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Posts posted by hmsmystic

  1. I think it becomes more and more obvious that the smart thing to do for the cap stessed Bills is to let Tyrod play out his cheap deal.

    However, with the cash being spent on decent QB options (Bradford, Osweiler) what is Tyrod worth if he duplicate his 2015 season next year???

    Probably 18m per year, which we can't afford.


    Do we do something crazy and trade him to Denver now, and try to draft someone?

    Do we go forward with the current plan of waiting?

    Do we cut more people and try to lock him up now?

  2. Sorry if posted, but this is great:


    “Everything meshed with Rex’s personality,” Incognito said, “and the hunger for the town and the city for a winner and me trying to redeem myself, the underdog. Buffalo’s the underdog. People ask me — do you like living in Buffalo? And I tell them ‘Yes. I (expletive) love it.’ And they’re like, ‘Are you crazy? You love Buffalo, New York?’ And I say, ‘Dude. The people are awesome. The fans are about it. The food is great. And we’re building a winning football team. What’s not to love about it?’”


    This is good stuff- Buffalo could use the good press!!

  3. Well, bottom line is glad we got him. Continuity on the line and keeping our best asset (running game) is nice. I hope we didn't overpay. That's a lot of scratch for a 33 year old player at-frankly- a non premium position. I doubt any other team was offering him a deal that long or for that much.

  4. After year 30x, game 100x of raging on Mondays, I have chosen to use my positive attitude in life and finally apply it to the Bills.


    Here goes, and hopefully this helps someone else!


    1) All of the good franchises have success because of coach/system tenure and stability, solid QB play, timely defensive play down the stretch

    2) Rex has a defensive system that works, however he does not have the players necessary to run it yet (really he runs a 3-4, and we don't have the personnel) He and the GM need time to assemble the pieces.

    3) Roman is a competent OC, with the ability to get plenty out of average QBs. He needs another year to work with Tyrod, (who may or may not be the answer) and another year of assembling players for his system

    4) We are not going to the playoffs this year. Too sloppy, too messy- not happening. Lets look forward and hope that year 2 in the system, with 2 drafts and free agent classes to assemble the proper talent, proves to be the difference.


    In short- give us time! You saw the Browns game last night and those graphics- (how many coaches, GMs and coordinators they have been through in the last few years) we don't want that!


    There is no guarantee Rex will take us to the promised land, but this regime needs some time, as in years, to try and I am looking forward to seeing it work!

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