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Everything posted by BillsCelticsAngelsBama

  1. I was just doing that but then my imagination got out of control and I saw Langston Walker get knocked on his a$$ and the DE tackling Adrian Peterson and Peterson being taken off on a stretcher.
  2. 5 years 25 million./ 10 million guaranteed. $100.00 bonus for every interception up to 15 each season, if my sources can be replied upon. Just Kidding. It couldn't be much (Let's hope)
  3. I will say the Bills take CB- Chris Houston from Arkansas
  4. Have you not heard of Langston Walker ..... $25 million worth of impact! Actually, I am feeling good that we'll get one or two impact players before the season starts. Hang in there. The Bills are going in the right direction !
  5. Would this include ex-Cal O-lineman Langston Walker ? Hope L.S.I. isn't in the house ! I think the Pac-10 produces a lot more pros and isn't as weak as is the perception. I know they are not in the same league as the SEC but it would be interesting to see how many pros are from which conference. I think they compare very favorably with the Big 12 and the Big 10(1). Someone with more time, patience and less kids, could check that out.
  6. I think the HuddleReport has a value /trade chart. Unfortunately it is blocked while I am here at work. I guess what you are suggesting is what pick could we get if we packaged our 2nd round pick and one of our third rounders ?
  7. Minor point but I think Leinart went #10. I agree with gflande1 that someone would make a move (GB/NYG?) to grab him before #12. We may already have a guy in mind with #12 (Willis,Okoye, C. Houston,Lynch) and that would make it interesting if the unexpected happened and he dropped.
  8. Lynch is a completely different style back who pounded defenders. I think he would be outstanding. I think we shouldn't forget there is more than one round in the draft. If Lynch is their top player at #12... take him. Every player of the defense still needs an upgrade and it seems there is no depth whatsoever at linebacker and cornerback. But that doesn't necessitate that in the first round you don't go for your highest rated player. Hell, the Bills may have Lynch rated #1 on their list or #31... who's to say. The draft should be very interesting this year.
  9. Unfortunately, did more than I should have and this caused me to miss my opportunity to be an outstanding second-string safety at a junior college. I'm sure they'll be making a documentary on my tragic life soon.
  10. Oh you're so negative about the coming season! The savior has come to Buffalo and his name is Langston Walker! We don't have to worry about our defense as we will probably rarely have to punt, given our OL additions.
  11. Do we know what their "thinking" is on A. Peterson ? He may be #1 on their list or #11, Who's to say? That is what makes the draft so intriguing, in my opinion.
  12. Hey, bro, I just viewed your profile and saw you are 18. I was born the same year as the Bills (1960) and was just as gung-ho as you at this age. Didn't mean to offend, just having fun, and by the way I hope you are right !!!
  13. Thought I could get a rise out of you, Marv. You stay up awfully late! Don't want to get another controversy going but when you continue talk about the three GREAT lineman we just picked up.... well c'mon
  14. I'll be gone out of the country at this time next year so I thought I'd put out the post now so no one would beat me to it !
  15. This thread has me pumped. I think Josh Reed is going to win the rushing title this year !!
  16. Yes, very interested ! Can he be at the house at 6:oo a.m. on Saturday to help move furniture? My son is moving out this weekend
  17. Congrats ! How long was the line to get those J. Whittle and L. Walker jerseys ?
  18. I use and love sarcasm as much as anybody but your sarcasm comes off as being a person with a very sorry life. Your sarcasm is missing one thing... humor... Bottom line ..figure it out... YOU'RE NOT FUNNY
  19. Then "character" describes Marshawn Lynch, as those of us on the West Coastwho saw him play can attest. Not saying he is a must take, the Bills would know much better than us, but this guy was a real gamer and gave his heart in to the game. If the Bills do get him what you will see is a guy fighting for that extra yard. He is a football player !
  20. He'll let you know when he's back from vacation.... Around the first of May !
  21. If the Bills had signed Adalius Thomas this would be "orgasm central". "All critics of the move will immediately be told they know nothing about football and we need to trust Marv"(and all his Superbowl rings).
  22. I hope one day the Bills can be in such a decline. How'd we do against that declining team last year ? Anybody ? Anybody ? If you said 0-2 you would be correct ! The pauper should never talk smack to the king, just makes you look unintelligent.
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