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Posts posted by hmsmystic

  1. There is another way to fix LT- low budget free agents.

    Buddy has proven he can find decent lineman cheap (Pears etc)

    We could add 1 or 2 guys here so it's not such a huge need before the draft and give ourselves some options. Some Tackles still around include Stacey Andrews, Marc Columbo, Kirk Cousins, Adam Goldberg, Max Starks and Tony Ugoh.


    Not saying there are great options at LT, but adding 1 or 2 sure might help.

  2. Spoken like someone playing Madden or something. The franchise tag for a left tackle is around $9.5mill. Are you prepared to pay that for Bell? You just asssume we could tag him and trade him and get picks in return. But, that's not guaranteed at all. Does Philly still go after Bell if they have to give up a 1st round pick for him? I doubt it.




    On the open market it turns out Bell played his cards right- even though after 5 other visits he couldn't get paid what he wanted, one big injury later and he gets his fat contract. Don't confuse the two issues- 1) While Buffalo needs a tackle and would have liked Bell back, 2) Bell wanted way more money than he has proven to be worth. A team on the upswing cant take a huge injury risk- we are more than one LT away from contending

  3. Don't be such a homer- outside of Buffalo a 31 year old running back, with a ONE 1,000 yard season in his career AND coming off a season ending LEG injury is at best worth a fourth rounder.


    That's it- no emotional argument will work. The guy played great last year but RB is an easily replaceable commodity these days. I'm guessing this is also the hold up on the contract renegotiation- Fred is not going to be paid what he thinks he's worth.

  4. Rome is probably the worst on air personality in all of the world. He repeats everything 30 times and is definetly douchy if that is a word. I hear he is beyond rich which makes no sense to me. Rome and Cowherd can both go away IMO.


    There are many ex players with personality and insight who could do his job 30 times better.



    Not sure if you realize this, but ALL talk radio shows repeat things multiple times. A huge part of their audience only jumps in and out of the show and can't actually listen to the whole three hours. Hosts have to keep repeating things to fill in new listeners.


    I think the guy is generally hilarious and does not take himself or the role or sports talk radio host too seriously.

  5. It will feel really good (hopefully soon) when we can not look back at recent drafts with horror. As Bills fans the best part of most of the last 10 drafts has been the second guessing rather than the actual players we have.

    Many of us geek out for this and watch the draft with our books in hand hoping this player or that is taken, then furiously scrambling to look up who we picked and get the details.


    Last year was the first where we can away feeling ok- no shockers -


    It is, maybe, perhaps possible we have our act together???

  6. The prime time exposure is the second most important thing for the Bills after putting together a winning team. Want to attract new fans? Want to attract potential free agents down the road? Win, and even better do it on prime time.









    Could care less about prime time, in fact I hope all are 1:00 on Sunday.


    Just win baby.


    What exactly is the attraction with prime time? Does it ease the inferiority complex thing?

  7. The real issue here is the that the Bills aren't "building through the draft and resigning their own players" as promised. Yes, Donte was drafted WAY too high, and thas has been his biggest problem with Bills fans.

    Still, he started and played ok, something the majority of our picks the last 10 years can't say.

  8. If you focus your attention on player needs you are missing the primary reasons why this franchise has so miserably floundered for so long. You have to start with the caliber of ownership and then analyze the caliber of organization he has established. The only owner this franchise has had is primarily responsible for the major hires and he is responsible for the organizational structure.


    From a business standpoint the franchise is a lucrative profit center. From a football standpoint the franchise is not very competitive and its standing within the league borders on being irrelevant.


    At this late stage in his life the owner is physically and mentally very frail. The person who acts on his behalf and has the most authority within the organization, and that includes the football operation, is Jeff Littman. He is the trusted business advisor who is in charge.


    If you want to be serious about giving a fair overview of the state of the franchise it might be useful to compare how successful medium market franchises such as the Packers, Steelers and Ravens operate to how the Bills conduct their business. More often than not success in the league is not about how much you spend but how intelligently you operate.





    This feels a bit harse on the owner, but the poster is correct-


    The Bills organization infrastructure is rotten and well below benchmark organizations. We don't attract or pay to retain talent. We can not attract big name coaches. (I mean, is Bill Cowher going to report to Buddy Nix, who reports to Russ Brandon, who answers to Littman, who has final sign off on big moves from Wilson the whole time defering all financial decisions to Overdorf.)

    It's a poor org chart of mediocrity and cronyism.


    Buffalo needs to wipe out everyone and bring in fresh front office talent (i guess that would only come with a new owner) or we will not be able to compete.

    The other alternative is to get really luck and stink up the joint the same year a franchise qb is available with atop pick.

  9. You guys are over-estimating our capacity to do draft day moves. The Bills braintrust is so confident in their scouting that we generally ignore outside consensus on round status and haven't pulled the trigger on a draft day trade in awhile.

    Heck I remember the Spiller pick- our guy was running to stage with the pick the second the prior pick was announced. We didn't even take a few minutes to listen to offers.

  10. This thread is typical of us reacting to a name player we don't know much about (I do it all the time)

    Burfict was an absolute bust this year. I live down the street from ASU and watched or went to most games. He looks paunchy and slow. He is not a playmaker. He was often out of position. He plays like a Raider with some of the dumbest and costliest fouls I've seen.

  11. Cowherd puts on a pretty good radio show. Many of his opinions are edgey, or at least interesting. If you were a neutral observer you might like him. Problem here is he admits to having a big market bias, and therefore favors Dallas, the Jets, the Pats etc. Buffalo does not get much airtime, and when it does it is rarely positive news.

    I'd wager that becuase he favors the big name teams he hasn't spent much time watching Buffalo.

    If he did watch them play the Jets, thay certainly would not make him a believer.

  12. A clear indication of how poorly we have been treated as fans is how low your expectaions are. To say you'd be happy with some improvements and that would make a succesful season is remarkable.

    We should be expecting a contender each year, bottom line.

    We are a terrible team- this plan to rebuild throught the draft and mid level targeted free agents would be great if we had a competent drafting plan (read 0 starters from last years draft and 1 projected starter from this year, a guy even a monkey knew to take at pick 3)


    My expectations- Winning recored at home and competing for a playoff spot in December, otherwise bring in some leadership for this team that can do it.

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