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Everything posted by lvbillzfan

  1. When will you people realize that sports reporters are clowns. Whatever they say or write means nothing. Sometimes they are right and sometimes they are wrong -- just like the rest of the world. Why do you put stock in anything they say. I have two eyes. I can see what is going on. Why do I need their input?
  2. They would need to surgically remove the hanger out of my mouth.
  3. Offense -- Rob Johnson (Worst QB ever) Defense -- Leif Larsen (Wasn't he in Rocky IV)
  4. I live in Las Vegas. People out west worship their cars, money and weather. People in Buffalo worship their families and friends. It is no contest.
  5. Man, wouldn't it be great to hit big on our next QB. Everything stems from that. We haven't had that in a long time.
  6. How can we judge our receivers? We haven't had a QB in I don't know how long. Look how Viking receivers are all of the sudden great (and the Colts rookies as well). They have superstar QB's. Our receivers are fine. It has been the bad schemes and bad QB play that has been the problem.
  7. I'm not usually a stat guy, but that is interesting. I like stats that actually say something.
  8. Sorry, but you should have left the word "enjoy" out of that. Enjoy and Ralph should never be in the same sentance.
  9. Thanks for posting that. Pretty cool. I could watch that a thousand times and I have a big smile on my face every time.
  10. It's funny. We are all quick to say who we want as GM, or who our next coach or QB should be. We criticize Ralph. We point out how bad our OL is. We have no direction in our front office. We need upgrading at every single position on our team. We don't even know if we will have a team in a few years. It goes on and on. Yesterday, I stepped back for a minute to look at it objectively. We are an absolute mess. Why would anyone take a head coaching job here. Why would any free agent want to come here. Why would anyone want to hear his name called by the Bills on draft day. I sure wouldn't. This is sad.
  11. I am going to have to disagree with you a little. We are drafting talented guys. Most of our players were very good college players. They were all top prospects coming out of college. I believe our organization has had absolutely zero direction the past several years. It starts with Ralph, goes down to the front office and then finally the coaching staff. If you ask me, when you are that weak in those areas, the players don't have a chance to succeed.
  12. DREAM - We get someone who has done great things in the NFL. REALITY - We get mediocrity.
  13. That was the first name I thought of. He's built a team before.
  14. EXCUSES - EXCUSES - EXCUSES !!! That's all we do. Injuries, dropped passes, guys playing different positions, poor coaching, poor line play .... We have a TERRIBLE organization from the owner to the GM to the head coach to the coordinators. How can we expect to see good football on Sundays. It can't happen. In fact it is impossible. Get ready to see this continue as Shannahan, Holmgren, Cowher and the rest see our situation and run away as fast as they can.
  15. There are exactly zero free agents available besides these two (Vick and Pennington). 1- I would take either of them (maybe out of desperation). 2- We really should go in the direction of a rookie - bite the bullet and bring him along with a good head coach and coordinator. The problem is that we are so gun shy as fans. We all feel like we will pick the wrong guys (coach and QB) and set us back another few years.
  16. Why does everyone think it's one thing? We have problems with (let's start from the top): 1-Head coach 2-Offensive coordinator 3-Scheme 4-Quarter Back 5-Offensive Line Am I leaving anything out?
  17. Great coaching today. That was the difference: Bomb to T.O to put them away (instead of safe runs). Attitude in the 4th qtr. When was the last time we saw that?
  18. Great coaching today. Bomb to T.O. to put it away. Instead of safe runs. Attitude in the 4th qtr. is something we haven't seen in years.
  19. Didn't everyone say Dungy and Manning couldn't win the big one a while back. You have to get to the playoffs first to have a chance to win it. Marty is not my first choice, but we need to build from the ground up. He would at least make us legit fairly quickly.
  20. I don't think anyone gets it. We have chaged QB's, linemen, linebackers, secondary... 10 times this decade. THAT is not our problem. We have the wrong people making the decisions. No player will help this team. We need a new front office (GM, head coach, and new directors) in order to move forward. People always say things like how do these teams "find" these players (Harrison from Pittsburgh or Sanders from Indy are examples). The Steelers and Colts didn't "find" them, they made them great players just like what the Patriots, Cowboys, Eagles etc. do over and over again.
  21. TRUST YOUR EYES. Don't over think this. We have all seen Trent play enough games to know he is not an NFL QB. It's not even a debate. Just the fact that Fitz throws VERTICALLY and not HORIZONTALLY should get him on the field.
  22. I'd like to see all 4, but I'll say "C" because that is the thing that will help us the LEAST. We are a lost cause.
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