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Everything posted by fansince88

  1. Huh? That is a crappy answer and I want asking you anyway. I was asking someone I wanted to have a conversation with. I will wait for @Buftex to answer.
  2. Can you give me an example of where he has not won on a deal with other nations? Then give me the examples of when he did win. They far far outweigh them.
  3. I find it kind of funny the only real NFL covid story is that a Seahawks player smuggled a woman in.
  4. WOW! Didnt know about this impostor. Is this Tibs?
  5. I have not, but have you looked into the "conversation" of the Flu shot causing a lower resistance to the virus?
  6. This is why I want NYC and NYS separated. We don't have the same ideology
  7. Love how you type out "I cant explain it" by saying I'm not bright. Your reply disqualifies you.
  8. This confirms this how? Please do explain....Hint, read the article that is all about the Canadian people not want Us and Canadian people intermingling due to the Virus rather then just type to .99 reply
  9. How does this play into your rhetoric moron? "While the border closure has had significant economic and personal repercussions for the millions of people that live along it or have loved ones on the other side, the vast majority of Canadians want it to stay shut. A July poll by Ipsos Reid found that eight in ten Canadians wanted the border to stay closed until at least the end of 2020." https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53742684
  10. Wait for it.......Gotta be some back peddling soon
  11. Never remove doubt. NEVER! If they are asking they may be wondering themselves.
  12. Hauschka may keep it but if he does Tyler will be an untouchable on the squad.
  13. Why not give him an extension as it is and leave well enough alone
  14. So he is guilty and he knows it. Furthermore he now gets squeezed, (or already was squeezed), and the plea was negotiated?
  15. Like it @GunnerBill Might be tough in a preseason like we see but with the ST and versitility of FB/TE what would you think of swapping Patrick DiMarco FB Reggie Gilliam FB as you have them? Watch for them to stash Reggie on the PS for a movement towards youth. As I said, hard to call with the limited showing in this season.
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