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Everything posted by judman

  1. I got my stubhub tix about 3 wks ago. Good thing, I had to get 9 seats. we got them all together in section 125. We got a crew of 20 for that game, cannot wait. Home opener, season opener, new coach, new offense, new defense... new QB?
  2. I got two words for you... Browns game.
  3. I would not mind having the referee bias that comes with him. If he were here, some calls might go our way!
  4. "Peter Schmuck of ‘The Baltimore Sun’ believes that it could help all parties involved" What a Schmuck! HA!
  5. When you see Edwards and Brohm throw the ball. You can actually hear the difference (even over that cheesy guitar riff). Brohm's throws make a whrirring noise. Trent's passes go woob woob woob.
  6. My father told me this story, he does not post, so I will share it. He was driving home from a class he was taking at UB in the early 80's. There was a monday night game at the Rich. He was headed down the highway and a U-Haul truck passed him, back door wide open. In the back was about 15 guys and a keg of beer. They were obviously on their way to the game. But... just to be safe they had a single strand of rope tied across the opening. He said they were doing about 50-55 mph at the time. Whoever they were, I gotta imagine that is among the coolest Bills things they ever did!
  7. The palace that Jerry Jones built in Dallas was like 1.2 billion, right? 12 Revis style contracts could build that place.
  8. It is Daunte Culpepper. My sister in law saw him at the IHOP yesterday.
  9. Turns out 90+ minutes of 1-0 soccer action was not riveting enough. Fans in S. Africa have introduced the world to the vuvuzela. Will the NFL, NHL, NBA, et al. outright ban these things? I think noisemakers are prohibited at RWS... is that a single stadium rule, or an overall NFL rule? I could not imagine being at a game with those damn things.
  10. Thanks man! (assuming OP means me).
  11. I just wanted to know if anybody has read it and could give a brief summary.
  12. On ESPN.com they have an insider link about a rumor that Brohm may get the nod as signal caller. ESPN - NFL
  13. A good pass defense is what we need if the NFL is indeed a "passing league." Couple that with a mediocre offense and some of those close-shave losses we have seen in the past few years could turn into checks in the W column. (Denver home opener, NE season opener, Browns 6-3 loss, Dallas MNF, etc.)
  14. TO was on the list too, so that really could be 5 Bills (if you want to count him) 5 out of 52 is pretty much 10%. That is both amazing and pathetic.
  15. On the right hand side of the page is a slideshow (52 slides). 52 players w/o championships Four of the 52 are Buffalo Bills: Jim Kelly OJ Simpson Bruce Smith Thurman Thomas The one that surprised me the most was Don Mattingly. I am obviously not a baseball fan. With the number of titles owned by the Yanks, not one for Mattingly.
  16. I want to know what hypothetical, or even real Super Bowl match-ups would make you vomit. Maybe we could poll some of these later. Mine is Dallas-New England.
  17. Impossible!!! I don't start bad threads.
  18. Where is the second cousin who drives the limo that picked Gruden up at the airport? Or, the guy who swears his wife saw Billick asking for directions to OBD at the gas station? Where are these guys? No "reports" yet?
  19. Chad Johnson (b/c Revis owned him 2x) actually looks like he has fun.
  20. NYC is a totally unique place. It is the perfect place for a super bowl. Even with the weather. This is football folks, not basketball!
  21. I like the American side idea. I wonder what amenities Jim Kelly would like to have in the owners box? Even now the televised games have cutaway shots of the falls. Imagine this shot.. the falls at night, then the camera pulls back and in the foreground is the new stadium (sans dome) filled with red and blue bills fans. While I'm at it the scoreboard should show the Bills up 35-10 on the patriots. Put them in throwback unis too. I'll bet we would get some prime tv time slots. People would want to see this thing. Hell, we might even eclipse Fairy Jones and his billion dollar monstrosity. F the cowboys, F the patriots!
  22. I did not renew. But last year was my first year as a season tix holder. I have a 3.5 hour drive each way. I know people drive further, but it was just too much money. It is a wonder I was allowed to hunt this past fall. I am not trying to send a message or anything. I will take another crack at it when my boys are older. I just hope the team is still here. I was born and raised in WNY/CNY, and have always been a Bills fan.
  23. I was waiting for somebody to bring that up. When he didn't fumble last year, he ran five miles east and west, rather than north and south. He also had a lot of spin and juke receptions for a +1 yard gain on the play. That being said. I would like to see him make the team. He is one fast man! I would like to see him play while being coached better. Hopefully that is here.
  24. The IPCC report has had to undergo so many revisions, and retractions from the crap science within, they should give back their Nobel. The raw data that all of the climate models are based on has been deleted. Weather stations that don't fit the model have been eliminated. Raw Data Dump There is really no way to tell how they get the numbers they have. They covered their tracks. If you want to get the real story, you need to do some international research and see what other countries are writing in their press. You cannot quote the UN and think that is good enough. Oh yeah, and the average temperature of the earth has been in decline since 1995. Al Gore will not answer questions, or grant an interview for fear he cannot defend himself. This man MADE A MOVIE, and now he doesn't want the press. C'mon man! Alright, I am sick of this, enough already. I can do this on other blogs. We do agree on one thing though. Go Bills!
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