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VADC Bills

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Posts posted by VADC Bills

  1. Everyone cries that we have no depth, but then cries when someone suggests they make that happen. Whaaaatever.

    Agreed. It seems that people want to have depth behind mediocre starters instead of constantly looking to upgrade. Once we upgrade these positions the existing starters become depth.

    Any position that can be upgraded should be if it doesn't break the bank. The priority positions aren't the only ones we should be looking to upgrade.

  2. Yes, even worse, because his problems are all on the field when it counts the most. If you are very good, and help the team win, fans will excuse stuff from your personal life. But you cant be an a-hole on the field, not make plays, and then do stuff that directly loses games. THAT is the definition of poor football character.


    You've never seen anyone here criticize our GMs and FOs? Are you new here?

    I have seen people criticize our GM's And FO but not the character of them.

    Are you saying criminal or bad behavior off of the field is not as bad as on field stupidity???

  3. Poor showing at the combine. 5.09 sec 40, 30.0 in vert, 104.0 in broad jump at 6'1" 248 lbs. Do people still want him with our #41 pick? I just can't see him coming to Buffalo, especially with his character issues, not the kind of guy Nix likes. It seems like this FO wants a guy who knows how to carry themselves not just on the field, but off the field as well.

    It would be nice if he went 3rd or 4th round because he plays like a monster on the field and that's what the GM's will be looking at. Think Brandon Spikes a few years ago. I think Barnett's feedback will be valued here if the Bills are interested and I think they are based on the time spent scouting the school. Character issues...I would like to see the Bills get some talent as opposed to the great character losers that we have been getting. I'm not saying he is the guy but is he any worse character wise than Lynch, Henry, Bruce, or Moulds??? I would have no problem drafting him with a 3rd or 4th. I don't like putting a ton of stock in the combine because they do everything but play football there. It is for people that appreciate the stats more than some of the intangibles of the game. What drills tell how hard someone hits, how well they shed blocks, their ability to cause turnovers, ability to read defenses or react to blitz....

    Are we allowed to question the character of the GM's and FO's that can not produce a winning team but gladly takes money from a solid and loyal fan base?

  4. I wouldn't count Troup out so easily. He has been injured and a back injury is a big concern for a DT, but the guy

    seems to be very dedicated to working out to improve and become a contributing player. He reportedly worked out

    very hard last offseason to become bigger and stronger. If they have corrected his back problem, I am hopeful that

    he can help this team.

    I don't see cutting anyone on the line until we see what Troup and Williams can do. Williams is coming off a foot injury and Troup a back injury. Will they have a full recovery? I didn't consider either player to be so good where we can settle for 90 percent but we do need to see how they have improved before decisions are made. We need to get some better talent on the line via draft or FA as well. When our line was healthy last year we were still giving up to many yards.

  5. Assuming Stevie re signs and Easley and Parrish and Jones (all speed guys, BTW) are 100%, what has changed from last year when Chan/Nix said we were loaded enough at WR tp trade Evans away? I think injuries have an "out of sight, out of mind" effect on the average fan. No WR early in the draft please. We have plenty of them. Lets keep them on the field. That is the problem.

    We lack receivers that attack the ball and that play with speed. It would be great if could find that late in the draft. Free agency may be the way to go but as far as the draft I would address the WR in the rounds where we have extra picks. Look at the small schools, might find some gems there.

  6. Interesting when Kyle Williams is named to the pro bowl as an alternate, he is great but when the same happens to Donte its time for us to be technical about it. Lets face it Donte is a good player but he is no Ed Reed. I agree that he is a "pro bowler" as opposed to an "all pro" but the way he became a pro bowler shouldn't be questioned. I think the fact that ex Bills players are playing better for other teams than they were with Buffalo can be an indictment of the coaching staff. I'm not a Whitner hater as some are, he was the best hitter we had on defense and a solid safety. Now that he has solid LB's in front of him allows him to play at a higher level. I am glad for his success...at the same time I love the safeties we have now. Let's not be angry that former Bills are in situations where they can experience winning, something they never experienced with the Bills.

  7. If Baltimore cuts Evans would anyone like to see him back in Buffalo?


    Not sure how to insert one of those voting things. I would like to see what the majority says. If anyone has the time please do one.

    Yes, he is better than any deep threat that we presently have and he gets the respect of the secondary.

    I think he would be much better on the comeback than Peerless Price was.

  8. Why do I keep seeing these threads? Guys want to keep blowing up our lineup for some maybe players that we're not gonna sign anyway. How about a trade for Cam Newton? Why bring it up when it's not feasible at all? Flynn will be picked up for inflated money by someone promising a shot at a starting job. The Bills invested in Fitzpatrick, paying him #1 money and they have already stated he's the starter. If we get another QB it will be in the draft, not someone expected to compete for a starting role.

    Not sure if Flynn is the guy but whenever we add a player we should look for players the can compete for a starting role. That's the only way teams get better. That's what good teams do. No one should be annointed starter for life unless he has HOF credentials. Why not bring in someone to challenge Fitz. The deal Fitz signed is front loaded and would allow us to pick up or draft a qb that can challenge him. That was the benefit of signing him for the price that they did.

  9. Not for nothing but you do realize Hue Jackson was fired by a black GM right? :wallbash:

    Or was it a smoke screen for Davis? Parody has gotten much better over the years but its not total parody.

    It's nice to see coaches of all races holding hands in the unemployment line after a suck season.

  10. Flynn just made himself some big money with an outstanding performance today....I can see QB needy teams making him a significant offer during the FA period. The Bills won't get in on the bidding as they are foolishly married to the mediocrity that is Fitz.


    Not only are the Bills married to mediocrity, they will purposely put effort into finding a QB not as good as Fitz to be his backup instead of looking for a starter for Fitz to compete with.

    Lets start year 3 of building by the draft.

  11. The only thing I can fault Stevie for is not having a great since of humor. If Chan would get this emotional when his coaches devise a garbage game plan or by the fact that we missed the playoffs again then maybe I would think he has a clue. The fact of the matter is when players score touchdowns they celebrate....this is not the 1970 NFL anymore so lets not assume immaturity when it happens, get over it. I'm surprised by the posters that feel that no one is good enough to be a Buffalo Bill because there was such a display of inappropriateness by having Happy New Year on your shirt..on Jan. 1. I'm sure he will be successful at his next stop if he leaves. I would like to see Chan focus on building a winning philosophy than sweating the stupidly small stuff. Its been so long since we have had a decent team that we have lost focus on what really matters, building a winner without any preconceived conditions like building by the draft. All of the winning teams build any way they can because they are more concerned with producing a winner than how they are building the winner. I can't say we have taken any steps forward this year.

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