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Over 29 years of fanhood

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Posts posted by Over 29 years of fanhood

  1. If Gailey holds an open competition between the 3 QB's on the roster and decides that Trent is the most talented then I have no problem with him being named the starter. No one was bitching about how much "Trent sucks" when the Bills were 5-1.


    For the first time in his career Trent has a head coach that has a !@#$ing clue how to run an offense. He also knows how do develop a quarterback. If he wins the job I'll hope and pray that he turns out to be great.


    Lets not forget, Favre and Young were run out off teams because they "sucked".


    Interesting point... I totally forgot about youngs stint in Tampa. Yea he was written off as a bust after 2 disaster seasons. He even struggled in San Fran early on. He then proceeded to become one of the best... If that kind of this could happen, then surely any of the 3 QB's on the roster can at least play to the Thigpen level!!

  2. If the Bills move to a 3-4 then Maybin has to, IMO, be used as a LB and he has the physical tools to excel at that position. :lol:


    I agree- maybin seemed like a 3-4 OLB to me last April. Didn't get the idea of drafting a mini DE because he was still goingthrough puberty and may grow large some day...

  3. You may have a point. but either way Gailey wont be doing the drafting. Nix will. Hey maybe since Nix was around for the Shawn Marriman draft, maybe he'll go after him in Free Agency.



    Shawne was pretty average this year and invisivle in the Jets-bolts playoff game. I don't think he'd be worth the price tag that came with him and there seems to be quite a lot of free agent LB's. If we are sticking with 4-3 then i'd much rather see some more horspower into the DT or DE's...

  4. Do you realize that the Bills have had a total of two interviews so far? You would think they would have an interview every other day at minimum. I'm starting to think that everyone has been hanging up on Nix. I mean everyone. People here want Cowher or Gruden??? The Bills will be lucky to get Rich Kotite and Wayne Fontes. We fired everyone and now no one will come here. Meanwhile, all the "crappy" coaches we thought sucked are getting hired by better NFL teams. We may be the first NFL team where the players have to coach themselves.




    Thats why they re-signed Hamdan in December. He holds the hell out of that clipboard!!!!

  5. "I am ecstatic to come to work for the New York Giants," Fewell said. "It's a good football team with good defensive players, and it is a franchise known for defense."



    Ecstatic... Ecstatic??? He seemed only tepidly pleased to come to work for the Buffalo Bills, while he is ecstatic about New York?? HOW INDIGNANT CAN YOU GET????


    And that shot about the Giants being "a franchise"...what Buffalo wasnt??? Goodell will fine Perry for his trash talking i just know it...



  6. I can understand a guy like Cowher wanting to hand pick the perfect opportunity, but these coordinators are ridiculous. Personally, i have thrived when i joined a new company and the person i replaced was doing a really poor job (or the dept was doing poorly). Anything i did better....or above and beyond i was considered a great hire.


    It's kind of like when Parcells went to Miami after a 1-15 season. He cemented his legacy in part because the Phins were at rock bottom. He knew it would not be hard to improve on that.

    Also, look at Turner Gill when he came to UB. They were the dregs of D-1 football. The job was almost a no lose situation because even if he won 4 games his first year, he was awesome. Win 7 or 8 games at UB and he's a Hero. NOw look at him?


    The Bills are sitting in that "can't lose" type of situation for any competent coach out there. Add to the fact Ralph and Brandon are surely going to do some spending to get this team to the next level. They have seen the status quo and it hasn't worked. I believe they've learned. These potential coaches really need to see this as a great opportunity to get in when the chips are down and make a big name for themselves. All the ingredients are there.


    Most execs I speak with and have worked with generally feel like the quickest way to differentiate yourself, and what they found helped them rise to the top quickly, was the willingness to take the job nobody else wants. If you take on a disaster there is nowhere to go but up.


    That said, there are a lot of reasons to decline a specific job. Maybe Schotty junior feels like he has a bit to learn before moving to the next level, maybe he knows he'll get the possibility someday and is in no hurry after what he was able to accomplish this season. Maybe he is in the queue to be Jets coach in a few years, loves having what looks like a franchise QB to be

  7. I hear ya! Ive always liked Lynch but this latest stuff is rediculous they should cut thier losses, trade him whatever, and then draft CJ Spiller the next Chris Johnson.




    The dude is filthy fast the play at about 3:10 is stupid.



    WOW. I think Bills have far too many other bigger needs at the moment, but that kid can move. I expect to see at least 2 or 3 electric punt returns from him next year for whoever picks him up. Like a smaller and faster Reggie Bush

  8. nice rundown. This is first realistic Lynch thread I've seen.


    another real possibility is that he just rides out his contract here as a backup and then leaves.



    Agreed- solid Lynch thread, and i definitly hope they are at least looking at what trade value Lynch has. There is a lot of speculation on what he is worth, but he did go to Honalulu and teams around the legue are willing to give players 2nd and 3rd chances to fill a void... I am a growing supporter anyway of the Franchise model where you draft, devleop and pay in the trenches and at QB then use free agency and higher draft picks for the WR/RB slots. NE used this well in quite a few seasons, jets seem to be moving that way. Would be all for the Bills getting there too...

