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Clip Smith

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Everything posted by Clip Smith

  1. GAME STATUS POST Selling: Sell 0 shares of N/A at N/A Buying: Buy 8000 shares of CRYP at 0.85 Current Portfolio: Following Buy/Sell above, now holding in portfolio: 8000 shares of CRYP at 0.85 Cash: $ 5605.60 Total Current Value of Portfolio: $12,405.60
  2. thank you sir! I don't think I'll be out too long, but with silver at $35 and stops at $200 on the ETF, I figured it was a good round lot to cash in for a while. I would re-enter in the $31.50 to $32.50 range depending how things go. If Gold keeps going to $1500 it should pause, but Silver could be at $38 then. Wacky stuff going on.
  3. GAME STATUS POST Buying: Buy 0 shares of N/A at N/A Selling: Selling 62 shares of AGQ at 197.93 purchased @159.13 Current Portfolio: Following Buy/Sell above, now holding in portfolio: 0 shares of N/A at N/A Cash: $12,405.60 Total Current Value of Portfolio: $12,405.60
  4. Don't let me ruin it for you. I am only logged on today because I am home sick. I probably won't check this for another month.
  5. You're cool. Hey, I'm in a fund leveraged 3x. That's not grandma and orphan material either. It's really no fun with 3 people. For all the grandstanding that happens on this board, I figured 100 people would enter. I guess it's easier to Monday Morning Quarterback.
  6. I just looked at the thread....I count 3 of us? I didn't say you were cheating. I didn't even know if you understood what you were buying. If you did, then you know you had a virtual risk free purchase. If you didn't, now you know. Silver is going to be very volatile, I agree.
  7. It is an open ended fund. the price shown is the closing trade for yesterday. Oil is up 5% on the day, so if you take the net asset value of the holdings of the fund, the price at the time of trade is probably in the range of $73-75. It will be reflected tomorrow. Also, a fund like this requires a $25K investment and a 1% fee if redeemed in less than a year. There are plenty of closed end ETFs that trade for a fair value. I'm not saying he understood this when making his trade, and really, I don't care. I just figured this was a game of showing off skill and not manipulating loopholes. If I want to win a Kindle, I'll go all in on a never traded penny stock on Dec. 30th, and buy 1000 shares in the real market on the 31st for $30 to double the price overnight. No biggie. I won't accept the prize if I win anyway.
  8. Really???? Would you like to buy some insurance on the World Trade Towers on September 12th as well?
  9. Not to mention AIG and GM being celebrated as "success" stories after taxpayers gave them a few hundred billion dollars. But we can't have Guido and Vinnie offering 4 points on the Jets this Sunday. That's a tragedy.
  10. Here's the deal....Bills fans liked him because he played hard and spoke his mind. He was a great interview, because he didn't know when to shut his mouth. He was a nice player that had a peak of 2 or 3 years when everything was clicking around him. I respect him for his work ethic and his no-nonsense attitude, but in reality he was not a difference maker. If the Bills were the Sabres, Bruce Smith was Pat LaFontaine, Biscuit was Mogilny, and Talley was Doug Bodger.
  11. Some student you are......can't even spell his name! B.Smith Kelly T.Thomas Bennett Wolford A.Reed Hull Lofton Conlan Tally If Darryl Tally can tell me who the 10th best player on the 1960 Houston Oilers was off the top of his head, maybe he has a point.
  12. Looks like the NFLPA doesn't include a pharmacy plan for it's retirees.
  13. The guy is obviously nuts. Politics aside. He could have just as easily rented a Uhaul truck and driven it through the parking lot at 60MPH into the line of people and did the same amount of damage. It isn't a gun issue either. By some trying to lay blame on a certain faction of people only justifies those same people to harden their stance and trust even less. Over the weekend there are probably 20 other crazy people that have murdered someone or multiple people. They just didn't happen under one roof or involve a member of congress.
  14. OJ has always been known to take time out and try and be the best to kids. He tells a story of how he was a kid and was shunned by a top baseball player who was a family friend. He was embarassed in front of all his friends and always remembers that encounter when a kid says something to him or can use a pick me up. I once saw him get flagged down by a hotel bellhop who said he named his son after OJ. OJ got on the hotel phone and called the kid at home to talk to him. If you are a dude, a kid, or a female between 0-16 and 40+, there is usually nothing bad said about him.
  15. I'm glad you said that about Sharpe. I once saw him blow off a little kid in a total casual football event where you would expect fan interaction. There was nobody else asking him, and everyone else of the 30 players or so were very cordial. Sharpe just kept a poker face and ignored the kid who had to be 11 or 12. I don't like being the first to call a guy a douche, but if I have confirm from someone else, I'll spill.
  16. If you've never done blow, and want to kill 2 birds with one stone....you've chosen the correct task.
  17. This is very nice of you. I don't expect to win, so I will throw some hail marys out there. GAME STATUS POST Selling: Sell 0 shares of N/A at N/A Buying: Buy 62 shares of AGQ at 159.13 Current Portfolio: Following Buy/Sell above, now holding in portfolio: 62 shares of AGQ at 159.13 Cash: $ 133.94 Total Current Value of Portfolio: $10,000
  18. Ralph already gave away tons of tickets to local charity for pennies on the dollar.
  19. Russ made Ralph an offer he couldn't refuse.
  20. Or the three guys that he requested to be in the room with him and his wife........
  21. 10 years ago stuff like this would mean resignation. Now, in just the past 48 hours we have Stevie Johnson's Johnson and the Ryan's meet Dr Scholl. At the end of the season there needs to be a sexual misconduct all-pro team. Right now Favre and Ryan are MVPs.
  22. Good to see a few serious posts. I like the spirit behind the idea....but it will be almost impossible to pull off even with resolve. What happens when you need to travel, or end up stranded somewhere for a few days? Not to mention just an average social life where one would go out a few times a month, if not per week. I think resolve will get you through the first 3 weeks to turn it into a routine, then you have some momentum going.....but I can't see this going past March without failure, be it voluntary or not. I've had just the opposite idea. I wanted to go to 3 places a day in Buffalo and order their chicken wings, then at the end of the year have a book ready to go ranking the top 1000 places in Buffalo to get chicken wings with reviews. I think it would sell, could even do a blog, but my cholesterol would be 537 and my TP budget would triple.
  23. I am sure there is no way you plan on really doing this, but if for some reason you did, you will probably become so sick in 3-4 months that you will be forced to stop. The iron and folic acid levels alone will do enough damage to your stomach and circulatory system. It will take a little while to build up, but it will. Your liver will just love the constant diet of iron and alcohol. Your kidneys should love it as well once the combo of dehydration and possible CHF take hold. Now if you are young, your heart may only throw PVC's....and you won't freak out too much.....but then again if you are young, the amounts of folate in your body, which regulate cell division by the way, will be so high that it may even short that process out....increasing your cancer risks multi-fold. And if you so happen to have a tumor develop, that will help feed the tumor growth. It will make for an awesome blog though as you are crapping charcoal into a hospital bedpan. Enjoy your quest!
  24. Even a month ago, Ralph gave away and offered for peanuts, tons of tickets to local charities. I've heard from a few of the big local ones that staff and patients are going to the game because of it.
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