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Everything posted by BillsCelticsAngelsBama

  1. Are you referring to Erik Flowers or Mike Williams as the ONE bad pick ?? Or the lesser ones... Willis McGahee and John McCargo (still an incomplete)??
  2. By far my favorite number is 24. I wore it for football and basketball in high school. When i moved to tightend my junior year I got 84, my second favorite. But the only jersey I wear is that of the only one worthy right now ... #83 Lee Evans. P.S. I was at the 2004 Draft and was not happy at all with the Evans pick. I wanted Michael Clayton or the DE from Ohio State, Will Smith. Very glad I didn't get my way.
  3. I doubt anyone in the warroom will panic (Just us). I wouldn't be surprised if they have someone like Lawrence Timmons, Chris Houston, Greg Olsen or Robert Meacham targeted and amaze us all. And then they will play well and look like the #12 pick should... at least let's hope so ! Go Bills !!
  4. I filed it under "Gee, let's waste everone's time and post something that WON'T happen". I will be posting the "Do you think we could offer the Raiders Craig Nall , Peerless Price and a 7th round pick for the #1 pick so we can take Calvin Johnson" ? topic, soon. I'll be interested in your comments as to whether we should make that deal.
  5. While it is true that without a good line the running game will suffer no matter who carries the rock, a BIG upgrade is needed at RB. Whether it's in the first round or later, I believe the Bills should be looking at finding a STARTER, not a complimentary back. I doubt there are many, if any, teams that would trade their group of RB's for ours.
  6. I met him the day before the 2004 Draft at Madison Square Garden. I was meeting up with Mark Vader, from this site, as we are both from the West Coast. Getting tickets was a mess (they handed out wristbands at about 1:00 A.M. I was fortunate to be out and about or I wouldn't have been able to get in to the draft at all. Mark and Ken weren't aware that my son and I had already received our wristbands and they went way out of they're way to come to my hotel at about 2:30 in the morning to inform of the fiasco taking place at MSG. I really appreciated both of them going out of their way to try and prevent , what for me and my son, would have been a real tragedy. Both Kenny and Mark are great guys as anyone who has tailgated with them will attest !!
  7. I've already commented on your uncle and told you how much the story has changed my life (on another topic). I feel like I not only know your Uncle, but I can already feel empathy for the one who snuffed out his life in such a unique way.
  8. At least with Pyrite's posts they flow and make a point and most importantly...... I usually take a break half way through so I can focus. On the other hand, I don't think my Mo-in-law would appreciate me asking for a timeout in the middle of one of her long-lasting stories about people I don't know and have never met.
  9. Don't let 'em get you down LSI. Joe Theismann has made a living, (after playing pro ball) by giving opinions just like yours ,with no facts to back it up. You are well on your way to being respected in the same way that Joe is ! Hang in there
  10. If you'll look at my posts you'll see I really couldn't care less about evoking empathy, I just like to have fun with people. You showed your true colors bro. Let's just move on. I'm done with this topic. Take Care. Happy April Fools
  11. Dude, get over it. I just thought the joke was very unbelievable and I do find it hard to believe that anybody fell for it. A lesser name maybe the gag would have worked. If you got duped, sorry if you were offended. And you are right . My mom was murdered when I was three, so that is probably why I am a horses ass when it comes to simplistic (IMO) humor. Can we just move on. I need to know where to get those new LT jerseys. Take Care
  12. You must be incredibly proud of yourself !! And deservedly so. Not just one person ...DOUBLE that. Kudos to you
  13. You got me !!! Didn't mean to be so harsh. I looked up some of these posters and saw they were just youngsters. I vaguely remember being that young and naive myself. So let me get this straight. The LT rumor is NOT true? Please somebody explain this to me
  14. If you were fooled for even a couple of seconds, I pity those that depend on you for anything
  15. Sorry. I can't believe anyone fell for this... no not one. Sorry but ten paragraphs worth is great if it has even a bread crumbs chance of being true. Better luck next year.
  16. How come the "buddies" never get on these sites? I wonder if Whitner is privy to the goings on or was it more like "Hey Donte, You think we can trade up to get Peterson?" and he nodded his head and said,"That would be great". I actually hope you are right but I have my doubts that it's going to happen.
  17. I don't think you understand. We are supposed to trade back thus developing Depth, which in turn gives us great special teams. Of course, great special teams are needed since without outstanding players, the kickoff return and punt coverage teams will get alot of playing time.
  18. 1. NFL Draft 2. MLB Opening Day 3. NHL Playoffs/Playoff races 4. Michael Turner Great Debate no interest in B-ball
  19. Your story brought back memories that I have been hiding about my upbringing. Though it hurt greatly to read your story.. it also brought a healing that I thought would never occur. The healing power from hearing another's life tragedy can never be underestimated. God Bless You for sharing this with all of us !! Also, what do you think about trading down in the first round to add more depth ??
  20. All sarcasm aside, I am not thrilled with drafting any Michigan players. Hall and Harris may turn out to be all-pros but I can't say I would be excited to see either one of them drafted by us. Am I wrong to feel this way ?
  21. I really don't have much of an opinion until I hear from LSI Cadets. Anyone know what his point of view is ?
  22. Ellison was underrated at Oregon State and is a smart, instinctive player. And you can leave the "probably" out of your sentence. The biggest surprise in this draft to me would be if a linebacker is not taken-----> and probably early (more than one as well). Sorry for stating the obvious to y'all
  23. I'm not sure we are allowed to have that many white guys on the Defensive line. Anybody have a rule book handy ?
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