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Everything posted by Red

  1. C'mon man. There is a HUGE difference between training camp and preseason, and actual, live football. I wasn't at training camp. But I did watch the preseason games. I don't remember Edwards getting anything given to him, and I didn't see Fitz struggling to get snaps and make plays. Fitz has thus far been a career backup. He's accustomed to coming in cold. only now he'll have time to prepare. I don't see how this is any way a knock on the abilities of the coaching staff. If you want to take your frustration out on someone, please use your common sense and not take it out on the new guy. He's doing the best with what he has been handed. If you want to take shots on somebody who IS responsible for the current plight of the Bills, perhaps Tom Modrak might need to be reminded to retire as he has clearly sucked for the past decade. And man, is our roster loaded with young talent set to take the reins.... I agree. Any one of Gailey's predecessors would have hung on to Trent for atleast another 4 weeks. Switching quickly is an intelligent decision. But then there's the reality...I don't know that Fitz will fare any better. Modrak must be fired!
  2. Yes, john guy is gone. now we need to get rid of modrak. I like Nix, Whaley, and Gailey. I think we have a better front office and coaching staff. Heck- if this was a Mauron led team, we'd be stuck w/the underperforming Edwards for another 6 weeks.... Gailey gave Edwards 2 games, nothing improved. Time to make a change. What's to lose?
  3. HE's still garbage. Wouldn't want him if he leads the Eagles to the Super Bowl.
  4. And that's what I think was so misleading. Each year, I would sit down expecting some sort of competitive edge, record, etc. This led me, as a fan, to be seriously let down when they consistently lost in the closing minutes of games, lost just enough bad games they should have won (last years 6-3 loss to Cleveland, for example) to keep them out of any kind of playoff berth. It assaulted my pride of being a Bills fan, and I began to question why I would subscribe to a horrible team. This year makes no attempt to claim anything. For some reason, this does not frustrate me as much as the Mauron teams did. What does bother me, is the extreme lack of anything resembling any sort of future for the franchise. For instance: if they were a bunch of young players in need of experience, but with all kinds of talent, I could watch with the hopes I will see glimpses of something great for next season. There is nothing like that on this team. Even Spiller is bottled up. He can't get open space. This is bigger than Edwards. The offensive line has a large stake in it, but I think that the receivers are also a big part of the problem. I like the fight in Parrish. But I'm starting to sour on Evans. He is not a #1 receiver. He's a really good #2, but he never does the things necessary nor takes over a game like a true #1 receiver does. I look at an Anquan Boldin as an example. We are indeed in trouble. I'm thinking 5 years (atleast).
  5. Ok, I watched Kelsay today, and what is his upside? What exactly is his strength on the field to guarantee a roster spot? He can't rush the passer. He can't even get into the backfield to pressure the passer. He can't contain (which when he was a DE was a primary responsibility). He can't tackle. I watched today where he was off in coverage, Bryd tackled the receiver short of the first down marker, but in plods Kelsay to hit the receiver and give him forward progress for the 1st down. Now as an OLB, how many games are we going to see opposing QB's take advantage of Mr. Plodder in coverage? He can't cover. I'm hoping that this season will be his last with the Bills. He has done nothing IMO to warrant a job. And that contract he was awarded from Levy. Sheeeesh......
  6. I don't agree. What is a fiery Gailey going to accomplish w/garbage? Motivate basically a 3rd string roster to do what, exactly? No, Gailey has been around long enough to know that we are dung. The kind people step in, and scrape all over the sidewalk to get off the bottom of their shoes. Ka-ka. Poop. But Modrak had nothing to do with it, ofcourse. Modrak has not scouted, recommended, and helped chose our team. No. I actually believe that Nix and Gailey will get the Bills on the right track. What we are witnessing is the reality Mauron, Mularkey (what a name!), and Williams tried to hide. Our drafts have been horrible, our free agents have been terrible, and we have maybe 6 or 7 players on the entire roster worth a darn. Wood, Spiller, Jackson, and our defensive secondary. This is going to be a long rebuild.
  7. After watching the Bills the past few seasons, I can't help but regretfully agree. Evans is a really good #2 receiver on just about any other team. He's not a #1. A #1 receiver is much more than just a 1 route wonder. I don't doubt he can stretch the field and still has his speed. But a true #1 is somebody who gets open, runs all kinds of routes, is tough, durable, and scores touchdowns. Evans has done none of that. No wonder he loved Losman. Losman threw him the 1 pattern he could catch and make the highlight reels with. I wouldn't want to lose my money maker, either. Evans is not a complete receiver.