  9. Listen , trust me when i tell you i do not need to be lectured although you're insight was appreciated . That said, i just do not like when i see people getting attacked for an opinion which is what MB's are based 95% on..opinions! ..i mean have at it for all i care when ripping apart the opinion but NOT EVER the postER. Little history on me so you know, i have never taken any ones bs my whole over 40 years of existence here on this Earth whether it be out on the road where i have put many middle finger enthusiasts in their place or little mommas boys hiding behind the comfy confines of a pc...i have many friends in the Buffalo police dept and i have ways of finding out where people live even on a pc ...just thought i would give you a history lesson on me..i live my life by the motto of "always and forever calling someones bluff ! Other then that i am a great guy indeed ! :nana: rant off and i hope i have not offended anyone ...


    Does anyone know how to filter out a posters reposnses when viewing a thread?

  10. More positives then negatives for sure with this hire if it came to fruition . IMHO, the Bills could do much much worse which is probably where we as fans all are headed..= the much worse hire ! Just like to see some responses and why ..change it up a bit . :thumbsup:


    Kelly has already built his legacy and is a very respected football consultant, and a voice of bills success past.


    1) If he became a coach for the Bills does that not put that entire brand at risk?

    2) Given his iconic stature in the organization and Bills history, being a coach would seem a step downward (EGO standpoint), wouldn't it?


    And from the Bills side there is no basis upon which his coaching ability can be determined. Leading the team on the field and coaching it from the sideline seem different enough that it's a not an easy conclusion to draw.


    Mike Singletary is the only GREAT NFL player I can think of that led his team on the field as a player and now leads from the sideline, the jury is still out on him as coach.

  11. A monkey could do Russ Brandon's job. Nobody needs to sell the Bills to us, we've been eating crap for years and still beg for more. Why? Who the hell knows, but I'm starving.



    You sir have hit the nail on the head. There is something about becoming a true Buffalo Bills fan that forces us to always come back for more.


    Teams like the Bills, and also for example the Packers and Browns, could literally spend $0 on marketing and continue filling seats.

  12. don't you think it was partially his fault that his offenses never developed? why is that so hard for you to admit?



    Irony about those 15 or so posts in this one thread urging people to get a life eh?


    Anyway Billick was annointed an O guru in Minnisota after tremendous success over several seasons ( i took the 20 seconds to confrim it before spewing it. With a high speed internet connection it takes very little time to confirm assertions stated as facts).


    Irrespective of any opinions on his coaching ability, the ring he has speaks a little more convincingly woudn't you say? Coaching is about winning, and he is a career winner, happy for him to bring that to Buffalo on any coat tails he choses.

  13. In an article it talks about possibility that this may be Josh Reed's last season in Buffalo.



    Andre Reed was reliable and dynamic WR, willing to go over the middle to make tough catches, underestimated by some and injured when he went into free agency. He caught balls from one of the best QBs in league at the time and probably the best backup QB in league at the time.


    Josh Reed is a reliable WR and great blocker, willing to go over the middle to make tough catches, underestimated by some and injured when he went into free agency. He caught balls from a collection of QBs bad mouthed by many especially their own fans.


    When Andre Reed went into free agency there was not a lot of interest partly because he was injured and partly because his stats were attributed to the skill of his QB. Josh Reed is going into free agency injured but not many of his catches will be attributed to the skill of his QBs.


    In many ways their careers have been parallel. Neither are speed receivers like Evan and Parish were but made the tough catches. Andre had limited interest and went to Buffalo after talking about making his big payday in free agency. Josh has not talked about looking elsewhere but may need to look elsewhere to keep playing since Buffalo has heavily invested already in other WRs.


    Andre was incredible after the catch. He would catch slants then turn them into a 50 or 60 yard td. Josh has never had that in his game. The simiarities with Andre end at the name on the jersey.

  14. The OL very much matters, however, an above average QB can still succeed behind a bad OL. A pro bowl type of QB will put up the type of numbers that Aaron Rodgers & Big Ben consistently put up (without the benefit of an average OL). Unfortunately, we have neither an above average QB, or even an average QB. For all of you who go out of your way to defend TE, please stop insinuating that anyone who doesn't believe that he's even an average QB, personally has hate for him. It is a simple fact proven over and over: TE just doesn't have what it takes to be a successful starter in the NFL. Come to grips with this reality...



    Measuring a good line vs bad is challenging. I saw someone use sacks. Was it total or per DB? running game was referenced. What running game stat tells about the line? Yards per carry? Total yards? how is play selection accounted for ? What about how good the recievers and back are?


    I mean c'mon, yes if you draft or sign a future HOF QB, they can probably make some plays despite a poor line, and 10 other teams would have drafted Big Ben first had they known how special he was. Given that it is not common to draft or sign a hall of famer qb, it seems realistic to advocate building a team in the trenches. If you happen to luck into draft a future HOF'er, wellthen you should have a damn good team for some time, and you can skimp on RB (Colts)

  15. :ph34r::wallbash::lol::rolleyes::w00t::w00t::w00t:


    HE SUCKS. HE HAS SHOWN NOTHING THIS YEAR REGARDLESS OF O-LINE. Watch the Steelers-Packers game...Rodgers is practically on his arse every play and yet he's STILL making plays.


    Enough with the tired excuses. Captain Checkdown is done as a starter. He's barely CFL material.


    TE, Is not the problem and he is not the solution. Rodgers sat on the bench 3 years watching and learning the pro game from Favre. TE learned from...JPL? Rodgers had better coaching, an infintiely better offensive scheme and he was a better prospect coming in. I assert the pack has better recivers, and its hard to believe their line is not better too, grant has been outstanding out of the backfield, picking up blitzes and running the ball...


    Just not sure how comparing TE makes any point whatsoever.


    BTW-Rodgers went 6-10 his first season as the starter and trent went 7-7 his first season as the starter.

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