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No QB - No Bueno

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Everything posted by No QB - No Bueno

  1. Joe Buck is an abortion. Talks incessantly and self importantly. And, his monstrous oblong head is a troubling visual. I count the minutes for Aikman to intercede when the tower of babble is at it.
  2. What happened to word economy? PBP guys are supposed to describe the landscape. Somewhere over the last 25 years, the PBP guy has become more chatty and inanely intrusive into the color realm. In a visual medium, I don't need a over-description of the obvious, just the standard game narrative with a bit of clarification at key junctures. Don't get me started on the fools employed on the color. It almost makes me pine for Todd Christensen. Almost.
  3. Way overrated. His description of plays are rambling dissertations. Plus his star-humping penchant for delivering standing bjs to celebrity and jock alike is pathetic. Peaked at Lake Placid.
  4. I had the 'Live Speed on Ice' cassette, and I remember the singer saying, "Mr. Mark Miller on the drums" for his solo lead-in to 'Shy Boy'. This was when Sheehan put together the 4 piece. Even considering a world of Mark Millers, how many are Bills fans.
  5. Retarded. Bret Farve at 51. Michael Vick on the list.
  6. You would think that Josh Reed is the second coming of Hines Ward. Give me a half dozen full flight aerials to 81 & 83 this season and the master of wide receiver blocking can play in the UFL for all I care.
  7. Even before the ankle injury, Ko never seemed very athletic. Stiff stride, unimpressive instincts, bad angles to the ball. A poor mans Leonard Smith without the cheap shots. Hell, without a shot of any kind. Happy trails. Now wean this team of Florence, his contract, and the 6 foot vertical jumping man.
  8. I seem to remember an IBM commercial a few years back that touted their partnership with the NFL with reference to the digitizing and storing game film (one implication was that historic film was being preserved). I have no idea if the NFL is digitally preserving their archive, but if the heavy lifting is in progress, I can't see why they wouldn't exploit fan interest and make downloads available for a fee.
  9. I'm always perplexed when Jacko (or Madonna) concert footage is shown of adults melting down with hysteria (I'm mean seizure-like crying fits). Adults for christsakes. All thats missing is the purple robes and pyramids.
  10. 'A stiff rooster has no conscience'
  11. Helium - Pirate Prude Brian Jonestown Massacre - Tepid Peppermint Wonderland
  12. Impressive physical display, but worthless for assessing football strength. A strength endurance test in a game of explosion.
  13. We're living in the love of the common people.
  14. You're missing the point. They prove nothing let alone the truth, have no scientific validity and are easily defeated. Liars can and do pass, truth tellers can and do fail. Whether you're being honest or not is moot. I do agree that it would have looked bad if he refused to take one, but his passing was largely due to the subjective judgment of the test administrator.
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