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Posts posted by mrags

  1. No offense, but blocking can't be taught. Not if you have been playing football for ten years or more and haven't already figured it out. The rudiments of blocking can be taught, of course, but they are basically simple. At the pro level, blocking is basically about two things:


    1) Are you physically strong enough to do it?


    2) Do you want to do it?


    You have to love to do it. And if you are a TE who loves to block and is physically capable, you will have been playing in-line for years. There is a reason Coffman doesn't play in-line. The reason is that he is not a good blocker.


    Over and over again we hear that blocking can be taught, and over and over again we discover that by the time they say that, it's too late. Coffman will essentially be a big WR.


    I just watched over the weekend on NFLN the top 10 TE's in the league and they commented on Tony Gonzo that at first he was a horrible blocker and really emerged into good if not great blocker. I haven watched Gonzo's career in a looking glass but ive always seen him as a pretty good blocker. From what they said on NFLN quoting Dick Vermeil, Mike Martz and a few others it seems that blocking can be taught, or at least improved on.


    With that said, I still say Pettigrew is a much better talent.

  2. I'm sorry I do not know that answer Cheif. I was just about to start a HOF thread asking about the tickets. Are the tickets that are advertised only for the HOF Game? or the Induction as well? Does anyone know? I was given information from a freind that went to the J. Kelly HOF induction that it was first come first serve on the day of the induction, and he didnt have to purchase tickets prior to going. Does anyone have any information on this?

  3. yeah, if he had knees. If I recall correctly a couple of years back there was some interest but he wanted no part of it. He's fiercely loyal to Philly. Something to do with the wife and kids, he didn't want to uproot them.


    Hes a FA. If he doesnt go somewhere hes going to have to retire then. I dont think Philly wants him back.

  4. It's almost gotten to the point where I want to hear this conversation:


    "Jason, I helped make this league. I'm old, rich and just don't give a phuk. 31 other teams passed you by 7 times. 7! I gave your sorry a&^ a six figure salary as a UFA, now you make more than most people will in a lifetime. I offered to double your salary and you basically spat in my face. As my last gasp, I am going show you what I think of today's players and agents. Show up and you'll work with the scout team, don't show up and I don't have to pay you. Either way you won't play a down in the NFL for the next 2 years. Good luck with your next contract. Nuh, nuh, nuh gone."


    If we're gonna go 7-9 anyway, let's do it with some dignity.



  5. Guys you both have very valid points. Which is exactly why the Peters thing is so hard to get your hands around. I will say that technically the Bills got Peters, more so then he has them.

    By that i mean, Peters doesn't get one Penny if he sits out. Not one. Yes the Bills will probably see a loss of production at LT with who ever they put in there. But they will still play the games, and it is worth pointing out that Gandy just played LT for Zona last year. You could scheme around the fact that you have an average LT (Walker)or a rookie with a learning curve. Put a TE on that side as help. Or have RB stay in on obvious passing downs.

    I guess i agree somewhat we both of you. Except the Bills can play hard ball and Peters can stay home and not make a penny. Oh and yes he is getting underpaid, but in todays market place how many would not take a 4.5 million or 8.5 million dollar paycheck. If someone handed you millions of dollars, which is what Peters has recieved so far, i bet you could make it last the rest of your life and your kids life. A performance based contract is exactly what he needs. A base of 8 million with bonuses of games played, off season attendence, offensive production, playoffs, probowls, and super bowls. The yearly value could get to 11 a year. Everyone would be happy then, even the Bills.


    Agreed ATL :rolleyes:


    Im not completely against JP here. Im just saying if we cant get him locked up, why go through the same thing as last year. I think you understand that.

  6. Peters is overrated. So he made the probowl, big effing deal. If anyone watched Peters play at all last season they saw a slow, fat disinterested player who let us down bigtime last year. Why on earth would the Bills want to pay a guy who does not bring it game in and game out, who has held out and has not given any type of commitment to the team 10 plus million/year? It is never going to happen. We have not won with the guy, maybe we will have far more continuity without him. Because it is the Bills FO, they are automatically in the wrong. Get over it. Peters is never going to play another down for the Bills. Why do you think any other team would pay a guy who held out all offseason $10 mill/year with at least 2 years left on his contract. You do that in Pittsburg or New England, you are GONE. No questions asked. The Steelers let Alan Faneca walk, and he has had a much more productive career than Peters. Look at NE with Deion Branch, and many other guys. I think the Bills are playing this perfectly.