  8. (I borrowed this from another thread that I responded to). I've realized something after watching the past 2 games. Yes, we will be in for a long season. However, there is something about this year that I find refreshing. We are bad. Really bad. A decade of abysmal drafts and recommendations by Modrak, terrible free agent signings by Guy, along with the carousel of coaches and GM's we have had this decade have long ago taken their toll. But teams of this decade have somehow been able to fool a good portion of us faithful into thinking that there just might be some kind of chance of winning. What I find refreshing is that these Bills don't do that in the least. We know they are most likely going to lose. There are no smokescreens and mirrors. No nail-biting Jauron bungled losses. Now I know that I can watch to just see the Bills. I don't have much to look at, and I don't see any real signs on the horizon on a consistent basis worthy of getting excited for the future. Sure, Wood and Spiller are really good. Our defensive secondary. Other than that? Where are our bright spots? The competitive future of this franchise is a loooooooooooooooong way off.
  9. Well, after today's show, I don't think we have to worry about Trent stinking it up: because they ALL did. I've realized something after watching the past 2 games. Yes, we will be in for a long season. However, there is something about this year that I find refreshing. We are bad. Really bad. A decade of abysmal drafts and recommendations by Modrak, terrible free agent signings by Guy, along with the carousel of coaches and GM's we have had this decade have long ago taken their toll. But teams of this decade have somehow been able to fool a good portion of us faithful into thinking that there just might be some kind of chance of winning. These Bills don't do that in the least. We know they are most likely going to lose. There are no smokescreens and mirrors. No nail-biting Jauron bungled losses. Now I know that I can watch to just see the Bills. I don't have much to look at, and I don't see any real signs on the horizon on a consistent basis worthy of getting excited for the future. Sure, Wood and Spiller are really good. Our defensive secondary. Other than that? Where are our bright spots?
  10. Hopeful: Just because you can, does not mean you should. I always yield to bikes. I just wish bikers would understand that 'share' part of the road rules and kindly stay out of the flow of traffic.
  11. I say watch the Redskins. They have been similar to us in terms of bad decisions, bad management, and bad ownership the past decade. The final result (win-loss record) also speaks volumes. Washington did everything and with all of the people I wanted this offseason. They got Bruce Allen. They also got Shanahan. They traded for McNabb, and the RT from New Orleans. And they drafted a LT #1. That's everything I wanted the Bills to do. I don't know if you saw the 'Skins vs Cowboys, but the 'Skins tried hard to give the game to the Cowboys. The Cowboys prevailed in wanting it less, so the 'Skins won by default. Now, Washington went out and made the big deals, and filled the holes- the same holes, ironically, that we have- and even though they survived, they hardly dominated. McNabb struggled mightily to hit his receivers, overthrew balls, etc. He didn't look old, he looked terrible. Rusty. I think McNabb will improve as the year progresses. But looking around the league, there weren't too many sensational moves made by anybody (w/the exception of Boldin in Baltimore- boy, that will be trouble) that seem to have paid off. Delhomme looked pitiful for Cleveland. It will be interesting to see how we look tomorrow. I actually think, with the strength of our secondary and with the lack of a running game in Green Bay, AND with the streamlined offensive strategy this week, that we have a good chance to win. In fact, if we can garner something of a pass rush I think we will win.
  12. McNabb looked terrible, IMO. Nice release, nice velocity on the ball, but he missed and had terrible accuracy. After watching the game, I noted that it will be interesting to see if he improves as the year progresses. I personally think that he will. What I found most interesting is that I expected so much more from the Redskins that what was shown against the Cowboys. I feel that the Redskins for the past decade have been a mirror image of the Bills- with the exception of the owners- 1 spent to high heaven and had terrible results, and the other (Ralphie) spent too little (or too much on the wrong players- I still miss Fletcher, Pat Williams, and Winfield; sorry Kelsay) and we got what we paid for. Otherwise, both the Skins and the Bills have had terrible drafts, horrible free agents, horrendous coaches, and forgettable GM's. Now, Washington went big with Allen and Shanahan. Traded for McNabb and the RT from the Saints. And drafted a LT #1. These are all things I wanted the Bills to do. And yet, despite the new leadership, proven GM, proven QB, solid offensive tackles...they still were trying to give the Cowboys the game. Fortunately for them, the Cowboys tried harder, so the 'Skins won. Suddenly I'm not feeling so bad that we didn't follow that strategy. The season will play out, and I'll have a better understanding at the end. But, man...if the first game is an indicator, we did not do too bad this offseason after all.
