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Everything posted by SouthGeorgiaBillsFan

  1. Really I don't see the Dolphins, Vikings or Browns beating the Bills at this point. 5-11 seems completely doable, and 6 wins is not unimaginable either.
  2. Wanting the Bills to lose for whatever reason does make you a lesser fan. I mean it's really pretty simple.
  3. Or maybe we are just in the midst of "the first NFL team to ever miss the playoffs for forty-seven and a half consecutive years (only a half year for the strike shortened 2026 season)
  4. Yea, and 0-16 would not give us a "quarterback of the future". Look, its really simple. I was among the biggest critics of Fitzpatrick on this board. But you cannot deny his effectiveness right now. At this point, it would be absolutely ludicrous to think that we would draft a QB who could consistently outperform Fitzpatrick season after season. In all fairness, this could be an anomaly season for Fitz - but I believe it more likely that he is coming into his own. But to expect a single draft pick to have a meaningful percentage of the production Fitz is posting on a consistent basis season after season is pretty absurd. When you draft a QB you are shooting in the dark, hoping to hit the target. It doesn't happen frequently enough that a team should want to give up on the first QB in a decade to post actual impressive numbers just for the sake of drafting a "franchise QB", or more likely, an infamous bust that will haunt the organization for years to come. We all wanted a QB. We have one. Period. Let's draft for a position we need.
  5. Murray is awesome, I agree. But he is a freshman and as such the Bills have absolutely no chance of signing him, unless we manage to still be among the worst teams in the league in 2-3 years. Except for the first four games of the season while AJ Green was suspended, where Murray was still unbelievably impressive as a freshman QB.
  6. I find it disturbing that you would compare rape and pedophilia to cruelty to animals. I work in a prison. I deal with real "bad" people on a daily basis - Guys who would rape your mother just to piss you off - and the ignorance of anyone who would compare Vick to these people makes me sick to my stomach.
  7. To be perfectly honest, Manning and Brady are NOT EVEN CLOSE to Vick this year. Manning: 93.9 rating; 4 to 1 TD to INT ratio. Brady: 98.8 rating; 4.25 to 1 TD to INT ratio. Vick: 115.1 rating; 11 to 0 TD to INT ratio. As a passer, Vick is standing substantially ahead of Manning and Brady. Add in his ability to run and create plays, and at least right now and so far this season, there is absolutely no comparison. The man has ZERO interceptions on the season. Just unbelievable. And if the season ended today, Vick would be the unanimous MVP. But he was *never* a great player...LOL.
  8. It's pretty obnoxious to think that you can build a passionate fan base in three losing seasons...
  9. That's not true, actually. For instance, a team cannot use a time out immediately following a time out. So which rule were you referring to again? It was a cheap exploitation of the rule long before it ever worked against us. It still is.
  10. As one of his biggest critics, I can say that this weeks performance ranks pretty high on the holy **** scale. However, any QB who throws for 4TDs and almost 400 yards against one of the best defenses in the NFL should get respect.
  11. Yea. The sooner he gets to Buffalo, the sooner his career will be over and we can continue this conversation another year.
  12. And I had to go back and find this post so that I could LOL at it. And sometimes Tommy Frazier wins the Heisman. I wouldn't draft Pryor with a 7th round pick.
  13. You shouldn't cite Occam's razor unless you can spell Occam's razor. Just FYI.
  14. I'm not really sure how you think his stats are misleading. He's putting up incredible numbers against top flight defenses. But the main reason we should want Mallett is because he's a senior. I don't care how big of a prospect it is, I don't want to draft a QB coming out early.
  15. Well multiple teams have won the super bowl in a tampa2 with bone crushing defense. To imply that the scheme itself was somehow flawed is absurd. Our defense folded in the fourth quarter a lot last year because they had been on the field substantially longer than the other teams' defenses. I suspect you have no clue what the zone chart would look like for a base tampa 2, or where the emphasis is in the defense, or even what the "2" means.
  16. Excuse me, but that post is entirely too reasonable for this forum. We cannot abide this type of logical lucid thought process as Bills fans. You must be fired immediately.
  17. It would be effective against a pass with no more than 2 WRs. More than 2 wideouts and you start to see mismatch problems with linebackers trying to cover speedy WRs. This generally should be mitigated to some extent with blitzing and creating a confusing pass rush, but when you can't get any pressure on the QB, you are asking to get burned. Even with a solid pass rush, a good QB will be able to exploit the mismatches and holes in the zones created by blitzing backers. Thus, the 3-4 is a better base defense against the pass happy NFL than the 4-3 with proper personnel and execution, but it is by no means a defense that can be relied upon exclusively to shut down a prominent passing attack. You must have nickel and dime packages ready to deploy when needed, regardless of what your base defense is.
  18. Someone has to lead the team. We simply don't have a player the caliber of those that you mentioned.
  19. Athlete's aren't known for being smart, but I have a hard time believing that an NFL hall of fame QB with a SB ring and several MVPs under his belt could possibly be stupid enough to send pictures of his member to anyone not married to him. It's like begging someone to take advantage of you, get a lot of your money and end your marriage all in one swoop - as if he doesn't have enough gorgeous a55 fawning over him constantly. Get real. It was partially believable right up until the rooster photos.
  20. Just for the record, Nix didn't coin that phrase. It's an old saying that has been around for a long long time. The reason is quite simple. He has to overpay for lesser talent because NOBODY WANTS TO PLAY, COACH OR MANAGE IN BUFFALO. It's not hard to understand.
  21. Agreed. I certainly don't want to be 0-16 just because of the epic stigma that goes with that. But beyond that I simply cannot root against my team, no matter the circumstances. Especially against AFC east opponents. God I hate all the AFC east teams. Especially the Jets. And Patriots. And Dolphins. :| Some fans are delusional. I hate to break it to you, but there is only one Peyton Manning (possibly the most dominating QB to ever play the game). We aren't going to get a Peyton Manning in the draft. The chances of even getting a pro bowl caliber QB in the draft are slim to none. And that is true for every team every year. Therefore, we must accept that we are not going to get a future HoFer and build a team that can be competitive with a game manager type. The way to do this is by building a solid front on both sides of the ball. And that is where our draft focus should be for the foreseeable future. Then, if we finally find our QB gem, bingo - super bowl. And just for all of you who think you can't win a SB without a great QB: Notice Brad Johnson, Trent Dilfer, Jeff Hostetler (a friggin backup QB) and Mark Rypien all won super bowls. Not to mention Eli Manning is hardly Peyton, and Ben Roethlisberger is the most overrated player I think I've ever seen in 25+ years of watching NFL football. And that doesn't even consider all the mediocre Super Bowl losing QBs who could have won had one or two breaks went their way instead of against them.
  22. I think so. I believe we will see a solidification of the line before we invest a 1st round pick on a QB. Since we are likely to suck next year as well, we should have another top 5 pick then. It makes no sense at all to bring in a QB when you can't protect him. Last thing we need is another Trent Edwards - could have been great, instead he got hammered and got scared and never regained his poise. Let Fitz and Brohm and any other stop gap journeyman take the pounding while we build a worthy line, then we draft our QB. That's the way it should be done, and probably will be. The only way I would be satisfied with a QB pick next year early in the draft is if we get Mallet - even then I'd still prefer to focus on the lines.
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