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Posts posted by mrags

  1. Would you say any of those guys were better than Emmit Smith, Michael irving and Jay novacek its not that those guys were terrible just nothing really good


    I would say that at the height of Farves MVP runs Antonio Freeman was as good or better than Irvin was. Career wise, absolutely not. But for a few years he was one of the best WR's in the NFL. And I would think that Bubba Franks and Mark Chmura were just as good if not better then Jay Novechek. Emmit Smith is the difference maker IMO. But overall I think Farve had better receivers in his career than Aikman did.

  2. We can all totally shoot down Skooby. I dont care about the post. But with everything happening to Ralph in the last 9 months it would be rediculous to think that he might not be changing his mind about this team and what he will do with it when/before he passes. He complains about how he wouldnt make enough money to stay here for years but always did. I think Ralph really wants to keep the team here and I for one can only hope that he has a bigger plan than what he has said in the past. :P

  3. I will not go on record and say that I believe you or your post Skoob. But I have thought about this myself. With Ralph finally making the HOF, and now his daughter passing I could believe (even if for a minute) that Ralph is second guessing his intentions about this football team. Losing a child must be horrible and I wish his family the best in the future. I just wish Ralph would recognize how much the Bills mean to the city of Buffalo and decides to make that his legacy before he passes.

  4. Buddy, you may want to re-think using the word coward in reference to me. Seek life elsewhere, this is a bad plan for you. :devil:


    With that said, re-read my post, I did respond to your challenge explicitly, but it's still irrelevant to the point of this thread. I honestly have no idea what your "first challenge" was, but how about you go back and answer any one of my 5 questions before you start talking about who did what?


    Your comments have driven this entire thread, you have no one to blame but yourself, because you keep saying things like "the big joke when the mikes are off is". And when I ask you "what mike?" you obfuscate for 5 pages.


    But, I guarantee that you will keep posting here and keep carrying water for Schopp(figured out how to spell his name right yet pal?). Go ahead and prove me wrong.


    LOL, you are correct. This thread only got going because Preston would side step questions wheather he was Mike Schopp or if he was just wiping him after bathroom visits. The fact that he called you out from behind your keyboard is just hilarious. If I were you I would take him up on the offer. After all he might be Mike Schopp.

  5. I just wanted to take this opportunity to rub it in the faces of all those who wanted to draft Pettigrew in the first round, and especially the ones who wanted to do so at #11. I knew there was no chance in heck of the Bills drafting a TE in the first two rounds...as did anyone else with an ounce of football knowledge, so nah nah nah nah =p.


    Anyway, just look at the Lions. They got him late in the round so at a much better value, and the fans are so chagrined by it that they are booing the guy on stage. Even Lions fans understand that you don't draft TEs until all your important positions are filled. Pettigrew is a much better value to the Lions than to any other team, but I still think they should have addressed other needs, and I understand the Lions fans sentiment over this pick.


    Anyway thanks for reading this pointless thread.


    I was at the draft. Lions fans booed everything. They also wore bags over their heads. I never heard such a 1st pick overall get booed the way Stafford did.


    Then there is always the fact that the fans dont have anything to do with Pettigrew and his potential. I hope Pettigrew is a monster at TE so you can go on with the rest of your life knowing that your an idiot.


    Nice Post <_<

  6. I am no favre fan but yeah its true. Aikman had talent around him all thought out his prime years. Name one big name wideout favre had during his 1994-1997 run where he had his best stats and won a super bowl and played in another. When Favre had a good o-line and Amhed Green to hand the ball off to as well as a decent receiver in Donald Driver he had another stretch run where he put up great numbers and got into the playoffs in 2001-2002 as well as 2004.


    Aikman had a good o-line, Emmit Smith who was better than any running back that Favre had. Michale Irving who was better than any wide receiver Favre had and Aikman had a tight end in Jay Novacek that was better than anything favre had. If you put Favre on those Cowboy teams They become a even bigger dynasty getting five to seven championships as well as being a longer dynasty. Aikman was a good qb in a great situation but I wouldn't put him in my top ten all time maybe lower top 20.


    Farve didnt exactly have a bad receiving crew. I took the time to list most of the more well known receivers/receiving backs that Farve was privelaged to play with from 97-97 for you.


    Ed West

    Edgar Bennett

    Sterling Sharpe

    Robert Brooks

    Dorsey Levens

    Mark Chmura

    Mark Ingram

    Anthony Morgan

    Don Beebe

    Antonio Freeman

    Keith Jackson

    Desmond Howard

    Andre Rison

    William Henderon

  7. Was he stroking his right cheek or playing with his left ear? His actions speak louder than his words.


    All his interviews should be accompanied by subliminal subtitles. His thoughts can't possibly be that dull can they? I want to know what he's really thinking. Or maybe not.


