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Posts posted by filthymcnasty08


    Te'o...i know this isn't the tread to do so, but I cannot stand nor comprehend the hype behind this guy. Do fans across America want this guy because the 'experts' live by him?...Has anyone seen him play? I for one say we need to wait until we can see how he handles the NFL like guards of Alabama. then we'll talk.


    Fair enough on your 'Bama point.....I have seen him play ... rare guys like Te'o are born leaders with a relentless will to win...he has an instinct for the ball and gets into the backfield...hes great in coverage....we are badly badly in need of a 3-down LB centering our D with those qualities.


    For the combine stat guys, he may fall a little short - I get that . But - around draft time, there were a LOT of people knocking down Von Miller because of his non-prototypical size. He was called Maybin-2 on this board on many an occasion. Others called Von Miller the next great pass rushing LB. There will always be opposing viewpoints but it doesn't change our needs and unless this kid absolutely nosedives in the bowls/workouts/combines, I think he's for real.


    I agree there is hype on Te'o but a good amount of it deserved.....a game changing MLB.....very difficult to come by.

  2. I think you, and quite a few others, have prematurely jumped on the Te'o train before all the facts are in...Don't get me wrong, the kid is a great person and a very good player...Just wondering what all of these Te'o backers will say if the kid can't run Sub 4.7...Don't assume that he can do in the NFL what he did in College...He's not Patrick Willis, or Ray Lewis coming out...He's not that caliber athlete...And you can get good LB's later, especially in the 2nd Round...The last thing The Bills need to do is assume they can Trade back into the 1st Round for a QB that ends up going higher than they think he will...Then your guy is gone and once again it's slimmer pickings...If they like a QB in the 1st, they damn well better take him with their 1st Pick...Period...You don't pass on a potential Franchise QB, especially when you basically have nothing at the QB position on your current Roster, for an ILB...Ever... B-)


    Well put....but...if he is in the zone in terms of combine measurables.....his leadership potential, competitive fire and heart....are off the charts. I'll take him high if he's the next London Fletcher. One could argue that we need leadership and fire in the middle of that defense as much as we need a new QB.

  3. 1st - Te'o is a once in a generation pick. You take him if u have the chance. If not, and Geno is gone, take the best DE (Werner) in the draft. DO NOT DRAFT A CB!

    Take Nassib in the 2nd (By draft day, this kids value will be inline with a high 2)

    3rd - best OLB on the board

    4th - best QB remaining (Glennon? Dysert? EJ Manuel?)

    5-7 - depth + ST's (including our perennial corner pickup)


    FA - WR/OL ....and Vick (sorry....I hate it but I feel it's going to happen)


    Just having fun with it.....but Te'o and Nassib would put me right back in the stadium on opening day.

  4. Rock bottom would be:

    • Fitz coming out of the tunnel as the starter of the 2013 Bills
    • HC Chan roaming the sideline and deciding on plays to call on opening day of the 2013 season
    • Wanny up in the booth dialing up failure after failure defensive schemes
    • Ralph still involved with any decision making whatsoever


    • Our 2013 First round pick playing corner opposite Gilmore.

  5. We got all the Russell Wilson we could handle yesterday.....kid is a rookie......Look at waht Kaep did at Gillette (4 TD's and a win in the hardest road stadium)......first year starter. Dalton in his 2nd year looks like a 10 year vet out there and Cousins was icing on the Skins cake after they had balls to go get a rare talent.


    All there for us...we opted to draft otherwise.


    Buddy stuck to BPA.....and his value charts.....stubborn old behavior in a young mans game. I am no longer convinced we are on the way up with Buddy as a GM.


    Please step down.

  6. Look at Dalton, Cousins, Wilson's and Kaepernicks performances this weekend.


    I don't care to hear where you felt that YOU could get each player in the draft. The main reason that you need to go is that 4 other GM's decided not to take chances and get their QB (2nd QB in Washington's case) . It tells me that there's a mindset and a set of reactions that other GM's have when dealing with a primary area of need...and you do not have them. Now you are putting this franchise in a position to overpay dearly in a trade or use another #1 on a lackluster bunch- and holding press conferences to make sure the rest of the league knows it. (Please do not resond with Buddy has something up his sleeve....it's embarrassing at this point)


    3 drafts, no QB - we were in position to take each of the 4 mentioned above. Russell Wilson is a freaking stud, Kaepernick threw 4 against the Pats in their house last night.


    Passing on those two and having Aaron Williams and TJ Graham to show for it?


    Please step down - you are not an NFL GM and frankly, you are all talked out...there was no baby.

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