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Everything posted by beggar13

  1. Not just cursed, Flutie cursed. I have not heard anyone suggest that (that I can recall). Just odd that I posted that this week and then this guy is talking about Bills fans rumbling about a Flutie curse.
  2. Seems very coincidental for sure!! Article http://www.wellandtribune.ca/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=2772245 Original Post http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/120024-is-it-safe-to-say-we-are-officially-cursed/page__p__1980242__fromsearch__1#entry1980242 I think Bernd Franke is a follower on the board!
  3. I think so. If that be the case, when would have the curse started and what would have been the cause? I am going to go ahead and call it the Flutie curse. Right after Wade screwed Flutie over by bencing him in favor of Rob Johnson, we immediately had the most heart breaking loss imaginable (just behind Super Bowl XXV). Since that time, we have not even sniffed the playoffs. Seems like a fairly legit to me curse to me. I say we get Flutie to Buffalo, slap his name on the WOF, and then sacrifice a virgin, or a goat, (or maybe even a virgin goat) just for good measure. That move pissed off the football Gods to no ends and we need collectively perform some sort of act of attrition to make things right.
  4. Fitz won't be great, but just like last season he will make the games more exciting by taking some shots down the field.
  5. I have pondered this question for many, many years. It seems like the answer depends on the scenario, like what if they go to Toronto VS LA, or do they keep the name and logo or start fresh? I don't think I will truly know the answer to this question until I am actually forced to have to answer it. I have been a life long Bills fan. My old man grew up in Buffalo and my Grandparents died there. I have seen the play around 15 times in person (only twice in Buffalo). With all that being said, if they move to LA, I would like to root for the Texans. It would be perfect. They are an exciting team. It's a three and a 1/2 hour drive for me, so I could even get season tickets. There's only one problem..... I can't make myself fall in love with them like I have loved the Bills my whole life. If I could pay someone to brainwash me and make me forget I was ever a Bills fan and make me believe I love the Texans, I might have to seriously consider signing up for that. God, my life would be so much easier. But I guess life being a Bills/Sabres fan isn't supposed to be easy. I wish it was. I feel like a beaten spouse who is blindly in love with a person who verbally abuses her and destroys her self worth, yet can't bring herself to leave that person. I am rambling, I know. Bottom line. I am stuck being a fan for life (or at least until they cease to reside in Buffalo). What happens if that day ever comes? How many of you will follow them to another city? How many of you will follow another team? How many of you will just quit being a fan of any team and just do your best to enjoy fantasy football?
  6. I know the computer tracks certain crap about you, but it's just freaky. I can't imagine this is showing up on everyone's Yahoo FF page.
  7. With a little bit of KY jelly, I bet you would fit nicely up my ass. I CAN'T FREAKIN' WAIT!!!!!
  8. Kenny is what being a true fan is all about. God bless the man.
  9. Just wanted to let everyone know I got three jerseys from DHGATE and they are flawless. Two home and one road classic. Could not be happier.
  10. I love Marv like I love one of my own grandparents. You should be smacked repeatedly for not appreciating all of the joy he was in part responsible for bringing us in the late 80s' / early to mid 90s'. Why don't you go kick you dog for a while instead of posting asinine commentary.
  11. All I can say is try living in Texas and wearing Bills jerseys around town. People don't talk trash. They instead look at you with pity. If that's not embarrassing and infuriating, I don't know what is. People are like "Why are you a Bills fan?" It's like I have a choice or something. They are my team and always will be, end of story. The only question I have is, what do I do with my tattoo after they leave?
  12. I respectfully disagree. If it was a bad game in any other way, I would agree, but it was a carbon copy effort of what we have seen for the majority of the past two seasons. It is the 3-4. If Trent has not learned how to play against it now, he never will. It's just the same repetitive crap week in and week out.
  13. Being a fan of such a bad team for so long has really deluded my joy for the NFL in general. About two or three years ago I started tuning out during the playoffs. I just didn't care to watch other teams continue to be successful when my team appears to have trouble even tying their own shoe laces. Hell, now I'm just tuning out of football in general after our game. It just hurts even more watching teams play that actually know HOW TO PLAY THE GAME!! All I think to myself is "Why can't my team do that?!?!" I just wonder what they are going to ruin next for me. Perhaps my love of Buffalo Wings, or rubbing one out on a late Sunday afternoon. All I know is that Bills fans are truly cursed. I think we must inherently be bad people at heart and God made us Bills fans as a way to punish us for being that way. Sorry. Monday morning rant. I just had hoped things would be different this morning. Hell, at least living in Texas I get to laugh at the the Cowgirls fans!! Hahahahahahahaha...........
  14. I was hoping to see them try to get Spiller the ball through the air a little bit more. All I know is that starting him this week on my fantasy team will cost me a win unless Shonn Green can manage to gut 15 points tonight (which is not going to happen against the Ravens D).
  15. I am done with him. He has ruined more of my Sunday's than I care to think about. Trying and failing is one thing, but being to scared to try at all is more than I can stand.
  16. Why can't they look like they did in preseason? This just sucks.
  17. Has anyone heard one for this season? I checked the audio vault and did not find anything. I'm not even sure who did them or if they still work there, but it was always one of my favorite things to look forward to every week.
  18. There is definitely something to be said for quiet confidence.
  19. We FINALLY have a REAL star on our team!! Who was the last one? Honestly, I'm stuggling to think of who the last legit star was, and I'm talking top shelf...no on the downside of his career Bledsoe's
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