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Posts posted by mrags

  1. The real issue here is this. If Peters holds out again. And takes another 4-6 games to get into football condition, then why the hell would we want to pay him after that? You can pull up stats to say he sucked last year, or you can give excuses that the other lineman were bad, or the running backs missed the blitz pickup, or it was a coverage sack because Trent/JP held on to the ball too long. But you cant argue the fact that Peters was much better as the season went on as opposed to the first 4-5 games or so. I say this, if we are so far on contract talks and Peters may be a hold-out again this year. It would be better to trade him and get someone in here that will show up. I want to keep Peters, but this needs to be resolved one way or another before the draft.

  2. IMO the Bills will take either 1 of 2 positions/players. They will go with Maybin if he is available and keep him at OLB instead of converting him to a DE. Hes a much needed upgrade over Ellison. Or.....they will go with the best DB on the board, which will most likely be Jenkins and convert him to S this year with the option to convert back to CB after we lose McGee next year. I've gone on record saying in the past that we should have signed Greer to big money now and attempted to trade McGee since he is older and has more value as a successful return man. Ugh!!! if we go DB in the first round I might burn Tricky Dicky's house down. :rolleyes:

  3. Hardly.


    He isn't lazy or a bad teammate because he held out. That's the thing that you seem to be missing.


    He didn't hold out because he just didn't feel like going to work. He didn't wake up the morning before OTAs and say "Gee, I really don't feel like sweating it out with my teammates in Buffalo right now, so I think I'll just stay home and eat cheetos". He was posturing for a new deal. Period.


    It's natural that a player, even one that works out for the entire off-season, isn't going ot be at NFL football speed without some practice time. That's why he was held out of Week 1, not because--as you insinuate--he was too fat to play. Nobody ever said that; at least not that I heard. Perhaps you heard differently? If so, please post the link...


    There is no scenario in which trading Peters makes the Bills a better team going into 2009, which I think is what most fans would like to see: a better team in 2009 than 2008, 2007, 2006, etc. So the right move for the football team is to sign the guy and move on.


    As I said, I agree with you that we should resign him. He will make this team better in 09' than if we didnt have him here. However you proved my point that since he held out he was not in game shape. If you want to be really technical and be upset that I called him fat then you can go ahead. The fact is that he was not in game shape until a few weeks into the season. IMHO he wasnt clicking with the rest of the line at all until week 4. As far as holding out and your perception of not coming to work. I see it differently, he easily could have come to work and worked out a deal that way. Evans did just that and worked out a great deal for himself because he was patient and showed that he is a hard worker, and cares about this team. Not that I have a link for it, but I'm pretty sure I recall Brandon saying if he came to camp they would talk about his contract.

  4. The bottom line is that Peters is a tremendously talented player that proved in 2007 that he can dominate over the course of a season. It stands to reason that he would return to form if he worked for an entire off-season and pre-season with the team. If you're going to play the "he'll never be happy" card, just save it. The last time he got a new contract he went out and played outstanding football (2nd half of '06 and '07), so that argument is completely baseless.


    Grow up, pay the man, and let's move on. Left tackles don't grow on trees, and every other organization seems to realize that.


    You made my point about him being fat and lazy. He didnt show up to camp last year and was out of shape. so much that they made him sit all of the first game, and then parts of the 2nd game. It has also been noted on multiple occasions, by multiple people in the media that he was not in game shape until about week 4.


    I agree with you that we need to keep our big name players. I've been a supporter of the get Peters a contract fan club for a while now. But if hes going to hold out and not come to camp again and screw up the team chemistry on the O-Line then maybe its better that we cut bait now.

    I really hope we sign him for a somewhat reasonable contract and make him happy and keep him as a Bill for the rest of his days. But if he gets traded for a 2nd and maybe a 3rd ill be the first one to say I told you so. Ill be eagerly waiting to hear that the Bills have traded the Eagles for 2 first round picks.

  5. No instead the Dolphins passed on Matt Ryan. Who in his first year looks damn good. Like he could be a franchise QB for years. Then the Falcons traded back up and got a starting LT in Baker. I am so sick of people thinking Parcells is a genius. Fact is he missed the boat on Ryan. Plain and simple. Ask any owner or GM and they would tell you the same thing. Would you rather have a draft like the Falcons did last year or one like the Dolphins did? You still have no clue if Henne is a starter in this league. Where as the Falcons look to have their starting QB and LT for years to come.


    Hearing a post like this one makes me bring up the Tom Brady defense. Were all other 31 teams that didnt take Brady wrong? How about was Hoodie wrong the first 5 times he passed up on him? CMON they are not fortune tellers. Parcells went with what was proven and it paid off for him.