    The hate for the Bills front office is just god awful ridiculous.


    OMG, thank you for this. Agree 100% :rolleyes:


    If we have not won with him in the past, why is it such a big deal to think hes going to be our savior in 2009?

  7. I'm not saying he necessarily deserves it. I'm saying the Bills cannot afford to lose the guy whether he deserves it or not. The Bills do not have this guy by the balls, its the other way around. He is important to our success because you simply cannot expect to have a legitimate passing attack without a solid left tackle, and especially considering the current pond water state of our O line, we have no leverage in dealing with this guy. He and his agent realize this and are taking full advantage, which does piss me off. My point is that if the Bills want to win, they need to make sure he remains a Bill. To suggest a rookie can step in and play effectively, while possible, is highly unlikely and exceedingly foolish. I'm not saying having a high caliber left tackle translates into making the playoffs. I'm saying that having a weak offensive line translates into not making the playoffs, and really our tackles are the only thing we have going for us up there, so I don't see how you think we can afford to trade one of them away.


    My opinion is not the only one that matters - but then again I am not the only Bills fan who holds this opinion. But in this specific situation I am absolutely correct, and I apologize that you lack the capacity to understand the dynamics of football necessary to be able to realize that. But the fact remains that you are advocating a coarse of action that is not in the best interest of the Bills. Perhaps trading him away for picks would be better in the long run, but the problem with that is it is uncertain how much of a long run the Bills are working with here. How many more losing seasons can we suffer before our team moves away (and I was born and raised in Jamestown so I really do care what happens to the Bills)? That is why what you are suggesting is foolery, and you can blow ESPN analysts all day long but it doesn't change the fact.


    You just remember how many of those ESPN people are pro-patriots. Of course they want us to trade him away - they are worried the Bills could topple the Pats this year. But continue perpetuating their biased jargon to the detriment of the Bills. The sad thing is you are too stupid to realize when you are being played like a fiddle.



    I never said anything about ESPN. To be honest, I'm not a huge fan of ESPN because I dont beleive all of the opinions that someone who doesnt even follow the team has. You still cant prove that Peters is worth what he is asking or deserves. Although I hope your right. I wouldnt mind at all if the team gave him a huge contract and he lived up to it. But you cant tell me that there isnt questions regarding his attitude, work ethic, injury status. My point is that if hes going to be a distraction the same way he was last year, and not show up to camp and help his team he is not deserving of a contract because he is showing that all he cares about is the money. And why would you go through the entire offseason practicing and playing games one way and switch it up 2 days before the season starts to make JP part of the team? Walker played fine in JP's absence last year. Did he play as well as JP......NO! not at all. But that doenst mean I will sacrifice everything for JP's huge deal. As many others have stated on this board, we have many needs at multiple positions. Making a trade would most likely cover 2 of those positions. And saying that your not the only Bills fan that holds that opinion is just rediculous to think that Im the only fan that agrees with mine.

  8. It's always good IMO to do that due diligence, as long as it doesn't leak out too much and the player thinks you want to get rid of him, feels disrespected and starts to pout.


    How do we know that Roscoe didnt ask the FO to seek a trade? It has been said that he thinks he can be a legitamate receiving threat and thats what he really wants to do with his career.

  9. I've been saying for months that exploring the trade possibilities for Parrish makes a lot of sense. That he was both expendable as a returner and really never has had much value as a WR, and every time I mentioned that McKelvin was more known coming out of college as a PR than KR, it just didn't really sink in. McKelvin is a NCAA record holding Punt Returner, he had 8 PR's for TD's in his college career and only 1 KR for TD. We know that Mcgee can obviously be the KR and Freddy Jackson is a very good backup as a PR as evidenced with his 16 yard per return average last year. For some reason, it just doesn't sink in with people and they disregard it completely. The typical comment I would recieve afterwards would be something like, "well McKelvin can't be a DB, PR, KR, he could get injured". It's like they totally disregarded what I had just said. Sometimes people just have a one track mind and disregard the facts. I understand that Parrish is a popular person, and he has added value in regards to our teams PR's, but we have a guy that may even be better. I'm sure when we all saw McKelvin start off the year as the Kick Returner last year, we would of never have thought that McKelvin could be as good if not better than Mcgee, who btw was the one of the best if not the best KR in the league. Well, we saw how that worked out. Now we are going to doubt that McKelvin can't do the job as the PR when he was the NCAA record holder for most college Return TD's.