    Im not so sure that I want to know what hes thinking at this point. An improvement would be just to know that he IS thinking. <_<

  8. That is all I am talking about. If Schoop is so bad that, according to one poster more people listen to him in spite of hating him, then why pay him when they could just hire someone for half his salary or maybe even less? ( I have no idea what local guys make) And why pay Bulldog if all he is is Schoop's lap dog?

    My only two points throughout this thread has been

    a) the whole premise of the thread was buillt on either inaccuracies or outright lies.

    b) their ratings and add revenue justify their existence.


    I dont think you could pay someone half of what these guys make and consider it pay for a full time job. I would be suprised if they made much over 40K a year, 50K would be a lot. Either way you swing it you couldnt find someone with a decent college education that could afford to live off of half that.

  9. We also have to remember that statistics only tell a small part of the story. Unfortunately, too many people these days use fantasy football as a gauge.


    For example, Drew Bledsoe has more completions, more yards and a better completion percentage than Johnny Unitas and Otto Graham, but nobody in their right mind will list him as one of the all-time greats.


    That is exactly why I say Elway, Young, Montana, Unitas, Graham, Manning are better than Favre. I think hes great. Defenately top 10 if not top 5, and can be in the same discussion as the greatest ever. I just dont think he is. But thats my opinion. I respect anyone else for theirs, I expect people to respect mine. I just get annoyed with people saying that one person is the best ever, end of subject, move on posts.

  10. Bolded = you have to be kidding there is no way the are/were better qb's


    I'll give you that an argument could be made for elway and montana...farve kicked young's ass pretty much every time they went head to head except for that one playoff game when TO finally decided to catch the ball


    I would have to say that is your opinion. Payton and Brady will probobly both break passing records and TD records that are held by #4. They will probobly do it without playing 20 years and throwing 300 ints too.


    It really depends on opinion at this point. You say Favre, and others can say Montana, Young, Elway, Unitas, Graham. Quit thinking your opinion is the only one worth listening to. They are all greats and could all be considered to be #1.

  11. The most obviously dumb post of the past month deserves a simple and even more obvious response. :P


    Owens is using this year as his "good behavior" year to earn a contract with a championship contender next year. Owens despite whatever he may say or do on the field this year has no long-term interest of being a member of the Bills. Sorry! That's a fact.


    Owens is only interested in himself, his stats and in playing for a major media market that fawns all over him.


    It is for this reason and many other obvious reasons Owens is only on a one year contract.


    Owens can't be good long-term because his behavior won't allow it. He won't understand and respect Buffalo as a team because he has proven three (3) times in San Francisco, Philadelphia, and in Dallas that his only concerns are calling his quarterback gay in San Francisco, throwing his quarterback under the bus in Philadelphia, and popping pills and throwing a temper tantrum that his quarterback in Dallas doesn't throw him the ball enough when he drops too many passes any way.


    Of course, Buffalo will be better this year on offense because of Owens unique skill-set and playmaking ability. But Owens is just a hired gun for a year while Buffalo finds out if Hardy or Johnson can become a #2 receiver. If they can, then great for Buffalo. If they can't, Owens will leave Buffalo and a 2nd or 3rd round pick on a receiver in the 2010 draft.


    Owens will be nothing more than a talented receiver who is putting in time for free agency next year.


    The only "Savior" role Owens will play is he will make Buffalo a relevant football team for the media circus. He will help sell extra tickets and a lot of jerseys because his is an exciting/controversial topic. (Think Alex Rodriguez, Dennis Rodman, Mike Tyson, etc.)


    Otherwise, let's leave the Savior role to the actual Savior found in the New Testament.


    Ralph Wilson will be happy and Buffalo fans will be treated to a more exciting team that will finish no better than 8-8 barring some major injury to a key player on one of Buffalo's AFC East opponents.


    This is why Owens is and only will be on a one-year sabbatical with Buffalo.


    Nothing else can be added or refuted to this conversation. Close the topic!




    So glad to see that your opinions are the only relevant ones on this topic. You are so wise! Maybe you should be working for an NFL team. :wallbash:

  12. I believe what they are referring to is some sort of rating system where stations are rated based on percentage of listeners in the area versus total population...I have seen the rankings and they are indeed number 1(at least were last time I looked). Not defending everything they do, but they are actually telling the truth on that one...what you are bringing up is some kind of award, which is not the same thing...


    Thank you for the clarification. As I said I know that I have heard the advertisements that they are number 1. The award is the only thing that I could find while writing the post. Glad to see Im not going crazy.

  13. I don't think you've listened to Stern in a while. He spends most of his time now talking about his Blackberry. Very controversial. But Schopp isn't controversial he's just annoying and rude. They're getting 14 pges worth of posts because they're the only game in town. Yeah there's Brad Riter but I don't think too many people know about that yet. I think most people just thought there was Schopp and his dog. I didn't know before this thread. And yeah there's other options like Sirius but many people want local talk, not listening to 'Movin' the chains' for an hour hoping someone brings up the Bills for 30 seconds.


