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Logical Reasoning

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Everything posted by Logical Reasoning

  1. Chris Brown noted in a report that Levi Brown has one of the better arms in camp and he is catching on to the offense which is great news, but, if that is in fact the case, we need to keep him off the practice squad without question. Should we keep him out of the preseason games so none of the other teams can see him? or It does not matter because one of the other three will be cut and we will keep three on the active roster? Some draft guys had him pretty high.
  2. Hangartner did a good (not great) job against Wilfork in both Pats games. He is serviceable and, yes, he does need to get his snaps up a bit on shotgun but that does not make him a joke.
  3. If Wood and Levitre can stay healthy and we can keep them with a second contract, that is two out of five offensive lineman that can be checked off the list down the line. I think Wood has more potential but that is not an insult to Levitre in any way.
  4. Shoulda, woulda, coulda; but the oline would be less of a topic if we kept the guy who started two days after coming here and played fairly well. He would have been cheaper and healthier than Pitts. Another one of those things where you're not sure of the direction that seems right before you but is not taken advantage of but makes you hope and say things in your head like "oh, they know what they are doing". Their track record isn't so promising though.
  5. I need to admit in my response to you that I have neither seen the movie or read the book "The Blind Side" but the concept is obvious and simple. However, I don't agree with it at all. Any defensive coordinator worth a darn will hit the weakest part of the offensive line with a run or pass blitz whether the player is a c, a g or a t. In fact, I would argue that with more teams going to the 3-4 defense, the guard and center are more valuable than before because their speed and quickness to get to the linebacker level on runs becomes key and blitzes come just as much up the middle as they do from the outside although I will say that the potential for an injury may be greater certainly from the blind side than from another. Don't make a strength a weakness because it may be more important. If we had a weakness at corner which could be argued is more important than safety, I wouldn't move Byrd over there. I would maintain my strength in an area. Same thing with Wood. I am not disagreeing as much offering a consideration.
  6. The Bills have not made the playoffs in over a decade and the Bills are the sexy team to criticize it seems in the media. This guy is saying nothing different.
  7. The drug of the four superbowls and the incredible excitement during those regular seasons and prior to that with the Cleveland loss got me. So close so many times and I am from here and live here.
  8. Success or failure should never hinge on one player but the health of Eric Wood will be an important variable in the offensive equation for the upcoming season. Never have the critics fed upon the Bills like they have during this offseason and besides the position of quarterback there has been no other position which has met with the criticism like the o line. It is not as though there is not some justification, but the same questions were being asked last year but most especially before the first NE game and our Bills line held their own against the Pats in a game we all know we should have won. Hangartner is ok and can hold his own against Wilfork and Jenkins and Levitre was fine and actually improved during the season. Wood was getting better every week and looked to become dominating. He can solidify the middle and provide a push. If he is healthy and can stay healthy a mediocre offensive line can become a non-factor which is neither good or bad but it will at least not be the reason for wins or losses which most Bills fans would gladly take.
  9. Agreed on different prior scenerios. Have to find ways of misdirection with the three backs, Parrish in slot and Evans deep. Spread out everyone for mismatches.
  10. Troupe, Carrington and Maybin will play big parts in our success or failure.
  11. The quickness and elusiveness of Roscoe, if used properly, either with reverses, fake reverses can or make up your own play can be the straw that adds a bit more to the camels back for defensive coordinators playing the bills. The Bills lacking talents can no longer be used as an excuse if Roscoe, CJ, Marshawn, Jackson, and Evans are put in situations that can take advantage of their skills.
  12. They also showed him against Mich and he looked like he struggled a bit against the de/lb who was a high draft projection. In that game, the Iowa offense had three rushing yards in the first half, but he did not look any worse/better than Bulaga and Calloway is signed.
  13. There is no question that the relationship that Jauron had with his players was solid. We heard it over and over again how the player wanted to play hard for him but was the relationship too close. Belicheck's players don't seem to care too much for him personally but it appears as though they believe what he is saying and at this point he has proven that his game plans work and will end up obtaining victories more often than not. Same thing with all of the hall of fame coaches like Noll, Landry, Madden and even Levy. Marv was smart enough to just shut up and let the Kelly run the offense and it worked. Same with Shula and Marino. Jimmie Hairspray failed the fish when he tried run the ball more than pass and the team shut him out like the players at the end of the game in Hoosiers were in disbelief when coach was going to use Chitwood as a decoy. Whatever Gailey is planning with the offense, it should be improved by the simple fact that the defense should (should) not be able to know what we are going to do prior to the snap which seemed to have been the case especially during the last couple of years. However, the players may say they believe in what he is doing but like James Hardy noted in a recent interview, this is the third offense in the last three years. They have without question the best set of running backs in the league when you include Spiller and he alone is very scary for defensive coordinators. If someone from the media was to ask a random offensive or defensive player if they believed in the offensive system Gailey is implementing or the 3-4 defensive scheme the honest answer should be no because nothing has happened to prove his knowledge. Like any faithful Bills fan, our days live on hope and anticipation of greater things. Let's hope the players this year do as well.
  14. There is a debt owed by the Ravens linebackers to their front which has included over time Siragusa, Ngata and others who keep the linemen off them so they can run free and make plays. The Bills are not there yet but it will be interesting to see what Troupe can do to help this. The defensive lineman make the linebackers like the qb makes the receivers.
  15. This attitude/thought process isn't any different than any other first round choice at this point. We have to read through the rhetoric on this.
  16. No one is really sure about what is going to happen with qbs right now except Gailey and I have always been a Edwards guy, but I want to put some positive kudos in the Fitz direction because he seems to be the odd man out. Solid game against the Indy backups and threw touchdowns to Evans with alot of conviction against the Panthers and the Jets at big moments of the game. What really impressed me, however, was the blocks downfield on an off tackle to Lynch that should have been a five yard gain but his block made it a thirty yard plus gain and he did the same thing against the dolphins and he ran for a touchdown too. The primary job of a qb is to throw and not to block but it tells me that his head is really in the game and he understands what it takes to win and is willing to sacrifice his body to do it. Edwards may be more talented and may get the starting job at qb but his overall "football awareness" is not as good as Fitz's.
  17. Don't mean to make light of your post but they are all important. You appear ready for a fight when/if it comes, but they only play 16 of them and the difference between playoffs and not is usually not more than one game.
  18. You make a great point. He wasn't that great when he was healthy.
  19. Agree on Cody and Cam Thomas regarding Troupe. Defensive secondary is very good which will help the defensive running game. Your points are valid.
  20. I think it would have made a nice addition to keep Incognito. He started after two practices and held his own pretty well.
  21. A good running game is complemented by a good passing game. The Oilers were stacked at running back with Pinkett and White and could barely get past the first round of the playoffs.
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