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Posts posted by filthymcnasty08

  1. On the other hand, a guy who isn't doing a good job shouldn't be retained in that job simply because you don't want to make a move - that'll burn you as well.


    I'd love a QB upgrade, but I'm wondering where that comes from - the draft? Free agency? the draft isn't sttong and even if we get someone can he really contribute and be an upgrade as soon as next year? That's a lot of ifs. I'm also not sure there's going to be much availabe in free agency. Despite my first sentence about keeping a bad person in a job because you don't want to make a change that may be Buffalo's only option for the QB position next year.


    Precisely why Vick will be in a Bills uni next year.

  2. I won't judge you - we have all been there. This season is especially dissapointing because the expectations were so high. With the luck that this team doesn't have, they will probably play well for the rest of the year, miss the playoffs by one game (or a tiebreak), and get stuck with mid-round draft picks next year.


    Te'o will come off the board one pick ahead of us and we will not have a plan B other than to gaffe and reach for a QB we could get in the 2nd- one pick later than us will be the next great shutdown corner and one pick after that - the next Randy Moss - but we will adhere publicly to our BPA mindset.


    too negative??

  3. Het LV, don't let the door....


    ahhhhh, understandable! It's purely a labor of love at this point as enjoyable and well-played football has not been a factor since Flutie - who just turned 50. See you on the other side pal - my gut says were not that far off.

  4. I think it's a matter of several factors:


    A) Need to draft/develop a franchise QB

    B) A non-Fitz veteran to bridge the gap (2 seasons max) so we actually develop the draft pick/no trial by fire rookie season

    C) Reasonable cost: very late/no draft picks, reasonable $


    I say non-Fitz because, and I think its clear that many feel this way, he cannot make all the throws. Under Fitz, we cant even tell if Gailey's system is progressing even the slightest.


    Given that criteria, and hoping for some upside burst from a new environment, he comes up on the radar (Alex Smith does as well). I think that's all it is really.


    Or just read NoSaint's post as I just said the same thing. Sorry!



  5. Let's face some facts,


    Chan Gailey is a loser and he doesn't know how to win at the top college or NFL level. Granted he went to bowl games in his 6 years while at GT, he never once beat the teams biggest rival in the Georgia Bulldogs. Buffalo Bills record under Gailey is an abysmal, 14-28 .333%.


    Gailey doesn't know the difference between a decent DC, and a horrifically inept one. He should have hired a proper OC to call plays and direct him instead of trying to run the entire offense himself


    Ryan Fitzpatrick has always played on bad teams, and STILL doesn't have a decent enough supporting cast or a play caller willing to setup an offense to help him win.He has one main option in the passing game in 7th round WR Stevie Johnson. I love SJ but he is currently ranked #26 in yards this year. The Bills passing offense regressed this season with a new QB coach screwing with Fitz's technique and mechanics.


    Gailey still refuses to get the most out of his best players and limits the touches he gives Spiller and Fred Jackson, when he openly stated he should give the pair 40 touches a game and then gives them half of that amount.


    I can only wonder how good that Bills offense would have become had the Bills spent all those draft picks on offensive players instead of all the defensive players they drafted the last 3 years. I have to think that the Bills defense has been so bad the last 3 years they set franchise and NFL records for being bad despite all those draft picks. I doubt they could be any worse then they currently are.


    The QB is usually only as good as his supporting cast, coaches, players scheme, game plan. Fitz isn't the only thing that sucks on this team.


    A great QB will also elevate the players around him.

  6. Gem? Honestly, are you serious?


    Man, Bills fans may be the best fans in the world, but we never learn a damn thing.


    Talk is cheap my friend. Very cheap. If you haven't learned that after having been a Bills fan over the last decade, then I don't think you'll ever learn.


    Talk about a major-league roll of the dice ala Buddy Nix. You and anyone else that really thinks that Whaley, with absolutely no experience, is a solution for this team, have fully earned the plight that this franchise is now in in an ongoing basis.



    Jerry Reese?


    If the G-Men saw things your way, they would have opted to pass on someone that is now top 3 in the league.

