person with the highest GPA in college isnt always the best, nor is the one that had an internship at the best company but its all elements in the overall process. These are all college kids going in for interviews, and in just so happens these are the processes they go through. Theres no one indicator that will predict success, but that doesnt mean the interview process is worthless or irrelevant to scouts.

  8. Kinda like Maybin suddenly weighing 250 for last year's combine, huh?


    Artificial weight gain/loss is just that. That doesn't mean Cody might not be an excellent player -- I'll leave that evaluation up to those who get paid to make those decisions -- but people should not put much stock in short term weight changes.



    I mean, yea, the last 5-15 might be flux weight for him but hes down from an official 410, 2 years ago, and reportedly upwards of 420 plus. This isnt just a 3 week diet for him.

  9. LOL! Yes, a super star QB being charged a second time with sexual misconduct sure seems "typical," eh doc? One allegation of sexual misconduct is possibly a frivolous charge. A second may also be one, but it also possibly points to Big Ben perpetuating his stupid/immature/thuggish behavior. That AND the fact that he's a super star QB (and thus held to a higher standard than the average player) merits at least a sit-down with Big Rog, dontcha think? Or is it different for him, for some reason?


    Well, I have to agree and disagree. I think what is happening deserves to be watched closely, and depending on what comes out, it could be very serious. Even the most innocent of explanations for Ben with the girl making stuff up -- he needs to get wise and learn from these situations. The thing now is that he has not been charged in EITHER. If all it took was two woman to allege something like that to get an All-star suspended, then I would hate to be among the Tom Brady's of the world the next few years. All it would take is some loony fan to accuse her rivals star player, with or without merit. Until something more comes out, its hard to act on anything. I would bet theres been some sort of contact between Ben/attorney and Roger/NFL Attorneys, just not the media parade of the pac man sitdowns.

  10. TMZ reported that the chick was hysterical (as in very distraught, not hilarious) when she reported the incident to the police, which was very soon after the incident occurred. Unlike the last incident with Big ben, evidence was actually collected. Guilty or not Big Ben has got to be the biggest dumb@$$ in the world for putting himself in another situation like this. His reputation is going to take a huge hit even if he gets cleared of all charges.



    the fact that shes 20, and his crew was allegedly handing out drinks on his tab all night will not help him either.

  11. Just cause they gave him $500k doesn't mean he'll be on the opening day roster. They must feel they have a use for him. They've already shown that they're willing to part with guys like Reed whom they feel they don't have a use for..........



    also, just cause the base will be a 3-4.... truly the team could end up only having the depth to handle 1-2 injuries in the front 7 before they have to use a lot more 4-3. if one or two of the new OLB's go down early, we could very well see 4-3 as a much larger percentage of the snaps.


    if they dont think they can get a more talented/reliable player on the roster, then keep him and work around what you do have for the year -- instead of picking a scheme and forcing less talented players to run it. i am hoping they have a general direction, but will maximize talent on the roster, and scheme around that for the time being.


    its just sad that our line is so depleted that kelsey might be that talent, if only for this year....

  12. Also (in addition to his rep as a lazy player), hasn't he played his whole career as a 4-3 end? I could be mistaken but I think that is the case.


    Anyways, free agency always seem to spur the with "players that I've heard of" phenomenon.


    But it's an interesting thought.




    He has always played 4-3, but has gotten to big and slow. He also takes a ton of plays off. Think peppers but less gifted to begin with. He can play well when motivated but that's rare these days.


    Honestly probably best known for the "I've got to feed my kids" quote when trying to renegotiate. That or the murder case he was tied to. That or the 4 game starcaps suspension he might face next year.... Or the good years back in the early half of the of the last decade....


    He's to slow to go outside and not strong enough to bull rush.


    Better then nothing but we should all hope for better then him....

  13. Just a thought,


    would it be beneficial not to tender Incognito and try to re-sign him as an UFA? I don't know what the terms we signed him at last season but I would imagine that we, more or less, had to offer a bit more given the time of year. He might come a bit cheaper.



    Wasn't he a waiver claim? ie we just continued his previous contract. Depending on terms, it might be cheaper to do this, but you can still negotiate a long term deal with lower per year salary if that's what you want. A tender is just a "if nothing else" thing if really used well. Forcing a guy to play under it is all good fun for a year but don't count on him liking the front office too much.

  14. Donte is worth more than a 5th rounder, so is Marshawn so if we make a trade of either of those for pick(s), I say pull the trigger. A 5th won't kill us.



    plus, it would be a little amusing to trade donte then bring in the guy hes been campaigning for.


    if only for ironies sake.

  15. i think thats just about the best post-bradford option I have seen for this year.... I wouldnt draft anyone that late with any real hope.... especially for this year.


    seems like a good value, before he got sick he was pegged to be the ravens starter a couple years ago..

  16. Was wondering how long it would take for someone to start clamoring for another unproven commodity like Jackson...



    Wow, if that was clamoring.... It must get painful to read the rest of the board. I stated his tender, his cost, and that if forced to pick a side I would say take a shot but that I didn't really know him well.


    My other post was an indictment on the qb class and had little to do with him.


    If I'm his campaign manager her has trouble coming his way.

  17. There are better QBs to be had with our 3rd.


    suggestion you have in mind??


    I think you could potentially get a bigger impact player but would be hardpressed to find a better qb there... but again - I have only seen so much of him playing. I'm just highly skeptical of pretty much anything after Bradford this year.

  18. 3rd round tender


    Modest contract, and near promise to start lure him to sign here.

    3rd rounder and poison pill to make Vikings pass.


    Do you do it?

    I haven't seen enough of him to make a strong call either way.


    If forced to declare, I say yes. Would be cheap and an upgrade. I could EASILY be swayed though!

  19. What I find really confusing with these kind of deals with RFA is that its more advantageous for winning teams that draft very late to make these moves (like NO or Indy this year) then the worst teams that could use the extra help (Detroit, Stl, KC). Basically it costs more for the Rams to get him, giving up the #1 overall pick, then the Saints who would be giving up the last pick of the round



    Yes, but a team is more likely to match the saints offer, and more willing to take the rams pick.

  20. He will need every bit of that speed. Every wrong step will take him further out of the play so if ever there was a time to reference "catchup speed," this it it. If it weren't for that elite speed, the closest he'd get to the ball was the bench. He takes poor angles, false steps, and generally doesn't have the football IQ to take advantage of his physical tools. Instead of making him elite, they mask his glaring weaknesses. Someone will think they can teach him though.

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