    It looks as if Tim Grahm believes it is logical as well. I mean, how couldn't it be?


    A third rounder would be very good value. For those who say, "what is a third rounder going to do?" I mean is that even a real question? Maybe the third rounder becomes a good player, maybe he doesn't, just like any draft choice, which could even be said for the 1st overall pick. When a team makes decisions, not all the decisions that are made are for immediate returns. I'd be happy if that 3rd round choice ended up being a starter by his third year. Some people are too short sighted. At least Russ Brandon is taking the logical, pragmatic approach to this, and he is seeing what is out there.


    My guess is that if a team wanted to trade for Roscoe for a draft choice that he would fetch somewhere in between a 4th-5th rounder. My hopes is that we package a deal that would include Roscoe and a 4th-5th rounder for Brian Waters. That would be what I would ideally want. If that deal doesn't materialize, and all we are offered is a draft choice, ideally a 3rd and maybe a 4th if it is somewhere in top half of the draft.


    Totally agree with you on this. And what happens if Roscoe gets injured did anyone think of that?

  10. You know, this may not be the Bills that want to move Parrish, but Parrish himself wanting more playing time as a WR, not just a punt returner. It has been said that he is not disgruntled, but we really do no know what he has been saying to the FO. He may indeed be jousting for more playing time. Johnson will be taking up the playing time in the slot after Reed, not Parrish. With Hardy spelling TO and Evans, Roscoe's playing time outside of Punt returner will be down to a couple plays a game designed for him, that everyone will know is coming by mid-season.


    As one that does not go to refill my beer until after Roscoe has returned his punt, I will miss him greatly. None the less, I take nothing less than a third for him, and if I do not get it, then he takes up a roster spot as strictly a punt returner.


    I beleive that ive heard in the past as well that Parrish isnt exactly disgruntled, but has stessed his frustration to be used more at WR. Maybe the Bills are expecting him to become disgruntled, maybe he already is and we just dont know it yet. Or maybe the Bills are granting him his wish to be traded to become more of a threat at WR. I think he is the best in the league as what he does well, however i dont think he can get seperation from even bad DB's at WR. Bobby April usually gets alot of love during the draft why do you think we have to sacrifice our LB's with guys like Ellison, Corto, DiGiorgio, Stamer, Bannen and any other scrub that cant make the roster other than a back up at best. I firmly believe that if Parrish is gone that April can find another diamond in the rough. Maybe he wont be as productive as Parrish, but if we could get another Steve Breaston in his place. Breaston was taken in the 5th round in 2007 as the 142nd overall. Or if we really want to argue about draft picks not accumulating to anything we can throw out that Brady was what a 5th or 6th rounder? Thats working out pretty well for the Pats.

  11. First of all, Atlanta is not in south Georgia, so there goes yet another example of your flaming ignorance. Secondly, you are absolutely correct: the Bills definitely would sign him if they thought he was worth the money. After all, that's how they've managed to accumulate such a talented roster already! (because I'm uncertain that you would be able to recognize what seems to me blatantly obvious, that was sarcasm). I think the Bills would give him everything he is asking for if he would simply show up and do his job, because they realize what a valuable commodity he is. That being said, given his piss poor attitude and the Bills history of dealing with players like that, I think its pretty much a no brainer that he would be gone if they thought they could win without him. Also, seeing as the Bills have NOT traded him as of yet, then it would appear that their position is that they do not want to trade him. As far as I can tell, your position is that you want him to be traded, so don't sit their and pretend your opinion is in line with the Bills front office. You don't have to sit there and get mad because I pointed out how stupid and fallible your logic is. I can only make one assumption regarding anyone who advocates a course of action that will almost certainly lead to another losing season: you are a loser. So don't worry about my job and get back to inhaling asbestos for $12 an hour.