  7. You should probably exaggerate a little bit more.


    1. I never called him a "worthless POS". All I said that his play has been inconsistent this year.

    2. I am not calling for him to be traded/released.

    3. If you can find me saying either of the two, please post the link.


    Maybe you can answer these questions for me: did you think that he was good today? did you think that he was good against NYJ, SF, NE (at home, the run D was gashed by some roider scrub named Brandon Bolden) or Tennessee?


    None of those who've cried foul in this thread have answered both of these questions....


    Is it okay to criticize the ST, for allowing the 2nd return TD in 2 games?


    Your thread sucks man, let it die already.

  8. how can you say that with any certainty?


    How can anyone say anything here with pure certainty. Just saying that we have a tendency to run some talented people out of town in angry mob style then lament it after the fact. now KW is the latest worthless POS (our best defender)


    The Wade Phillips threads here were just fukng amazing is all I can say - I remember the "Son of Bum" threads well as we made the playoffs.

  9. yes, I'm sure that prospective players/coaches read TBD as part of their decision-making process. Their decisions are probably based on the following, in ranked order:


    1. Content of the posts on TBD;

    2. Signing bonus/Salary;

    3. Prospect of winning;

    4. How they and their family like the area.




    I don't expect to receive an honest answer to these questions...


    I didn't say where it ranked as only the many that have refused can tell you that for certain.


    It most certainly is a factor.

  10. How do you call/throw a WR screen against press defense in the red zone? Could have gone for 6 the other way!! (drive ends with FG) Lose 4 potential points


    How did he miss CJ who flat out burned his man on that free play in the first half? (punt - lose 7 potential points). (Am I out of line on this one?)


    Misses DJ for a TD (lose 7 potential points)


    How many times can we go pass pass 3rd and 10?


    How do you go empty backfield spread when you are in field goal range - no RB to chip? Especially the way Mathis was KILLING Hairston. (Mathis sack put us out of range and killed a FG attempt - lose 3 potential points)


    We connect with Stevie for 60+/first down in the red zone. We go pass attempt to stevie/pass attempt to stevie/fitz scramble for 4 (FG - loss of 4 potential points!) Not one run and don't you think the D keys on our one WR "weapon" in the red zone?


    Our possession before the half was f-ckng abysmal....we burned 20 seconds - didnt run once.....and left the Colts enough time to score a FG, if not for Gilmore's tackle at the goal line - we would have let a TD up. (Gave Colts +3)


    Colts score a TD on a great drive - we follow with a Horrid 3 and out (pass pass pass) - NO CJ...playoff teams answer in that spot. Great coaches put the ball in the hands of their best players.


    Every screen pass Fitz threw took days off my life. Just Horrid.


    Driving to tie....and our QB hands Indy the final nail to our coffin. Stevie made a hell of a play there to get the ball back. We blow it again.


    Net total effect of awful play calling and bad QB play: 28 points and the chance to tie it up. The rest of the team can only do so much when they are crippled by their offensive play calls and QB.



    Yes Fitz was under pressure - the D still gave him a chance to tie/win - besides, good QBs find a way.


    Bravo to Mario....that's the stuff we need boy!

  11. Yet isn't it funny how so much more frequently it seemed to happen at brand spanking new Gillette than at other places as per at least 2 head coaches? Something's smelled bad in New England* for a long while now and it ain't just Belicheat's dirty hoodie. We haven't even brought up Rodney Harrison's HGH yet. Only caught because he was dumb enough to order it under his own name. Funny how that team was the place washed up old vets seemed to go to "regain a step"....




    Look at those that looked to be all-world inside of "the system" - went elsewhere for big$ - and flopped COLOSSALLY.


    Charlie Weis

    Josh McDaniel

    Matt Cassell

    Romeo Crennell

    ManGenius - the one that called out the cheating

  12. Haha, this ^.


    The fans always wanted every QB that has ever been draft eligible. Sorry, I don't buy the "it's not hind sight, I liked him before" argument. I don't hear any one saying it was a mistake not to draft Clausen, McCoy, Kolb, Gabbert, ect... But of course they would be if they all of the sudden had a great game.






    Wait what? You are making a logical assessment with out using the obvious powers of hindsight? Impressive.


    "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take"


    Wayne Gretzky

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