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b stein 22

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Everything posted by b stein 22

  1. Thank you for stating the obvious. I think every bills fan knows that we have sucked the past 11 years.
  2. i still want luck even though Fitz had a great day.
  3. I root for whats best for this team. I think we need a star player and what better way to get one by getting the first pick in the draft.
  4. I wonder how many more views he got because of South Park. He should be honored that he was on SOuth PArk.
  5. I know that, but they wanted to fool the fans to think that they are actually trying to win. Fans wanted the 3-4 because the defense sucked. The bills organization knew that they did not have the personnel to run the 3-4 and they still did it anyway. Russ Brandon is just fooling all of you into believing that we are actually moving forward and trying to win. Until we get a new owner we are never going to go to the playoffs again.
  6. What if Russ Brandon forced Chan to get a coach that uses the 3-4. So they can fool the fan base and get them to buy more season tickets.
  7. They moved to a 3-4 to please the fans. Russ Brandon is a marketing genius.
  8. I watched that play again. It looked like Donte did not even notice it until it was to late. He was following the outside route and as soon as the QB threw the ball he tried getting to Megatron, but it was to late. I dont know if he was supposed to cover him, but it did look like he made an mistake.
  9. His hand got stepped on and is swelled up. He wants to play on Sunday. http://blogs.buffalobills.com/2010/11/15/fitzs-throwing-hand-wrapped/
  10. As a baseball player he would still be employed. Also Andy Reid did not play Donovan McNabb his first year so maybe they are just not ready to play yet.
  11. haha i !@#$ed up thanks for correcting me.
  12. We play the steelers and patriots. It does not matter who wins. The teams both of us play will have the same win-loss record.
  13. Yes I want to fire him, but its not going to happen. So just give him the year. He will help to secure the first pick in the draft.
  14. dallas looks like they might win so its us against the panthers.
  15. spiller in locker room with injury. he was walking ok though.
  16. I played with your heart. GOT lost in the game. Oh baby bay. **** you got the song stuck in my head !@#$. LOL by the way.
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