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Over 29 years of fanhood

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Everything posted by Over 29 years of fanhood

  1. I call out trump all the time, can’t stand him. I just can’t stand a government that NEEDS to spend 20 Grand per citizen even more. Democrats want to tax everyone more, because you’re rich if you have a job and actually try, well, except themselves and their buddies…. whose fair share kid was indicted for tax evasion? how do life long politicians like chuck Schumer get to be worth 70 million? I don’t want these organized criminals to have more power over me and my family. There’s a fact for you, Democratic policy is worse for me my family and my wallet. It’s really simple. I’m tired of you democrats being fooled or bribed into willfully voting away more of our rights and earrings. I don’t understand why you all don’t just go find a dictator or monarchy to worship elsewhere.
  2. I’ve found it consistently true, the more a programed Libby is cornered, the more words they need to spew 😂 you’re on the wrong side. Even guys like Maher are waking up. You’ve been bamboozled. Your low iq. It’s ok. Just ask yourself if rich powerful poeple care more about you or themselves. start there. Who do they care about more? try to take this slow so it doesn’t over tax your faculties
  3. You joke about programming then recite the program verbatim. If you could step outside yourself and see what a programed shill you are you’d mock yourself. How did a lifelong senator making 200k per end up needing to pay more taxes a couple years? Put trump and Biden aside for a minute… as a matter of fact you advocate for the side that says trump or Biden should have more power and I want either of them to have less. It’s simple. You’re being fooled
  4. ok- how the ***** did Biden make enough money to pay millions in taxes as a ***** Senator making a couple hundred thousand dollars per year?????!!!! can you not see the absurdity economy does best with balance of power ALWAYS. Because neither can ram Rod the corruption though so the free markets thrive. That’s American success. You are too incompetent to understand why the government was set up the way it was. It was by design intended to defeat corrupt centralized power even when it was backed by herds of dumb sheep. you’re a case study on why the founders were concerned about low iq loyalists toeing the line based on programming.
  5. let me try just one time to slow it down for you. the democrats say they want the rich to pay their fair share because stupid people cheer. But then the democrat politicians become multimillionaires without paying taxes. 🤔 and their rich donors don’t pay taxes and also benefit from all these govt program kick back schemes. 🤔 that Davos quote was perfect: It’s where billionaires tell millionaires how the middle class needs to work harder to support the poor. This is the democratic socialist mindset in a nutshell. the sole reason the Republican Party makes more sense is because it’s the only voting block not stupid enough to believe these people with all the power and money aren’t self interested first. it’s so ***** hilarious there are people dumb enough to believe politicians have your best interest at heart 😂 😂 😂
  6. Don’t feed the trolls. It it weren’t for irritated bills fans this guy might be unemployed by now
  7. Typically they: 1) are naïve idealists 2) have no merit or achievement thus nothing to lose 3) are aimless drones in search of a queen bee
  8. silly- don’t you know the worlds elite billionaires want you to enjoy the benefits of socialism because they have too much money and really just want to share it. That’s all they are meeting for. 😂 😂
  9. the irony is if the orange dude was still a democrat like he was when he was buddies with Willy … the entire democratic base would follow him off of a cliff…
  10. lefties are compromised mostly of aimless sheep looking for a master to tell them what to do and a handful who hunger for the power to be the master authoritarian.
  11. love it… this is when wealthy elites from all over the globe generate carbon footprints of small countries then opine about how the masses need to suffer austerity to cease their climate impact.
  12. try again- very crisp data sets shared on this board many many times shows as income goes up voters are overwhelmingly more republican. The bums and deadbeats vote overwhelmingly democrat.
  13. Hopefully there is a local bowling league where he can be a leader of men since the football thing isn’t panning out.
  14. Bass was excellent for years. This season has been tough
  15. He had an air cast on his ankle
  16. No more wasted down deep shots, just some high percentage 7 yard pass plays and runs: ffs let’s go
  17. Why aren’t they just attacking the 10 yards in front of them?? Wtf??
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