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Posts posted by hmsmystic

  1. Can't imagine a scenario where Buffalo drafts a lineman in the top 10 with Buddy. He has proven he does not put a premium (salary wise) in the line, declining to pay up for Peters, Bell and Levitre.

    Why draft someone we won't want to resign after their rookie contract expires?

  2. OK let's be realistic. When was the last Bill's season that wasn't a complete write off?? Of course this will be a lost year. We are deviod or below standards of NFL caliber talent at several positions (QB, WR, TE, MLB, OLB, SS, CB2)


    Two of our top players are free agents.


    We haven't had a great draft in years


    Our owner and President for the duration of this losing spell are still in place. etc.


    I"ll go in hoping of for the best of course, but expectations are for anothe lost season

  3. This is business as usual for top prospects. Get your mind and body right for the combine. He will be out here in Arizona at one of the performance clubs-


    1) Mastering the combine drills

    2) Getting in rock diesel shape

    3) Practicing to ace the GM and coach interviews

    4) Practicing the Wonderlick (sic?) test


    He's a top 10 pick if he can do well on the above

  4. You don't want Lovie Smith because of his underwhelming personality and performance but you want Andy Reid? Have you ever seen his pressers? This guy is the epitome of no personality and as for success? Lovie Smith has a ring. How many does Reid have as a HC?


    I'm not saying I want Lovie Smith because I don't but if you're going to give a reason for not wanting Lovie, make sure your reasoning makes sense.


    My math says 9 playoff appearances and multiple Championship games- this is the opposite of underwhelming

  5. It was after the Pats lost the Cardinals this year that I became intersted in Horton. He has NO FEAR of the Pats or Brady and knew how to beat them- read this article on Horton and the Patriots




    Horton joined Arizona Sports 620's Doug & Wolf Show Tuesday and talked about the plan he crafted specifically for Brady and the Patriots.

    "Everything that we did was based on what had they did last year and what we thought they were going to do and a lot of it we took them out of their game plan so they didn't do a ton of it," Horton said. "[The plan] was to confuse Tom Brady, to come up with some things he hasn't seen before, because it is different."

    Ray Horton, Arizona Cardinals Defensive Coordinator

    Brady only had one touchdown in the Patriots loss, and admittedly was caught off guard.

    "I heard through Jay Feely that he talked to Tom Brady after the game and Tom said, 'I have no idea what you guys are doing', and so it did work," Horton said.

  6. I have no interest in Lovie Smith. He is completely underwhelming, from personality to performance (No Playoffs 5 of last six years??) It alarms me how much love some Bills fans are giving him.


    Ray Horton I like- as a Phoenix resident I can tell you he prepares for every game and you have no idea how bad the Cards offense was this year- to have his D play as well as it did is a miracle.


    Don't sleep on Whisenhunt- he did turn around a TERRIBLE Cardinals franchise. Granted Kurt Warner helped, but I have to guess he is the direction the Bills go unless Horton has a rock star interview.


    Andy Reid is a no brainer and should be hired tomorrow,

  7. Here is my prediction- this will happen fast!


    I live in Arizona and this guy is a rising star. He is prepared and keeps detailed notes on every team and scheme. He will come prepared to the interview and blow everyone away.


    There is some urgency because the Cardinals are also restructuring right now, and they like him. He will get hired somewhere this week imho.


    The players love and respect him, he has a calm, but capable demeanor, and great coaching pedigree (he learned defense from Dick Lebeau who may be the best ever)


    He would I think bring some immediate credibility and if I dare say some needed panache to Buffalo


    You heard it here!!!

  8. What bothers me most is that durung this 13 year tire fire, this arguably is one of the more talented teams. It's at the same time arguably the worst coached. You can't win no matter who the players are when the coaches shoot the team in its collective foot with bad play calling me poor decision making.


    No no no.

    Horrible linebackers

    Below average SS and #2,3 and 4 cb

    Poop depth on D line

    Average #1 WR with awful #2-#10 WR

    One of the 10 worst starting QBs in the league


    We can't compete on the field

  9. You know, I really think you're on to something here. The ONE major difference between the team coming off a two game win streak and then performing at an historically low level is the loss of Brian Moorman, a team leader and one of its voted captains. Something happened indeed.


    GO BILLS!!!


    Well, there is one other difference that was maybe a factor- Brown/Chiefs and then Pats/49ers maybe? Tiny bit different

  10. There is no argueing that this draft was terrible- it looked bad the weekend we drafted and worse now years later with the facts in.

    Let's hope it was Modrak and not Buddy who thumbed his nose at "experts" and kept reaching for guys with much lower grades- we just don't know.

    I think it's a bit of both- keep in mind TJ Graham wasn't rated as a 3rd rounder but here he is- let's hope for the best, but we were too terrible of a team to have another wasted draft in 2010.

  11. You wouldn't say this if your 85 pound kid was getting run over by 110 pounders


    The rules are fair- this boy can play, just not with kids 1/3 his weight- what's the issue??


    Especially now with player safety so important- as a coach I had to take an online safety course, get cpr certified and sign an emergency procedure guideline- all new this year. Also there is a new rule that any boy with a head issue is automatically out and can't come back without a doctors note.







    I think the weight rule in pee wee football is dumb too....


    On my sons team if your over 90 pounds you cant run the ball. Way to teach the chubbies they cant touch a football morons!


    Adults are the ones to blame anymore for these stupid rules. Adults constantly are ruining kids athletics.

  12. Hard to argue with 24 if you take emotion out of it-



    Too many INTs

    Does not produce wins


    Maybe he can continue the "we are dis-respected, 7th round nobodies" theme the offensive guys have been rolling with and turn the rankings upside down!

  13. That's fair to Fred and easily digestible for the Bills...



    I think the offer will likely be half that 3 years, 15 m offer. I'd say look for 3 years and 7 million.


    Fred is a stud and has been playing terrific and hes an emotional leader- that's why he gets an offer

    Otherwise he is an over 30 year old backup coming off a leg injury.


    Let's watch this and hope Fred is smart about not asking for too much money

  14. Flying East to West maybe you get no jetlag. As a West Coaster there is nothing worse than flying East and getting up a 4 AM (PST) to start working every day.









    I voted yes. Personally, I don't believe too much in jetlag, because even though I have flown across country 100 times I have never felt it, either way. But it seems like it would save a full day of practice, as well as build a little more focus and team element that may be crucial that time of year. Those two games, because they are the last of the brutal section of the schedule, are very important that we win one of them, even if they are out of conference. I think it would be good for the team to stay on the west coast, rest up, and be all business.

  15. Let's be clear- there should be a difference between personal character and football character.


    I for one don't care much if off the field these aren't aces- most aren't. This history of the NFL is laced with hard drinking, drug using wife cheating superstars- that's fine. A lot of you people where way to self righteous running Lynch out of town for personal issues or Whitner for being a twitter clown. Those guys can play on my team


    What I do want is FOOTBALL character- practice hard, play hard, work to get better, study the game, be intense.

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