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Posts posted by mrags

  1. Go early! When we went, we got there at around 5AM and there was already a massive line stretching around 3 blocks. We would have been out of luck and been turned away if there hadn't been a mad rush when the lines moved from one starting place to another. Everyone started running around the 3 blocks and in the process, it was total chaos. We ended up a little further ahead in line. As it turned out, we were one of the last people to get a ticket. If you are going to stand in line for several hours anyway, you might as well stand a few more and be sure to get a ticket.


    Dont they give out the wristbands now to ensure you will get in? just a matter of how far back you will be sitting?

  2. Giving this thread another bump!


    I sent my contact information to Cash, Chums, Billsfans126, Devldog, and MarkVaderr50. If you didnt receive it let me know.


    If anyone else is going to the draft and wants to meet up feel free to msg me your contact information and Ill try and set something up so that we can meet up before the long wait in line Friday night.

  3. How can we draft in the second round / third round and move up in the first?? Maybe throw in Roscoe and our first to move up??


    I dont think Roscoe would sweeten up the deal with anyone enough to take only the 1st round pick. Unless you packaged some huge deal with KC a 1st, 2nd and Parrish for their 1st and Waters? Im sure it would take more than that to move up, but just throwing it out there. We would most likely have to give up 1st, 2nd, and 3rd and Parrish for that deal. IMO it COULD be worth it. Curry is a monster we could really use at LB.

  4. Fluke of the NFL schedule formula


    Each team plays the other three teams in their division twice: once at home, and once on the road (six games).

    Each team plays the four teams from another division within its own conference once on a rotating three-year cycle: two at home, and two on the road (four games).

    Each team plays the four teams from a division in the other conference once on a rotating four-year cycle: two at home, and two on the road (four games).

    -This year the AFC East plays the AFC South. So we play Jax, Indy, Tenny, and Houston. Just like we played those 4 teams in 2006 and 2003

    Each team plays once against the other teams in its conference that finished in the same place in their own divisions as themselves, not counting the division they were already scheduled to play: one at home, one on the road (two games).

    -In 2008 the Bills finished last in the AFC East <_<. So did the Browns and Chiefs, which is why they are on the Bills 2009 schedule


    So, in summary we play the Jags so often because....

    2009 - Regular NFL rotation

    2008 - Bills and Jags both finished 2nd in division in 2007

    2007 - Bills and Jags both finished 3rd in division in 2006

    2006 - Regular NFL rotation

    2005 - Did not play

    2004 - Bills and Jets tied for 3rd/4th. Jags and Texans tied for 3rd/4th. Not sure what tiebreaker was

    2003 - Regular NFL rotation


    I knew all that. But wayyyyy too lazy to do the typing on that. But thank you for the great explanation.

  5. He wasn't the worst LT, but he wasn't anywhere near elite. Not even close. I wouldn't pay him that kind of money after he's shown what he will do if unhappy. If he gets paid and gives up three sacks over three years and is a force in the run game, I'll be happy to admit I was wrong. If he gets paid, gives up eight sacks next year and is marginal in the run game (as many have suggested on this site), I expect to hear apologies from every single one of you, especially when our ticket prices go up. If he gets traded away, well, the picks will forever be compared against his performance on the next team which will be debatable for years to come on this site...


    Agreed :devil:

  6. Hello everyone,

    Its less than 2 weeks away from the draft and Im just trying to find out who else is heading up to NYC. Im heading up there on Friday night and my plane comes in about 8pm (ish). Im thinking it would be a great idea to get a good group of as many as possible to wait in line Friday night, and group up during the draft. If your going and would like to get together to kill time in line on Friday night let me know. Reply on here, or with your contact info in a PM and ill get a hold of you via email or phone.

  7. The induction ceremony and the game are different tickets. You may be able to buy the induction ceremony as a walk up, but I was told they sell out quick. So, I bought mine the day Bruce and Ralph were announced. I'll be calling at 10:59am tomorrow to get the game tickets and hopefully complete a great weekend of Bills and family.


    There were several good threads back at the time they announced this year's inductees. If you're going, it might be worthwhile to search and read through them. Lots of good advice. I think the biggest problem is hotels. Apparently they fill up quick (or at least the cheap ones do). We're staying in a Holiday Inn in south Cleveland - coulda gotten better but several family members already booked there, so we decided to stay close to them (probably a mistake :thumbsup:).


    Tickets for the induction already went on sale? where did you go to get them?

  8. Game tickets aren't on sale til tomorrow.

    As far as the induction ceremonies, they just started selling tickets beforehand a few years ago. Before that, it was first come, first serve and you could sit anywhere in the stands that you wanted...which was great if you ran into someone out there that you know. Now you have to buy reserved seat tickets beforehand


    Thanks Philster. I guess ill have to get my tickets tomorrow when they go on sale or im boned.