    I never liked Stern but he is controversial, or at least was at one point. People liked that about him. He would do dumb, crazy things that might have gotten him removed from the air(it did at some point didnt it?), it was exciting.


    You must have missed some of my posts on this topic. I believe Schopp is annoying and rude. He's not getting 14 pages of posts because hes the only game in town. Hes getting so many because he is controversial.



    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    There is often controversy about a significantly different new idea, subject, group or person for a period of time, until honest direct examination of sufficient factual evidence results in widespread agreement on the truths of the matter"


    That sounds like this board if you ask me.



    If you read my post right you would have noticed the ? at the end of that sentence. I didnt know. I believe I've heard multiple times in the past on the show that they are considered the 1 sports station in the nation. Now I havent ever looked into it to prove it before. And it looks like they were a runner up to Dallas in 2008 but they were a nominee. Shame on them for lying on the air for advertising they are the number 1 sports station in the nation. Better yet, shame on me for believing it.



    2008 Sports Station of the Year

    KESN-FM Dallas, TX

    KGME-AM Phoenix, AZ

    KXNO-AM Des Moines, IA

    WEEI-AM Boston, MA

    WGR-AM Buffalo, NY

  14. Statistically yes he is. I dont think i can remember a guy that played the game with the love and enthusiasm that Brett did, but sometimes you have to know when to quit to preserve your legacy. Think of Emmitt in a Cards uniform, or Johnny Unitas as a washed up Charger. Walk away with grace and dignity.


    If throwing the most interceptions in NFL history is considered the stat that you go by then yes he is the best QB in history. He is great. Ill give it that. But stats dont mean everything. I would easily put Elway above Farve.

  15. That is my point. There aren't different Buffalo radio stations to listen to, so it isn't about switching around and finding your favorite, or hearing which is the most controversial and tuning into that one. There is only one. It is only on or it's not, and Schopp makes people turn it off. In this market, it would be more wise to NOT turn the people off, and more wise to be interested in the Bills (like Howard) so that the people that can tune in, do.


    I just see things differently. Ive never been to Boston, or Philadelphia for any long period of time but I would like to think that Buffalo sports fans are just as crazed as the best sport towns in the US. I can say myself that I listened for years even though I cant stand them but they are the only place to hear it. Maybe its just me and I crave sports that much. I can tell you that close freinds of mine are the same way. We might hate or love WGR but we will always listen to it because they are at least relevant to the Bills and Sabres. Recently Brad Writer received his own show and that has been a life saver for me (and many others I think). But proof is out there that contoversy stirs things up for good or bad. Mike Schopp could come on the show every day and say how much he hates Buffalo and would prolly get more listeners than ever. Like I said, I havent listened to the show in months and even I tuned in to find out what his replies were to this board if hes even read it.

  16. Different situation. Stern and national radio is not comparable to a local station only heard in Buffalo. Stern acquired more listeners because he could, and they tuned in from everywhere because of the national scene. Schopp can only turn people away, not acquire them. It's not really the case that Schopp being a dick head makes people all over listen. This is Buffalo, there aren't people all over. All he's done is make people stop listening.


    How do you figure? WGR is rated as the best sports talk radio show in the nation isnt it? Pretty sure that has been proven. And if you really want to make a point about it being local you went the wrong way. I can easily go the other way and say there isnt another sports radio station in town to listen to unless you have sirius or any other satallite radio programs out there. Stern is no different from Schopp. They are in the business of advertising. If you really think its about sports radio your wrong. Its all about them making money for their sponsors. Thats why Stern gets away with talking about absolutely nothing and having chicks in his studio to show their chests and take salami slices on their asses even though you cant see them.


    Im not defending Mike Schopp or WGR. Im simply stating that talking about him and his show is giving him power. Ill admit even I have tuned in over the last few days just to see if he commented on this post at all.

  17. I've wondered over the years why more teams haven't tried the no huddle offense. It worked so well in Buffalo, and it seems like it should be able to work if ran effectively. My concern here, as posted, is not that the Bills plan or might be planning on using the no huddle. What bothers me is that if they are planning on it, It Shouldn't Have Been Made Public!!! The Patriots will now game plan for that. I'm all for seeing it, and, as I said, if done right it is a good scheme, but the Patriots are great at game planning. I'm guessing they'll have an answer for it, or at least be able to deal with it a lot better than if it were kept secret. And, it wouldn't surprise me a bit if they use the no huddle against us in that first game. Bellichek has a kind of weird humor like that. Anyway, I like the idea, I just wish they would've kept it secret, so we could have taken the Pat's by surprise.


    I agree somewhat. I was thinking the same thing myself to an extent. But to think that we could have lasted the entire summer of training camp, mini camp, and pre-season and not show our hand to anyone we are smoking rocks. This is the NFL, teams dont really do things like this and catch people off guard. And if they did pull it out for the first game and the first time I would be worried that we havent practiced enough. Id rather plan for it and practice it as much as possible for the first game.

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