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Everything posted by SteamRoller67

  1. I love your intellectual and optimistic posts......do you actually root for the Bills? Are you a Jets fan in disguise?
  2. Do you not understand the value of first round draft picks? Because the guy is holding out through training camp, the Bills should let him walk and re-enter the '10 draft? So everytime Bruce Smith held out, the Bills should have told him to start packing? Great logic, let the inmates run the asylum! This happens every year. Draft picks tend to sign in the order in which they were picked. Crabtree, the 49ers pick, is the reason for Maybin's holdout. If Crabtree gets overpaid for the 10th slot in the draft, then Maybin will get overpaid in the 11th slot. The agents are smart and greedy.
  3. What are you basing this on? Maybe in Madden he got torched, but rarely on Sunday in the real NFL.
  4. What a f***king ignorant comment. How do you figure? So every enthusiastic jersey wearing fan is a sad, fat wannabe? What are you 50 years old and past your prime....or did you even have a prime?
  5. Saying Whitner is too small to play safety is flat wrong. Your 2nd point may be true. I agree his production needs to increase with regards to pass coverage, knock downs and interceptions. We'll see in 2009 if that improves with the return of Schobel and the addition of Maybin. I don't think Chad Johnson thinks Donte Whitner is too small..... Here's a comparison of some elite safety's around the league per NFL.com: Donte Whitner - 5'10" - 208 Ed Reed - 5'11" - 200 Troy Polamalu - 5'10" - 207 Adrian Wilson - 6'3" - 230 Kerry Rhodes - 6'3" - 220 Bob Sanders - 5'8" - 206 Wilson and Rhodes are huge, but the rest are right on par with Donte.
  6. WTF are you talking about? I'm not distubed....my tubes are still connected. In all seriousness, you need to proofread what you're typing. This isn't a text message and you lost me a couple posts back....
  7. That went beyond insensitive and crossed into ignorant. Once again, he ran a dog fighting empire....raised them, fought them, killed them...for pleasure and money.
  8. Are you the guy in the Geico commercial? You know the "let me be myself" one..... Maybe we can give the safeties a spike studded club and make the WR's run around helmetless. ooh ga...ooh ga....FIRE!
  9. Yes, that was me and I don't let politics sway my beliefs. George Bush = Weak Clown.
  10. I never said he couldn't play in the NFL again. There's also a ton of professions around the country he could work in as well. He'll get a second chance just like everyone else does...probably a 3rd, 4th and 5th chance. I'm not sure he's good enough to play QB in the NFL again to be quite honest. Bottom line, I don't ever want to see him in a Bills uniform.
  11. Why do we really hate Vick? Enlighten us.
  12. Please stop saying culture. It is not legal. Nothing to do with culture. I don't want choir boys, but I sure as hell don't want a dog killing beast of humanity on the Bills either. Vick is garbage.
  13. Yes, I think he is. Your Donte Stallworth comment is completely off base. How did Mr Reyes cause his own death? Oh, that's right he planned the night before to walk in front of some rich, drunk NFL player and end it all. Stupid. I want some morality in the league, I want some of these friggin thugs to go find another line of work if they can't handle the NFL's standards for personal conduct. The NFL will never have inferior players. It has stood the test of time and keeps getting better. Let me guess....you were an XFL fan right? How did that work out?
  14. He wasn't in evil midget mode that night. Once in a while he's nice to humans when he recruits for his cult.
  15. No mention of street fighting and tasers? I'm disappointed Donte.
  16. Baseball is a thinking man's game. When to run, when to pitch out, how to shade certain batters, when to bunt. I fear that the "short attention span" culture the U.S. has developed will unfortunately kill baseball one day. Pitching is and always will be my greatest passion. Mixing speeds, spotting the fastball on the outside corner and keeping hitters off balance is a lost art form. I guess for a kid nowadays why learn the nuances of baseball when they can buy a 50 dollar video game, burn their eyes out & talk trash sitting in their mom's basement?
  17. OK...I tried. The Bruins are in the same division is the point I was trying to make. I have no problem with anyone differing on my odd sports loyalties. If Buffalo had a MLB team, my allegiance wouldn't leave the WNY region.
  18. When someone expresses an opinion, please don't call it "dumb". It's an opinion and I tried to share my logic. I realize there is a discrepancy, but the Rangers/Islanders/Devils are not in the same division as the Sabres. My hatred for the Maple Leafs and Bruins runs deep...what have the Rangers ever done to the Sabres to generate a rivalry? The Rangers are a joke. Big market, deep pockets and still can't win outside of 1994. Bruins - Sabres rival Maple Leafs - Sabres rival Rangers - who cares?
  19. Some of that list is baffling! I agree with most players listed except these 5: 4. Jamal Lewis 7. Ty Law 11. Keith Brooking 16. Olin Kreutz 19. Eric Moulds I would take any of these guys for an entire decade all day, all week and twice on Sunday. Those are 5 of the best players in the NFL in the 2000's....WTF? Discounting Moulds because he finally slowed a bit after 2000 is garbage. I'll just pretend he never played form 1998 - 2000 than. Great logic ESPN.
  20. I can't see the full list on ESPN, so I'll go by your report. Let me get this straight....Eric Moulds is on the top 25 most OVER-rated list for the decade? Who the f**k put this list together? McGahee and Brown belong on the list, but Moulds even being considered over-rated is absurd. Maybe the person composing the list was jealous because his girlfriend thought E was hot or something. Penis envy goes a long way!
  21. Way off base. Most Yankees fans are fans because they're dad was a Yanks fan and his dad was a Yanks fan....and so on. It's tradition and longevity.
  22. I live in the state of NY. There is no MLB team in Buffalo. The Mets or Yankees makes the most sense to me in NY state. No chance in hell of rooting for a team from Boston or Toronto....my Buffalo hockey loyalty will not permit it!
  23. Your optimism springs eternal. The line is younger and nastier, which is all any Bills fan could hope for after failing to pick up numerous 3rd & 1's last year with Peters.....
  24. I dislike the entire list. Now i know why I can't stand 75% of the population....including George Washington apparently.
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