  9. No offense, but blocking can't be taught. Not if you have been playing football for ten years or more and haven't already figured it out. The rudiments of blocking can be taught, of course, but they are basically simple. At the pro level, blocking is basically about two things:


    1) Are you physically strong enough to do it?


    2) Do you want to do it?


    You have to love to do it. And if you are a TE who loves to block and is physically capable, you will have been playing in-line for years. There is a reason Coffman doesn't play in-line. The reason is that he is not a good blocker.


    Over and over again we hear that blocking can be taught, and over and over again we discover that by the time they say that, it's too late. Coffman will essentially be a big WR.


    I just watched over the weekend on NFLN the top 10 TE's in the league and they commented on Tony Gonzo that at first he was a horrible blocker and really emerged into good if not great blocker. I haven watched Gonzo's career in a looking glass but ive always seen him as a pretty good blocker. From what they said on NFLN quoting Dick Vermeil, Mike Martz and a few others it seems that blocking can be taught, or at least improved on.


    With that said, I still say Pettigrew is a much better talent.

  10. I'm sorry I do not know that answer Cheif. I was just about to start a HOF thread asking about the tickets. Are the tickets that are advertised only for the HOF Game? or the Induction as well? Does anyone know? I was given information from a freind that went to the J. Kelly HOF induction that it was first come first serve on the day of the induction, and he didnt have to purchase tickets prior to going. Does anyone have any information on this?

  11. yeah, if he had knees. If I recall correctly a couple of years back there was some interest but he wanted no part of it. He's fiercely loyal to Philly. Something to do with the wife and kids, he didn't want to uproot them.


    Hes a FA. If he doesnt go somewhere hes going to have to retire then. I dont think Philly wants him back.

  12. It's almost gotten to the point where I want to hear this conversation:


    "Jason, I helped make this league. I'm old, rich and just don't give a phuk. 31 other teams passed you by 7 times. 7! I gave your sorry a&^ a six figure salary as a UFA, now you make more than most people will in a lifetime. I offered to double your salary and you basically spat in my face. As my last gasp, I am going show you what I think of today's players and agents. Show up and you'll work with the scout team, don't show up and I don't have to pay you. Either way you won't play a down in the NFL for the next 2 years. Good luck with your next contract. Nuh, nuh, nuh gone."


    If we're gonna go 7-9 anyway, let's do it with some dignity.



  13. Guys you both have very valid points. Which is exactly why the Peters thing is so hard to get your hands around. I will say that technically the Bills got Peters, more so then he has them.

    By that i mean, Peters doesn't get one Penny if he sits out. Not one. Yes the Bills will probably see a loss of production at LT with who ever they put in there. But they will still play the games, and it is worth pointing out that Gandy just played LT for Zona last year. You could scheme around the fact that you have an average LT (Walker)or a rookie with a learning curve. Put a TE on that side as help. Or have RB stay in on obvious passing downs.

    I guess i agree somewhat we both of you. Except the Bills can play hard ball and Peters can stay home and not make a penny. Oh and yes he is getting underpaid, but in todays market place how many would not take a 4.5 million or 8.5 million dollar paycheck. If someone handed you millions of dollars, which is what Peters has recieved so far, i bet you could make it last the rest of your life and your kids life. A performance based contract is exactly what he needs. A base of 8 million with bonuses of games played, off season attendence, offensive production, playoffs, probowls, and super bowls. The yearly value could get to 11 a year. Everyone would be happy then, even the Bills.


    Agreed ATL :rolleyes:


    Im not completely against JP here. Im just saying if we cant get him locked up, why go through the same thing as last year. I think you understand that.

  14. Peters is overrated. So he made the probowl, big effing deal. If anyone watched Peters play at all last season they saw a slow, fat disinterested player who let us down bigtime last year. Why on earth would the Bills want to pay a guy who does not bring it game in and game out, who has held out and has not given any type of commitment to the team 10 plus million/year? It is never going to happen. We have not won with the guy, maybe we will have far more continuity without him. Because it is the Bills FO, they are automatically in the wrong. Get over it. Peters is never going to play another down for the Bills. Why do you think any other team would pay a guy who held out all offseason $10 mill/year with at least 2 years left on his contract. You do that in Pittsburg or New England, you are GONE. No questions asked. The Steelers let Alan Faneca walk, and he has had a much more productive career than Peters. Look at NE with Deion Branch, and many other guys. I think the Bills are playing this perfectly.


    The hate for the Bills front office is just god awful ridiculous.


    OMG, thank you for this. Agree 100% :rolleyes:


    If we have not won with him in the past, why is it such a big deal to think hes going to be our savior in 2009?

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