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Everything posted by mob16151

  1. Good for cleveland. They have had a long decade as well.
  2. You mean the Browns right Tim? Jus messing around man and hey once again thanks for the info.
  3. Highschool?? Highschool? You wanna talk to me about highschool?? Were all concerned that shes put of middle school? JK JK BTW anyone see what I did there? You know beyond the obvious.lol
  4. Agreed Mayock is pretty much the man.
  5. hahaha your a funny guy. Make me laugh. Tell me does being unable to understand hyperbole,does that actually physically pain you?Cuz it should. Do you feel a funny pain in your head when you read? If you do dont sweat it thats just your arrophied common sense gene trying to come to life. Its not a biggie you seem to be going through life just fine without it. Anyhow bottom line you sir are a !@#$ing moron. Welcome to my ignore list. Mr 12,000+ plus posts of nothing.
  6. Tim, I'm still a little confused. Did the Bills ever reach out to Mike Holmgren or not? If the Bills did reach out to Holmgren what makes the Browns job that much more attractive?
  7. You think I need to relax now, you should hear how I feel about Rick Reilly.
  8. Because he's such a condescending douche bag. I hate his writing style. I hate the way he name drops in all of his articles. I hate his annoying ass travel notes. I quit reading his column like right after we fired Jauron. I was unable to deal with anymore Peter King. If I have to read 1 more "While me and my homie Bill Belicheck were eating crumpets and blowing each other, we had a laugh at every other team in the NFL". type sentence I was gonna lose it.
  9. You sir are a moron. Erik Flowers was 6 foot 4 inches, 273 pounds. How precisely is he just like Maybin? Unless of course you mean there both first rounders?
  10. Exactly. That tweet makes me realize that Mitchell may not be the greatest situational thinker ever.
  11. You do know that you can't interview GM cannidates working for another team till after there regular season is over right?Unless there on a playoff team in which case you have to ask permissin from there team to interview them during the playoffs.
  12. Look I aint sweating it. The Bills made a pitch to Shanahan,it didnt work? Oh well and move on. Lets get the Bills back to relevance.
  13. Well darn now I've been wrong once in my life. Strange strange feeling. lol
  14. Regardless of any type of morality,or judgement you want to pass here,anytime someone dies and it could have been prevented it's a tragedy. RIP Chris Henry our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family today.
  15. So Jerry Jones is gonna screw Jason Garret the guy he's been grooming as HC the last 3 + years?
  16. Well I agree with one thing I've read so far. JP is Al Davis's dream quarterback.
  17. I like JP he seems like a nice guy. So I'm happy for him. That being said I imagine he wouldn't get any playing time this year. Unless you think he can pick up the Colts playbook real real quickly. I imagine Painter gets some playing time now as the Colts try to establish him as trade bait.
  18. While were at it anyone remember that time we took Leif Larsen 6 picks before the Patriots took Tom Brady?? Ooooops
  19. The O lineman I really like as a high first rounder this year is Bruce Campbell. All the other ones havent really impressed me. At least when I compare them to Campbell.
  20. I just cant wait to see Mike Singletary and TO interact.
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