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Everything posted by mob16151

  1. Lets see who has a longer more productive career Maybin or Orapko. Instead of calling it a career before there rookie seasons are done. Thx.
  2. What I learned from this article......ESPN sucks
  3. Whatever you do dont pm it to me either
  4. I dont need a link to todays game. So plz plz plz dont send me one in a pm . I'd hate to have to not watch the game on a stream. it would make me sad.
  5. Anyone else excited to see harris play?
  6. Dude you misspelled THE. And your mad at me? Not makin a ton of sense there.
  7. Im sorry to say this and normally this isn't really an issue for me, but I'd be more inclined to your viewpoint if you had spelled " THE" correctly.
  8. Conventional wisdom means a bunch of us idiots on a forum tight?
  9. You know the reason Brees one the job from day 1 is that he was competing with guys like Craig Ehlo for the starting job in San Diego. Flutie might have been there as well but he was like 42 if he was. In other words Brees didnt win a starting job he was handed one.
  10. I hope you were kidding about the success part. Cuz I dont remember no success. lol
  11. Your forgetting Kansas Football is where coaching careers go to die.
  12. Harbaugh isn't gonna leave Stanford to take a job that would be possibly less prestigious then where he's at now. Plus california>>>>>>> Kansas.
  13. Im just glad the Eagles job isn't open Because its always sunny in philadelphia.......
  14. Chad Ochocinco is the man. If I had to choose between a guy like Chad or a guy like Tim Tebow as a teammate I'll take OchoCinco every time.
  15. And thats why the guy we really need to get is Max Hall QB BYU.
  16. Poor Eric Moulds could you imagine his stats if he had managed to get consistent play from his QB's throughout his career. The man was a stud.
  17. Why shouldn't a player be loyal when his team had already signed him to 1 above market contract extension?
  18. Im callin it right now Alabama 56 Texas 13. It's gonna be that ugly.
  19. Way to conveniently ignore the fact that Levy had taken a huge gamble by signing a guy who was a project player to a good sized extension already. Or the fact that all 32 teams had passed on him 7 times. I mean I guess it was to much to ask for loyalty to be a 2 way street huh?
  20. The Jets fan's I know hate Schottenheimers playcalling......with a vengeance.
  21. How did Will Woolford and Howard Ballard get in this conversation?
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