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Everything posted by rackemrack

  1. dick jauron knows more about football than this board...
  2. my thoughts exactly, not that it would harm them, NE was torching everybody with an unknown undrafted free agent rookie
  3. jared cook did look great today... i would take him in the second round and hopefully a DE in the first
  4. it was a mercedes... not my 'ol ford exploder i smoked it up in
  5. did he say anything about lynch? somebody had to ask
  6. 80 posts in one day, all on the same subject, that has to be a record...
  7. well, since this seems to be getting out of control, its really simple lynch is a very talented football player on a team that lacks talent, if we lose him for an extended period of time, the bills are f#cked fred jackson is also very talented, but like a poor man's darren sproles, I don't think he can shoulder the load as a long term starter, after this incident and the last one, the bills shouldn't give up on him yet. and stop with the racial sh#t its not a racial issue, he broke the law regardless of whether it was a black or white cop, and if any cop smells reefer, he will want to search the car, its a no-brainer.
  8. i've heard of him, lets release lee evans so we can afford to give him a $10 million a year contract!
  9. then thats one more gun away from an Ice-T song!
  10. i would have tried, but you don't see many pedestrians on the 219...
  11. and i got charged $200 for doing 88 in a 65mph zone on my bike on the 219 expressway the system failed me, i didn't hit anybody
  12. yes, we should sign him immediatly to replace greer
  13. where's travis henry when you need him?
  14. don't we all... i bet if adrian peterson ran that girl over on chippewa, he would have killed her!
  15. ditch the racial crap, a strong scent of marijuana and 4 blunts in the ashtray is probable cause for a search.
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