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Everything posted by beggar13

  1. I heard that they had him take a breathalyzer and his blood alcohol count registered at 0.0, but his male semen count was through the roof.
  2. This is by far my favorite thread of the day!
  3. If we don't win, I think we are starting the season 0-3, and possibly 0-4. Any confidence that was gained during the preseason will have completely dissipated after that losing streak. People will be calling for Brohm to play QB, players will have lost faith in Gailey, and I think the whole situation will just be beyond ugly. I can't even imagine all the negative posts here if that's the case. If we DO win (and I think we will), the confidence will build. The players will be all in, as well as most of the fans. I really think Sunday's game is going to lay the foundation and shape our team to what it ultimately going to become by week 17. The question is, will it be a team with the first pick overall, or a team that has shocked the rest of the league and finished with a record of at least eight and eight. With all that being said, I am as psyched and nervous about this game as I ever have been in recent memory. Let's hope our team ultimately gets off on the right foot! GO BILLS!!
  4. I was driving through Canton Texas last weekend and saw this sign. Being a huge Bills fan, it instantly caught my eye. CJ...Clemson colors...if you ask me, it is a sign that CJ is going to beat out Ryan Matthews for ROTY honors this year.
  5. Two flaming idiots....what do you expect from a fairy Jets fan anyway?
  6. It's not because I think we are going to have a great season. It's because this is the first time in what seems forever that I just truly don't know what to expect. It's like when you would open you Christmas presents before you got old enough to start looking for them hidden in the attic back in October. I have more optimism going in to this season for some reason because I really believe that we can shock and surprise some people. NO ONE expects a damn thing from the Bills, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Come Sunday after the game, I think we are all going to know real quick what this season has in store for us. Until that time, I am going to let my thoughts run wild with all of the crazy plays Gailey can throw at the Dolphins. If...no, WHEN we beat them, let's all just enjoy every "expert" back track and talk about "Whooaa, the Buffalo Bills come out swinging and tell the rest of the AFC East that this isn't just a three horse race!" GO BILLS!
  7. Gus Johnson rules! His call of the Evans TD in the Jets game from two seasons ago is probably my favorite. I miss Paul Maguire and Mike Patrick. Those guys were first class. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crfYXejxYfI&feature=fvst
  8. I just purchased one from DHGATE last week. When it gets here, I'll let you know how it turned out. Spiller Jersey
  9. Watching Reavis stroll onto the field in the last minutes of Hard Knocks last night made me throw up in my mouth...a lot, not a little, BUT A LOT!!!
  10. I wish I could read the future, because I would want to beat whatever team twice that was the best in our division for this season. Without knowing that, I would say the Pats, mainly because I predict they are going to win the division, and also because I would LOVE to get that monkey off of our back!!
  11. October 9, 1983 -- BILLS WIN IN ORANGE BOWL "The Bills beat the Miami Dolphins 38-35 in overtime for their first victory at the Orange Bowl since 1966. RB Joe Cribbs' one-yard TD reception from Joe Ferguson with 23 seconds left and Joe Danelo's 36-yard FG with 1:02 left in overtime won the game. Miami QB Dan Marino made his first career start in the game." This game is a good one for me because I have a game ball signed by thirteen of the Bills, along with the date and score of the game written on it by the coach. Talk about breaking a losing streak. That is what it will kind of feel like when we finally beat the Pats I think.
  12. If you could sweep any of the three divisional opponents this season, but in turn would be swept by the other two, who would you like to see us beat twice? I seriously have to think about this before I can even answer the question. It's not a yes or no question. I'm saying if it were to happen, which team would you like to see us sweep of the three?
  13. I don't hope for it, but I sure as hell don't shed any tears if it happens either.
  14. Screw the rat. He didn't have the balls to take on a real challenge. I was down on the Gailey hire at first, but right now I'd take him over the rat in a heartbeat. Gailey and company are going to turn heads real quick. I can't wait to see the season unfold.
  15. I trust Gailey. If he's not on the PS, there's a good reason. Does anyone know how much money he will have made total during his NFL career if he never gets picked up by another team or put on a practice squad? Just curious.
  16. Track down Pinto Kenny and the gang and you will have a blast! They are all awesome, and every Bills fan needs to do at least one bowling ball shot at a road game before they die.
  17. I'll take the Bills straight up to win this game and they can keep the points.
  18. Wow, another writer slamming the Bills. How original. He need to come up with some better and more original material.
  19. The one negative in dealing with DHGATE....the communication!! "hi friend, have a good days. are u there? extremely sorry. the stock list made a joke to me. i check the jerseys with the factory, they only have size 48 in stock, i think you will angry, we are also bored with the factory, could u pardon us? could u change size 52 to other jerseys? thank you in advance. looking forward to your reply soon. best regards avatarr" Actually, this could be a positive as it made me kind of laugh. Anyway, I got a chance to grab the old white throwback instead of the current home uni, so I'm glad it turned out this way.
  20. I drafted Shonn Greene and am getting nervous as the show has not mentioned his name once. Agreed!
  21. That's exactly what I was going to say before I read your reply. I had no hope after the Washington game. I have much hope now and am willing to see how far they can go into the season while keeping things interesting. This quite simply is the best time of the year, and I am going to enjoy every second of it as much as possible.
  22. I tried buying a jersey but when trying to pay with two different cards, both times the bank rejected it. Anyone have this happen by chance?
  23. As far as last season went, it could not have been more disheartening for anyone other than Roscoe Parrish. I think that's the thing I love about Gailey most, the fact that he recognizes talent and rewards the player with that talent who applies himself. I am so excited to see Roscoe finally being used in this offense. After the way the coaches treated him last season, I would have sworn they caught Roscoe stealing from their wallets and sleeping with their daughters. I really hope he shines this year. I for one will be wearing his jersey on opening day!
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