  13. That's why I believe there are no winners in this situation. If she was a serious reporter, she would not be parading around, in painted on clothing, with a bunch of mostly single, million dollar, high profile, world class athletes. If her profession were her chief goal, walking around like a barbie doll in a testosterone-crazed environment is asking for it, IMO. Do they have the right to behave badly? Sure. I don't remember our right of Free Speech being defined as only pertaining to certain situations that we all can agree to. HOWEVER, with that being said you would expect that mature men would behave in a not only respectable manner towards the distraction, but also in a self-respecting and classy demeanor like that of million dollar athletes should. Now, if you think that her costume and image are not manufactured for exactly the kind of sex she is trying to sell, you are too naive to bother with. If you don't think that she is fully aware of what she is doing, what she is aiming for, and what kind of image she is hoping to portray then you are unconvinceable. She's hardly a victim. No one behaved the way they should in this situation. Which is why I think the locker room should be off limits to reporters. There is nothing that cannot wait until a player who has just fought and bled for several hours to exhaustion has atleast had a chance to shower, change, and relax. It's not that important. Now, working members of the press would disagree, but the whole policy could eliminate these things if it banned reporters in the locker room, period. Oh, but that would spoil the sizzle professional sport teams are duplicitly linked with the press for. The press sells the sizzle. Man, this keeps getting worse. And as far as the bicycling thing goes: I sure wish you are not one of those 'cycling dopes that thinks the lanes for motor vehicles on a road are meant for cyclists, too. No matter if you think you're Lance "EPO" Armstrong or not, a bike cannot go as fast as a car. PULL OVER! Stop clogging traffic. Bikers are always stating to share the road, but seldom use their own advice. Move over and stop being a hazard. Phew. Had to get that out. Now, if you do follow the rules of the road and move over to allow cars to rightfully pass, then please disregard the prior rant. I cannot agree more. After a game, a player is hungry, tired, thirsty....they are spent physically and emotionally. We know from watching games that when a player is tired, mental lapses and mistakes can occur w/greater frequency. The press lies in wait to take advantage of this. Also a news cycle and this insane competition to be "the 1st on the scene", the competition with the internet, etc and the leagues themselves trying to remain blissfully ignorant of the whole situation know that they are equally to blame for allowing access to help sell their product. There is nothing to be gained that can't wait until players are showered, dressed, and ready to answer questions. If that means eating something, fine. Set the time to match, and reporters can gather in Room XYZ at such and such time. Now, reporters are free to leave if they can't or don't want to wait, but this is sports....it's not world affairs.
  14. I concur. There is nothing to be said in a locker room that cannot wait until the players have had a chance to shower, dress, etc. And as nice to look at as that woman may be, what she wears screams "Look at me" and is not only a distraction, it is extremely unprofessional for any serious reporter to consider. If she wants to parade around as a hooker, let her do it on her time. Oh, but wait...if she were concerned about being taken seriously and not as some arm candy she would not be dressed like that anyways. I think what she has pulled and her whole costume is nothing more than a publicity stunt to garner her "15 minutes", in the hopes that she can parlay that into a potential deal. If she was serious about her job, she would not be dressed like that. That does not give grown men permission to act like drooling idiots w/teret's....but if she was a professional her costume would not be attracting that kind of attention. There is no innocent party here, IMO.
  15. You should see L. Landry of the Redskins. That guy walks around with a syringe permanently attached to his arse! I don't see where your conclusion holds any weight. Steroids don't prevent injuries. Don't you remember high school health class? Steroids cause an overly exaggerated stimulation of muscle tissue. However, Joint and connective tissue does not respond the same nor as rapidly as muscle tissue- therefore you get more muscle, tendon, ligament, etc tears. I would be interested to see how many bicep, pectoral, tricep, and achilles tendon tears occurred back in the 60's, and 70's. Those are injuries of too much anabolic usage. I can't say because I have not researched it, but I would surmise that these type of freak injuries and their frequency started when performance enhancing anabolic drugs once again became the norm in the NFL. Fast healer my glutes! Its called HGH. You got it, senor. Connective tissue does not respond the same way nor as rapidly as muscle tissue. The increased muscle tissue produces more and more force (as strength/ power is related to the cross sectional size of muscle fibers), and eventually what occurs is the forces produced by the muscle(s) prove to be overwhelming for the connective tissue. Voila! Injury! Bicep tears? Tricep tears, Pectoral tears and achilles tendon tears all are in that arena.
