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Everything posted by liverpoolkev

  1. Oh , you mean like Rothlesberger who is raping people left and right .........How many more screw ups he will get before we crazy that we have a Rapist on a NFL team . Rothelesberger has two rape strikes against him are you worried that he will be gone too.........I didn't think so..
  2. Because he don't rape drunk girls in a Bathroom like Rothlisberger.........................Marshawn plays hard behind a terrible line last year unlike kelsay, schoebal
  3. Tiger don't have to RAPE a drunk college Girl ..................... I say arrest this RAPIST now. if Marshawn can get 4 weeks for what he did ...Big ben The RAPIST should get at least that unless we have a DOUBLE STANDARD.................I could imagine this board If it was D.Mcnabb or Mick Vick we would have a different outlook at the rape then , from the DA in Georgia , news coverage , and people on this board ......................
  4. Really he is guilty because his dumb self put himself in that postion.....................here we want to demonize Vick or Marshawn for there transgressions but you want to give Rothlesburger a " l have no idea , what happened to innocent until proven guilty crap. He should have known better he is only a Superbowl winning QB that was charged with the same thing only 9 months ago........................................Any one that try to defend this Rapist better not say about Vick or Marshawn
  6. I dont think Marshawn did anything other than being a 24 yr old . Now if he had been accused of Raping two people in different parts of the country and the only reason that he wasnt being prosecuted because the security tape is missing I would be very concerned ..............................Oh wait that is not Marshawn thats Rothlisberger who was accused of Rape twice should I think that because Rothelisberger comes from a certain area that he should always be thought of as a RAPIST......Hummmmm Marshawn had a gun Rothlisberger accused of RAPE twice in less than a Year...........FOCUS PEOPLE FOCUS
  7. Big Ben is a RAPIST plain and simple .and should be suspended If that was Vick this board we be on fire ......He has nothing on Marshawn lynch
  8. Of course I watch Texas play , with all that talent he havent won crap and him trying to throw in the NORTH EAST , Buffalo weather Winter you can forget about it . Texas players are generally mentally weak except maybe ORAKPO
  9. Vick jersey will sell off the shelves once he starts. He will do the things that our other choices will never be able to do n their dreams . Do you think Kordell Stewart was a better passer than Vick or better Passer. No he isnt but he was still feared. That is what Chan Gailey wants in a QB. He wants a QB that will put the fear in the Defenses. How do you think Opposing Defenses' is going to Rush us with Vick back there compared to any of your choices ? . They dont want to be Vicks highlight reel meaning they will be passive compared to any one you think should go back there.
  10. Bravo that was great.........These funny fans would rather take a chance and Waste a draft pick on clausen, tebow (delivery that had to be changed a month before draft who was terrible on his wonderlick and has to be worked with for years because he isnt ready) or weak arm brittle colt mccoy from Texas( you might as well keep T.E.) or Jason Campell (who put fear in no one) enough said. This draft focus on Defense / O.line to make it dominant get Vick cheap which will put fear in the AFC east and if he dont work out at least one side of the Ball will be fortified. Next year QB draft class would have Bradford the 3rd best QB. So if we need a QB get it next year.
  11. That just let you know how bad our talent is....The funny thing is you got some people who really think that he was some sort of Big Loss .........................
  12. You know what, I think most phones can take photos. So until we can see pics dont start this Bull. A picture is worth a 1000 words
  13. You can't be that dumb......You must be snorting that Glen Beck,Quitter Palin , koolaide......Non-liberals spent like druken sailors ..... slept around like hound dogs on their wives ask Vitter from Lousiana or ensign from Nevada or worst yet play with little boys like you favorite conservative from Idaho...........................You don't dare try to put this crisis on this President when the past President couldnt keep me safe with the 911 attacks then send my family off to Iraq when the person who planned 911(Bin Laden) was in Afghanastan......under this President we capture or eliminated more taliban then the past President did in 7 years.......I am not even going to get into my 401 k turning into 101k because of the past President..............................You lost your mind if you going to try to blame this on President Obama. I seen what Bush did to this country.. too bad you didn't open your mouth when busch was the country..............................Sorry for calling you dumb but don't bring your Fox (people thats not from our country that does nothing but lie) commentary on this site try to stick to sports.......Thanks....... Bye the way its a great game ......Go USA
  14. Good....... out with the trash .....another person that couldn't stay healthy. He will not be missed ......... Let the purge continue......next up kelsay / schoebal......all soft players along with players that can't stay healthy keep it moving
  15. Hell No!!!!! schobel and kelsay is a total of 14 million of waste .......they can get a look at a price of a million at the most......schobel is no way worth 8 million /yr...... kelsay is not worth 5 million/yr.................thats why you trade or release them ..............
  16. And yet he stays hurt.......He cant stay on the field enough
  17. Heck good thing we have competent Personnel people ................Those choices looks like some crap that littman,brandon,overdorf would choose ..................we dont need a noddle arm immobile QB coming off a shouder injury and Chris Redman we already have that in Brohm...............talking about trying to waste the Bills money .......is that you Russ trying again to get substandard help again..........
  18. I am glad someone from the outside has given Schoebal some credit .....Now we might have a chance to get something in a Trade for this 8 million terrible against the run want to be defensive end......................8 million ....lets get a player or draft pick and save some money....................
  19. If both are available THEN both will be used .............................................Stupid is hiring a guy that dont have a clue as to what his defensive philosophy will be and can't get the personel or staff to implement it . THATS STUPID
  20. Then You woke up from your wet dream.....................your old... good ole boy wet dream ................by the way Who is our D-coordinator again ? exactly ...................Looks like good ole boy Buddy forgot an interview question huh ? What kind a staff can you put together ? Do you have a short list Chan ? What defensive direction do you want to go in ? good answer Chan . We will hire you and we will wait to after the Senior Bowl to figure out your Defense philosopy and D-coordinator because they dont need to see the potential draft picks ..................................ARE YOU PEOPLE SERIOUS ........WE BEEN IN A SEARCH FOR A COACHING STAFF SINCE NOVEMBER AND THIS IS ALL WE CAN COME UP WITH.................................DUMB & DUMBER
  21. What else was he is going to say ............he wants to be on the bills payrol of course he isnt going to rail like he would if he didnt want to be part of the Bils organization........................Nothing more than what chris brown does ..........hard to be critical of someone that is paying you
  22. You guys do know that Marv was nothing more than overdorf,brandon,littman prop.....................it was those three yes men that ruined this franchise with no revolt because they have their figure head to get blamed ...........until we get rid of those three, which will only come with new ownership ,we will continue to see these so called good teachers instead of good football Coordinators or coaches..............
  23. You would suck too when you have Bret at 40 throwing across his body & doing the same stupid stuff he did all of his career. Adrian fumbling over and over . I am surprised that Frasier keep them in the game to win that.....Damn his defense was tough. To Bad, Farve killed them, I can imagine the moans by the Viking fans when there is only 12 seconds left and Bret tries to be Superman instead of throwing the ball away ......................Nice Job Frazier
  24. No, Chan Gailey is a Football Man plain and simple......................If he wants to have problems due to his so called deeply rooted self due to scripture he should become a preacher. I am sure joel olsteen could use some help fleecing his flock. ....lol......
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