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Everything posted by BillsCelticsAngelsBama

  1. I don't think we've met so I'm not you're buddy yet, but as somebody who has been in the college and high school ranks since I was 24, I'm 58, until a car accident 11 years ago, you really make a good point but take Josh Allen who grew up in the sticks . You think he had a private coach. ? (maybe he did, just guessing )Not all of these guys developed enough early and lived in an affluent enough environment to have pro coaches, which are the most overrated job in the industry. Man, many times they teach them things that is just the opposite of what the coaches want. Sorry to disturb you !!
  2. Agree with you there 716. I'm not trying to be disrespectfully disagreeable but facts are really sometimes not facts but very strong suspicions, is what I'm getting at. My son, who is a college recruiter has met, Bosco's head coach Justin Negro and said Negro gave the impression that he was shall we say a prima-donna This well after Rosen was at UCLA.. Beyond that, the injuries.... and he may have had a concussion @ St. John Bosco. ..... He has little to no escapability.... I know this is about his character, I just have my doubts about his career.
  3. This is just 100% unverifiable. You do realize or maybe you don't, that if a scout in a 15 minute interviewasks you about a teammate and you say something negative that is a big strike against you ? It does take a player a lot to say something like that.
  4. Exactly. You Jordan Lasley (WR) is going to saying one bad thing about Rosen during his 15 min. interviews with teams at the combine ? UUUh NO.
  5. Coaches in high school are not teaching them to be a pro. They are teaching them to win games in their system. The asterisk being the private and Catholic schools. Other than that you have high school science teachers teaching them the plays for the most part.
  6. Availability and inability to scramble. The right 3/5 of this line needs some real big time improvement
  7. I'm not paying a dime....... Next........ I think this signing makes me think more that the target will be Allen or Darnold rather than Rosen
  8. Maybe we should have a committee of all the interesting posters to vote on whether a post is worthy to go on the board. Or just ignore it and let it sink out of existence Or start a post that the interesting and thoughtful posters can complain about those inbred redundant posters who may only get on the board occasionally and haven't seen all of the previous posts and just want to talk Bills Football. ---> Life can be so complicated and heartbreaking.
  9. Carson Wentz ?????/ oh never mind #2 pick. My bad. he had some interest from, I believe it was Central Michigan, but no offer. I am not as big of an Allen fan as some of posts may appear, just am of the opinion that a player should be just solely on his talent---> including a multitude of factors. OR, just hire an accomplished MADDEN player, yeah that's the ticket.
  10. I don't think this should be the favorite for WORST post of the year but is a slam dunk winner in the category of "MOST DUMB AND IGNORANT POST OF THE YEAR:. This is blatantly ridiculous. I coached for seventeen until a car wreck made me this whiny old cripple !, and my son for ten in JC and FCS and we would love to coach any "Mom's basement" characters out there. Not trying to boast whatsoever you just don't know what you don't know !
  11. Disagree 100 % Being in meeting rooms are huge if you have coaches who communicate the important stuff and the QB's talk over things. 17 years as a coach at the JC and High School level and teaching plays a very important part in growth. Technique issues are better served in practice not in the line of fire. IMO Two minutes in the Penalty box !
  12. I like Mike White as well but the comments is ridiculous. Falk is a scrub who was getting benched off and on because he couldn't get to the second read. AND WSU usually had only two, sometimes three reads. Better think that one over. Allen needs three things. 1. Time to develop 2. A skilled QB coach who can correct his FOOTWORK (ergo the inaccuracy at times) and 3. Getting rid of the ball sooner and not trusting his bazooka to make the play. Those won't work in the pros. Just my opinion but I agree with almost everything I said !!!! Exaggeration is the weapon of those unable to complete a deep argument. Personal attacks also can also be a sword in the arsenal for many. I don't know if will be make it. But the arguments against him by many.... not all, are people who are just reading the reports of others. Read enough negative and pretty soon it's assumed that it's fact. He looks more like a young Roethlisberger in the highlight reel. We'll see how it translates. I really don't LOVE any of these QB's but they are all going in the Top 40 picks in my estimation.
  13. Which of the Wyoming games really caught your attention that he was going to be a bust ????? Weak, very weak sorry
  14. velocity for starters and the ability to read a pro style defense and to run any plays that will be in a pro system. I loved watching them play AND I don't think it's fair to JUST say that other OKST QB's so he can't play but he is definitely swimming upstream to be a top flight NFL QB.
  15. I have a suspicion that we are not on the same side in the area of political matters(I could be wrong) but I agree with the posts on this topic I've read by you ---> 100%
  16. If we sign Kaepernick IMO Lamar Jackson would be back on the table. Just throwing that out.
  17. And now let's take a break and get back on topic
  18. I'm old and happily married for 30 years but my oh my, I'm in total agreement with Musberger on this one. Beautiful young lady
  19. Takes two to make a deal. I think they tried Bradford but that contract is silly. Will be interesting. I'm trusting but anxious
  20. I know it doesn't matter but if he earns the spot in the coaches view I hope there isn't tremendous booing for a couple of three and outs or an interception. I like the kid (I'm old,58) and if you look at him in Pittsburgh he has some talent.
  21. I think you're right but what are his options ? Not saying he doesn't have any just putting it out there.
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