  16. I confess to not being the biggest provider of knowledge on AJ Hawk. And though I am not a Marshawn supporter at this point, I have to disagree on your assessment of him. True, he has played himself out of my locker room with his off field moronity. However, he has been to the Pro Bowl, is only 24, and runs with fire and determination. I still think he has the ability. I don't think that he is a scrub. But it seems that with the emergence of Fred Jackson, we have seen Marshawn go the way of Travis Henry- excellent player, but got jealous when he was beaten out or faced with competition for his job. Case in point: all of this off the field garbage coincided with Jackson stepping up and getting more playing time. Now add Spiller into the mix, and I say make a trade. If it's Hawk, fine. Both players could use a change of scenery. But please, spare the Marshawn is a bust talk. Because he's not.
  17. That does not sound far fetched. Perhaps we will move a McGee, McKelvin, Youbuty, or Florence for a player/ draft pick and we bring in this Lee guy to fill their slot. I'd love to see some wheeling and dealing. The OLB had 4 sacks. I don't see Kelsay getting anything close to that.
  18. No lie: when he blew up Ricky Williams and sacked Henne, the impact was so ferocious I thought he was going to shatter into millions of pieces of glass shards. C'mon, I can do you better...taking Whitner ahead of Haloti Ngata...Aaron "The Project" Maybin over Orakpo or Oher.... Could you imagine Oher and Wood on our line, and taken in the same year? Ngata in our middle?
  19. I just commented on this at another post. Look at the Packers. A couple of seasons ago, they were down and out. Rodgers was rotten- he was replacing the legendary Favre, after all. There big, space-eating DT was retiring, their RB's were weak, WR's were no where to be found...they had rookie LB's and no offensive line. Yet somehow, what, 3, 4 years later...and the Pack are now seriously competitive? I was remarking to my wife how 4 years of consecutive Super Bowls may spoil someone. But 11 years of mediocrity surely seems price enough to have paid for it to come to an end, no? IF the Packers- a small market, public owned team- can turn it around in about 3 years...why has it taken the Bills 11 to even start?
  20. Now, now...there may be something to the Mankins thing...and we are saving a boatload of money w/out Schobel... Moving Wood to Center, and having Mankins at RG would not be so bad. Well, that...and signing Jeff Garcia.
  21. I have no clue what you are talking about. The game plan or offensive philosophy is to strike w/quick, short but accurate throws, run the ball, and build off of that success to bigger plays and throws down field. Now, if the line can't stop Betty White on a pre-Snickers pass rush, how can anyone be expected to pass anything? Oh yeah, the line also can't seem to move a 90-year old woman in a wheelchair up to the driveway of her retirement home; how can we expect it to open up holes for Spiller, Marshawn, and Fred? Why do you think they kept bouncing outside?
  22. Other- that our offseason needs were never addressed. That being: we have no pass rusher and we still don't have any offensive tackles.
  23. Seriously, I was wondering this same exact thing watching the highlights of the day prior to the Sunday Night game. Aaron Rodgers was barely drafted. He was considered a flop replacing Favre. At the time, I can remember the Pack having problems on the O line, LB, WR, and RB. Their defensive line was also in somewhat of a shambles. All of sudden, the Packers are once again strong. Who's on that team? Besides Mr. "I-have a steroid loaded syringe in my butt right now" Matthews, is there anyone of stature on that roster? I give them credit. Now how is it the Packers can come back from obscurity in a couple of years, and we've been floundering for a decade? You forgot about the 1st rounder we gave to our division rivals for Drew Bledsoe. Yeah, those were some shrewd dealings. 2 1st round picks spent on failed QB's within 3 years. I like the Brees argument. Right now, the only QB I think that could help us is Garcia.
  24. 'Terribad'. Ha. I like that one! I thought the 'Fins were getting too much room to move, too.
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