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Everything posted by rackemrack

  1. can you actually play here? i couldn't figure out how, maybe i'm just a moron... just kept showing the opening screen over and over
  2. that would be nice... i actually forgot about that game... even though i was there to watch the clusterf*ck in person...
  3. exactly, he's the starter because he is better...
  4. i've only been to a handful of games over the past couple seasons, and my tailgating consists of molson canadian, chips, and whatever my friends may have brought, which is usually more beer and chips...
  5. that game was lost by 3 int's in the first quarter, without those we would have put up more points, or at least cleveland wouldn't have put us as much...
  6. exactly, we don't really need a kicker, why waste a draft pick. maybe we can find an unsigned free agent after the draft for competition and keep the better one.
  7. he'll still be in buffalo, he's better than alot of kickers out there...
  8. yes, on JP Losman, I just can't imagine if some other team got their hands on him... he might end up being good
  9. sweet when are all 4 the bills lost on?
  10. supercross holds me over until the draft...
  11. everything i know, i learned on south park
  12. cheating or not, at least he gets results...
  13. thats because all canadians are dolphins fans... bastards
  14. the good news is herm will probably still be availible next year when we're looking for a new head coach
  15. WRONG... melvin fowler is the worst center in the league
  16. and when he does the bills will be right there to sign him
  17. the jets will have a decent defense, but their offense will still be worse than baltimore's even if favre comes back unless favre grows a unibrow...
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