  6. If anyone here really thinks we will get 2 first round pick for Peters they are smoking crack through a plastic straw, with an espestos filter while sitting on a pole.

    There is no way in hell that we get 2 first round picks for Peters. If we were offered 2 first rounders we would be the dumbest FO in football not to take it. Peters is going to demand rediculous money, on top of being a fat out of shape slob, and letting up 12 sacks a year. How he made the pro-bowl is rediculous. And anyone that says he made the pro-bowl we need to pay him....you can go back and think all those years about how much a joke it was that Ruben made the pro-bowl each year. And Peters isnt good enough to lick Rubens jock strap.

    If we get 1 first round pick we should jump at the opportunity to get rid of this massive 340 baby. If we got anything on top of a 1st round pick we should be extremely lucky. To the people thinking we will get deals like 2 first rounds, and 2 second rounds over the course of this years, and next years draft need to wake up.

    Thats my take. You can flame away, or agree with me completely.

  7. I give the kid some credit. When I first broke into the industry, I sought advice from a couple veterans who I admired that I thought would help me last- namely The Undertaker and Bret Hart, to name a few. But I'll tell ya what, the kid does a lot of talking, tries to make us feel all warm and fuzzy in the offseason, like this next season's gonna be different. It's time to perform on the field. I've run into plenty of guys who know how to talk all day long, but then they get in the ring with Stone Cold and all that talkin aint gonna save em. Time to put up. And that's all I got to say about that.



  8. Where did you hear this rumor?


    i have heard nothing, but that's no surprise.


    A buddy at work heard it on THE EDGE. He said he heard it right after it was announced that he was picked up. He said that on the radio show the DJ said something like there have been other Bills players to live there.


    Anyone heard any truth to this?


  9. I just heard a rumor today that Owens announced that he will not be living in Buffalo and is looking at Toronto as his future residence. Can anyone verify if they have heard this or not? Im not trying to start any rumors here, Im just curious if anyone else has heard this.


  10. The 11th pick in the NFL Draft for the Buffalo Bills...will be...


    Aaron Maybin, DE/OLB

    Clay Matthews, OLB

    Brian Cushing, OLB

    Robert Ayers, DE

    Everette Brown, DE/OLB


    One of those guys


    Who though?!


    My guess is that Maybin will be our 1st pick. And possibly a C in the 2nd round. after that who really cares.

  11. Usually a restructuring means some cap money is pushed to later years and the players get more bonus money. I don't think the Bills , or most teams now, want to push dead money to future years.


    Very good point. I will take that argument.


    I also agree with Bflobarry that Schobel is possibly worth his weight and that Kelsey is an absolute waste of space. However I dont agree that they will cut him, or draft a DE early in the draft. At least not early enough to make any impact in 09' season. Lets just sit back and think about it.... how many times in the last 5 or so years have they drafted someone that we all agree was a need? Every year we say we need a TE, DE, OLB and expect each year that it will finally be the year. This hasnt changed in years. I fear it never will.

  12. Would you like it if your boss asked you to take an optional pay decrease?


    I dont work in the NFL. You cant ask the question if I would take a pay decrease or not. Your comparing apples to oranges. To even ask this your simply stating that restructured deals do not get done. It happens multiple times a year on other teams. These guys know how this works. They know when they are performing to their potential based on their pay or not.

  13. Ok, Its no secret that the DE's on this team are VERY overpaid. Weve seen many different thoughts, and ideas from cutting them, to trading them. Why arent we just asking them to restructure their deals. It seems like most FO's would be smart enough to know when someone is grossly overpaid and request this (I know, its asking alot of our FO), But its something that happens often enough each year in the league, and could free up cap space to bring in more talent to help the team win. Its obvious that this needs to happen. Your thoughts?

  14. Hi Tim,

    Hope your feeling better since the last few days. Please keep us informed as to how your doing.


    I was just thinking back to the T.O. signing and recall comments being made that the Bills were not done with FA, and expected to make another big splash. Now we all know that their thoughts of a splash could be Pat Thomas. But I think we were hoping something with a little more flash.

    During that time there were rumors that we were interested in trading for Brian Waters of the Chiefs.

    Do you have any inside information on what that splash might be, or if there is/was any truth to the Waters trade?


  15. I dont believe the Bills will be getting anywhere near a QB in this draft to be any threat. They have Trance Checkwards as their guy now. And Fitz to back him up once he gets his bell rung again (which will most likely happen). Fitz is everything they are looking for in a back-up at this point. If they think this year is it for Trent to make or break it and if he doesnt make it they will not have jobs next year. So worrying about who is going to start at QB next year will not even be an issue for Tricky Dicky. If you want my honest opinion they will take the young UB kid (since he is a hometown favorite) late in the draft. Round 6 or 7.

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