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Posts posted by filthymcnasty08

  1. After a couple of starts, now everyone thinks Kap is a franchise QB. One game, or one season wonders abound. Tebow, Matt Robinson, RobJohnson. And, yeah, I'm certain that after JP Losman's 3rd season there were most certainly a few teams that would have given up a 2nd for him. QBs that do it with their legs is a pretty good indicator that they can't do it with your head. (see Tebow, Vince Young, Cam Newton). If you can't do it with your head, you'll be a one or two season wonder that go nowhere. Elite QBs don't run, ie, Manning(s), Brees, Brady, Rodgers.


    How do you think the attitude would be on THIS board if we had the kid on our team and he played a game like that for us this early in his career?


    Kudos to SF for making the pick.

  2. The Patriots cheated, were caught, and the league destroyed any evidence related to the cheating.They were given a punishment and the league told them not to do it again. I love the way these patriot fans argue that if the cheating was so bad, why are they so good now? Why would the fact that they are good now have any effect on the fact that they cheated? Yes they are good now, but how many superbowls have they won since they were caught? Does anyone really believe they win all of those three superbowls without cheating? Would they even have gotten to the superbowl without cheating? Also, in my experience, once a cheater, always a cheater. I doubt that the Patriots have stopped cheating. Heck, Belacheat probably cheated when the Giants beat the Bills in superbowl XXV. All those superbowls should have been taken from them just as Lance Armstrong was stripped of his titles. Belacheat should have been banned for life also. This is way worse that BountyGate. It ruins the integrity of the game. No wonder they wanted all the evidence destroyed so fast.


    When asked if they are still doing it, the person that was once responsible for the "spygate" camerawork replied "about half the time"....


    Wonder which half......(hint) look a their home record in the Bellicheat era. Entire visitor part of that stadium probably wired up with mic's and cameras.


    Peyton Manning wouldn't talk to his coordinators in the visitors locker room there because he was certain someone was listening.......they would instead hold their halftime discussion in the tunnel.


    all in the book.....must read for Pats haters.

  3. I would love it but Rex will be a HC again before he is a DC.


    This - unfortunately.


    You want a Ryan....get Rob. Once Dallas fires Garrett, and either brings in Payton, Chin or Gruden...(not sure Dallas is even that attractive as their owner is a hands-on megalomaniac attention whore) Rob will be looking to take the next step somewhere.

  4. In the span of 2011-12, 10 QB's were drafted and are starting for their respective teams. Aside from Newton and Luck, the Bills had a chance at all of them. It is inconceivable that those other 8 did not have what Nix was looking for.


    You do not wait for the draft to come to you and expect to find a veritable starting QB. If you state that repeatedly, sure, you'll never get the guy.


    There are several NFL teams that must rebuild from a failed regime and almost none of them do so without getting their QB near the beginning. 10 teams have done it and while it does not guarantee success, it remains the responsibility of the GM to get that guy ASAP. RF was not their choice upon taking over, had 2 years of film (08-09) that showed he's not a franchise guy, and they still went with him.


    Nix's teams are 13-27 in 2+ seasons. So now, they'll grab their guy when it's abundantly clear they need one which provides them another excuse why this rebuild needs more time.


    Not to mention that because of this, we will get r-ped and pillaged in any trade situation. The entire league knows we're holding 2/7 offsuit.

  5. OMG really!! are you a conspiracy fan too I bet... Biggest cheating scandal in sports history, only if you dont know history I think the Black sox scandal was a lot WORSE.


    How is one World Series worse than 3 Super Bowls? Read the book before you start making accusations, or go to the Pats board and cry about conspiracies.


    If the media was calling it what it truly was/is, parrots like yourself would be spewing it all over the place. Sorry you need to mass media in order to think independantly.

  6. BlackMamba,


    The Phins EXAMPLE is scewed and the writer KNOWS it, The year they introduced the wildcat and "changed" their fortuins was hmm the same year Brady went down with his ACL... Brady stays healthy the Phins are HOME for the playoffs. (I don't think I am being a Pats Homer thinking Brady win ONE more game than Cassell right?)


    Also 50% of NFL teams use the wildcats, now lets look at the teams that dont and see if we see a comman thread ok?








    Denver (W Manning)

    NY Giants


    Green Bay





    Do I have to continue the teams that are contenders dont need the WILDCAT gimmick... IMO this guys style be a disaster and he go 1-15 with a bad club he would inherit.


    Well played.

  7. Read "Spygate" book.....


    The cheating is way more elaborate and pervasive than we originally understood it to be. The Author also believes that it is still going on and presents a pretty compelling case for it.


    Every one of their titles should have been revoked. The owners who were all making gazillions all decided to stand down and not ruin the public view of the integrity of the game/league. The evidence was damning and irrefutable.


    Bellichick has always been a tremendous X's and O's guy, but a total fraud and a cheat as a HC.

  8. A bummer indeed...


    I know we do a lot of looking back here, BUT....


    Doe's anyone remember when Takeo Spikes was the offseason prize on D......as we know, we signed him....


    Look at the way that guy embraced the uniform and came out of the tunnel....(damn that injury!).....he was a beast unleashed.


    If Mario showed 20% of that, the love affair with the fans here would be off the charts.

  9. http://www.myfoxhouston.com/story/19963387/2012/10/31/mario-williams-still-has-issues-with-the-way-he-left-the-texans


    Does this not say it all? Does this man give you this impression that he's loving life right now? Doesn't credit the Bills in any way shape or form: organization, teammates, coaching staff etc.


    Not sure about all of you, but this does not appear to be a guy that's going to give 150% and live for B-lo to be a contender again.


    Not expecting a leader, but we are expecting performance.



  10. He would bring swagger to an organization with the least amount of it. He would bring discipline to a team with very little. He would stop the gushing on D and give our offense/new qb/new OC room to find its groove.


    Only issue is: I see Garrett on the hot seat very soon and Rob is most-likely the next in line. From a prestige point of view, HC of Dallas is top 3-4 in the NFL. From an insane and meddling owner point of view, bottom 3.....right there with the Bills.


    I don't think there's a good chance for us but would really like to see it.

  11. tick tick tick is right....


    A "successful" GM should have more to show than a couple of nice draft picks.....picking as high as we have, there are 10,000 GM's on this board that could have the same hit rate.


    furthermore, Orakpo would be a bill 10,000x over (sorry, HAD TO!!!)

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