    Also, I read your first post, the one in which you initially started spewing out stupidity like you were choking on it, and it was unnecessary to repeat what was said. The point is your opinion of JP is utterly irrelevant, if the Bills FO thought they could win without him, he would be gone, and I am saying that this logic CANNOT be denied. After two posts in which you simply regurgitated the same bull-sh1t content you have failed to debunk my logic. And I am not asking you to debunk it, I am saying it can't be done. You can list you special-ed poster boy logic all day long - my point is that there is no argument that can debunk my logic, and you sir certainly aren't going to be the visionary philosopher who can find one that does.


    Oh I'm sorry the opinion of a car parking assistant must be more valuable than the FO of an NFL team. Let me say I'm glad u are not working for the Bills. Oh wait maybe u do. Ur most likely who we have to thank for Kelsey and Schobels contracts. Maybe u were responsible for signing Dockery too.


    Let's be realistic. I've commented that JP deserves more money in the past and is underpaid at this time. I just don't blow him every chance I get like u are. No matter what u say u can't prove that JP deserves to be paid as the best LT in the league. He's had one good season (FACT) and another that is up for argument. But if he is threatening to cause issues like he did last year what's the point of keeping him. Last time I checked we haven't made the playoffs since JP has been on the team. Why will he be so important to our success this year.


    Keep thinking ur opinion is the only one worth anything. It's working out great so far.

  12. Glad to see you know how to perpetuate the argument, but you didn't respond to my statement. I stated that if the Bills thought they could adequately replace JP he would be long gone, and that the trade advocates have no response to that reasoning, which you have also failed to provide. And to state that JP has more ?s than a rookie is preposterous. Seriously, do you people put even an ounce of critical thought into your posts before you make them?


    Yeah, My response to your argument is that JP hasnt really proved anything other than 1 year of quality play. Then I went on a rant of how last years Pro-Bowl was a joke. My point is that 1 good year of play isnt anything to get an erection about. Especially considering his ?'s that are arguable. Lets ask this. If the Bills really thought he was that high caliber of player, and had no ?'s sorrounding his injuries, character, team chemistry/leadership dont you think they would just sign him? Im going to take the side of the Bills FO here considering they do this for a living and you probobly park cars in downtown Atlanta for a living.


    So back to my points so you can understand


    1) Peters hasnt shown anything beyond 1 year of quality play and wouldnt be hard to replace especially since Walker played fine for him in his absence last season.


    2) JP has shown over the last 2 years that he has questions with his health and cannot complete a season (FACT).


    3) You work for Joe's Used Cars, and the Bills FO negotiates for a living and if they knew for a fact that they had a REAL Pro-Bowl/HOF player Im sure we woudlnt be talking about it because he would be standing right next to T.O. and Freddy J in the weight room right now.

  13. You trade Peters advocates have no response to this simple truth.


    Lets try this. I happen to be a supporter of JP. I think he is a good player. Not great like everyone here seems to think as they stroke his epeen. But I hardly think JP is worth the 11-13million that he is asking/expecting before he plays a another snap.


    SIMPLE TRUTH.......Peters has not proved anything at all. He has had 1 good season in his NFL career. Im not getting into the argument that he made the last 2 Pro-Bowls. I think its more than obvious that the majority of people on this board will state that he didnt play nearly as bad last year as we make it out to be, but I think you would probobly get the same response if asked if he should have made the Pro-Bowl. Im sick of hearing the "NFL coaches, Players, Owners, Fans" voted him in crap. Because there are plenty of players that go that dont deserve it IMO. Just look at back in the day when we used to crack jokes about Ruben making it in every year. As I recall there were rumors that he always got voted in because he threw major celebratory bashes while he was there.


    Then theres the argument that JP cant stay healthy. Is it me or has he missed games in each of the last 2 seasons due to injury? Is it the same injury? Should we be so quick to assume that hell be fine in the future? And if thats the case can we question if he was really hurt or not, and just didnt want to get hurt in fear that it might ruin a big payday? There are just as many questions around JP as there would be revolving around a rookie, or Bell. And FYI, the coaches seemed to be very high on him as I recall.

  14. With Peters, no playoffs. What's your point?


    I agree. Ive been trying to back this for over a month now. I think you would see the following line start the season


    LT Walker

    LG Unger/Mack

    C Hangartner

    RG Butler

    RT Bell


    And by the end of the season you would see LG switch with C once the rookies get a better feel for the line calls.


