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Everything posted by SteamRoller67

  1. Hated mine as well. Town drunk and all around jerk off, but killing the man? Insane.
  2. This is truly sad and sickening. http://sports.espn.go.com/highschool/rise/...tory?id=4283443
  3. I'm Bobby Boucher, you know where I come from My mmmmm, my mom, my momma, my momma say, my momma says.......Dougie's a troll Remember when I ran for the touchdown bare ass?
  4. It's 2009. Are you aware of that? Favre is WELL past his prime....22 TDs & 22 INTs would get most QB's banished to the CFL. Chad Pennington is a noodle arm....and a winner. Edward's arm is more than sufficient to win in the NFL. I am and always will be a fan of Losman, but Trent is/was miles ahead of JP in the mental aspect of the game.
  5. I have him at number 9, right behind Shane Falco and Uncle Rico.
  6. I think the Dallas Cowboys "window" has already closed. Witten is the best receiving threat on that team. Roy Williams will put up some numbers based on the fact they don't have anyone else at WR. I don't think Dallas will sniff the playoffs in a stacked NFC east in 2009. Romo's production after December 1st is pedestrian at best. http://www.nfl.com/players/tonyromo/careerstats?id=ROM787981
  7. Yes. He was better suited for the modern passing game than the 1970's run-first NFL. His mobility and strong arm would translate well.
  8. Yeah right! Joe Ferguson 1975-76 Joe Ferguson 1980-81 Drew Bledsoe 2002 & 2004 Jack Kemp 1964-65 Football didn't start in Buffalo in 1986. There were some pretty solid seasons turned in by Buffalo QB's besides Jim Kelly. Not to mention that 1998-99 Bills defense was every bit as good as the AFL Bills D and the Bermuda Triangle teams.
  9. Loved it....now you're going to tell the world Flutie was a better NFL QB than Drew Bledsoe? Your favoritism clouds your judgement. Bledsoe's 2002 season was a thing of beauty...'03 not so much.
  10. That's great. I can't wait to end up in my local hospital getting my blood drawn by a chronic pot smoking nurse.
  11. OK....who is your top 5 than? If you comment, you should atleast list your group to be fair.
  12. He's going to show Bills scouts he can "throw" a field goal from his knees from the 50 yard line. That same stunt got Kyle Boller picked in the first round, maybe he can stick on someones practice squad.
  13. Broken play & you run for your life, just as all of us did in peewee when the play broke down. It was a 3 yard run and the OLB lost containment....oh boy, magical! Should we look up every guy who ever scored a winning TD for the Bills and start a thread for him too?
  14. He blew the play.... there was no grand design or Flutie magic involved. He screwed up and ran for his life.
  15. He was allowed to play in the league....he flopped in New England and Chicago. He wasn't banished to the CFL, it was where his skill level deemed he should play. Defenders couldn't see him behind the line, correct. He couldn't see WR's down the field, correct. Ask Andre Reed what he thought of Flutie's vision.
  16. Stop comparing "Average Joe" to NFL players. Stallworth does play in the NFL & takes millions from it's owners. The NFL has the right to kick him out of the league, suspend him or whatever else they want to do with him. Donte can work at Tops the rest of his life. The NFL is a privilege, not a right. No, you don't suspend everyone else that gets a DUI. You suspend the fool who gets the DUI and kills another human.
  17. I've never been impressed with trolls running around on a football field. Flutie never made it big in the NFL because he wasn't good enough. The guy has a cult following that I'll never understand.
  18. 1. Arizona 2. New England 3. Buffalo 4. Indianapolis 5. Green Bay Denver's WR's were a product of number 6. Cutler is gone & so is their production. I still Indy's top 2 of Wayne & Gonzalez. Peyton will make a star out of some receiver we've never heard of!
  19. Their jerseys look fake, feel fake and even the color is off a bit. I'll buy Reebok and Reebok only. I've been a Nike guy my whole life, but I had to cross over for the NFL and NHL jerseys.
  20. I have such a hatred for the other AFC east teams that it carries in to my Madden player selections. For example, I refuse to pick Tom Brady at any cost. I'll pick dumpy JaMarcus Russell over TB out of spite. I also will not pick the Jets, Pats or Dolphins uniforms for any fantasy draft.
  21. Finishline.com...some NFL replicas are $39.99 on sale in the offseason. The navy blue Poz is one of them. http://www.finishline.com/store/catalog/pr...ce%7C1&x=68
  22. Haha...I've heard that before! My screen name derived my my physical size and playing style over the years. Kind of a nickname from hockey and football.
  23. What a rebel....you truly have become my idol! God, i'm so weak and obedient...I suck! Enjoy your next trip to the clinker.
  24. I'll take my outdated, ignorant views and keep my piece of mind.... No, I have never used it, never will and have never thought about using it. In my opinion your views are way too liberal, but whatever floats your boat to make it through life.
  25. Have you lost your mind? Cutler is more talented, just as intelligent and has a howitzer for an arm. Don't get me wrong, I am a Trent fan, but that is a serious homer statement.
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