    Possibly Bell and Walker switch at RT+LT


    Walker played fine last season when filling in for JP he can do it again. Also we have an unknown at Bell, for all we know, the Bills could have more promise with him than they have with Peters.


    I hope Bell becomes a stud LT and makes the Pro-Bowl for the next 3 years. All of the Peters lovers will shut their mouths then. If not, I'll eat my crow with salt and pepper and enjoy it.

  15. Call the players who voted for him and played against him and tell them they were wrong.


    Also, Peters became an elite LT by working his ass off.





    What he said.


    I cant speak for everyone that voted Peters into the Pro-Bowl. But I can tell you that he wasnt one of the best OL's in the league to be there.

    I mean hey, if guys like Plaxico Burress are voting him into the Pro-Bowl that doesnt hold any water to me considering hes so stupid he shot himself in the leg. Or how about guys like Lynch, Pacman, Henry, or any other Bengal for that matter that cant stay out of trouble. They obviously dont make sound decisions on a daily basis, so how can I trust they did when voting Peters into the Pro-Bowl?


    How can you assume that the rest of the players in the league know. He only played against 13 teams this season considering he didnt play in week one because he wasnt in game shape or know the line changes from 07' he didnt play in the last 2 weeks of the season because he was injured. Oh, and by the way, the last game of the season, when everyone in the world knew we were going to run the ball because there 50mph winds all day long we had our best rushing game of the season for an individual(136yrds). Peters didnt play, and Jackson was the RB. So I'd like to know how important he was in that game?


    There is no factual evidence that Peters did or didnt work his ass off. Personally, I think he did. But to assume that is rediculous. You have your opinion, and I have mine. Personally I think Peters really wants out of Buffalo and is trying to force a trade. You can point to any interview with him and he will say he loves it here. Doesnt everybody say that? IMO we should get something for him while he is still worth something. There is no proof in the last 2 years that he is 100% healthy. He missed the last 2 games last year, and a half a game somewhere in midseason.


    Thats why the Bills didnt want to deal with him in the first place last year if you cant remember. He wouldnt show up to camp, said he wanted a deal, and the Bills point was that they havent even talked to him since his injury and had no idea if he had recovered 100%. It turned into the madness it is now because of his lack of communication. I'm sorry, but if they have to continue along this path, why waste your time and efforts trying to make someone happy that might never be happy.

  16. Do the research here because "some" is in actuality very few.


    That's 10 LT's from 4 complete drafts. More than 90 players were drafted at OT in that time. So the odds of a pick becoming outstanding at the position are slim to none. No one beyond the second round has been even above average.


    If its true what you say about the odds of picking and becoming outstanding at the position are slim to none, and that no one beyond the second round has ever been average then why so high on Peters? Hmmmmm...... Doesnt Peters fall under both of those catagories?


    For all you Peters Lovers out there:

    We picked him up as an UDFA TE, converted him to the position of RT, then LT, and should take sole resposibility for acknowledging his talent in the first place.


    And who really thinks he belonged in the Pro-Bowl last year? If you really did you should jump off a bridge with a frozen over river at the bottom. Peters hasnt really shown us anything. He was great for 1 year at LT. Thats it. End of list. He didnt prove anything last year except he knows how to hold out. And its looking the same this year.


    Can we please end the experiment? He doesnt want to be here, and IMO theres no way hes proved to be paid highest LT in the league. If he played last year the way he did 2 years ago, I would say you have an arguement.

  17. I dont think there is a way to get 3 1st round pics

    I think the best case scenario is for us to get 2 first round pics as follows:

    Buffalo trades Peters to Philly for a 1st, and a 3rd


    Buffalo trades their 1st to the Jets who are begging us to have the 11th pick overall so that they can draft Sanchez, or Freeman over Denver who now is in need of a young QB with talent, and upside. We would pick up the Jets 1st, and possibly 2nd, or 3rd.


    With this we could possibly go with Ayers, Pettigrew, Mack/Unger with our first 3 picks. IMO that would be a fantastic draft. or maybe someone like Brown, or even Raji (now that hes a drug addict) slides down to the pick we got from the Jets. We would still have 2 2nds, or 2 3rds left to take more depth at OLB, CB, OT, OG, RB. :thumbdown:

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