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Over 29 years of fanhood

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Posts posted by Over 29 years of fanhood

  1. He could be a good problem to have. Hell we haven't had a QB half as good as Ben for 10 years.


    And with the possiblity of getting after 4 games, not bad. Only have to hope and pray that we at least do well against the AFC East during that time.



    Think the real point is there is a pattern and he does not seem to be learning anything. It's remarkable the extent to which folks looking for the quick, easy answer instead of giving the new guy a chance to build a team with his own brand of football. Why swipe up a legally troubled Big Ben, trade for McNabb, or take somebody elses cast off. We need to draft and develop a solid NFL quarterback and build solid lines, then we will have a team that is good for a while, and competative each year, like the Ravens, Steelers, Patriots, Packers, Colts, Eagles, Jets have done or seems to be doing.


    Drew Bledsoe was our last quick wein. While it provided a temporary boost, it was not long before we were back at square 1.

  2. Billsfreak, do you HAVE any OPTIMISM? yes,my first paragraph was totally sarcastic and meant to be. if you think its childish, that really doesn't bother me. what really was childish was the post where you said you were a bigger fan than me.(i'm pretty sure that was you- if not, my sincere apologies).the people who think the opposite of you may find my sarcasm entertaining. but there are a certain few of you on tsw that are just so totally negative and depressing and very infrequently does anything positive come out of your guys mouths. and frankly, it just really gets old. I find it hard to believe that ANYTHING the Bills do will please you. to me its just a sad way to live life. there are many positives to build on here, instead many just dwell on the negatives. do you really think you can build a better team than nix/gailey? these guys have lived their lives around football and i'm pretty sure they know much more than any of us fans on how to build a winning team for the long hall.


    i totally disagree its the same team. there have been many changes. i will list what i feel are positives.


    1. jauron was fired. he sucked and cost this team dearly. so addition by subtraction.


    2. a new coach was hired. not the flashy name we were looking for. but i like this guy so far. he's had a winning team at all levels wherever he has gone. seems like a straight shooter. I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt and give him a couple years to see what he can do. see if he has good game plans,good game day decisions,makes his players accountable.


    3. we have a GM! russ brandon wasnt. marv wasnt too good at it. is it a big name guy, no. but this guy did well with the bills years ago and well with SD and has been around football all his life. I feel he is going to be a positive addition . he knows what he wants to do and is doing it. it may not be what some of you experts want(oh my childish sarcasm again-oops). but again, i am going to put my trust in someone like him and not joe shmo fans on here who think they know what they are doing. he is much more qualified than any of us and I like what he is doing so far.


    4.T0 is gone. Did that really make a big difference last year? personally, and i know I have quite a few people that will agree with me here, didnt think he was all that great. dropped some balls, didnt go after others cost us a few ints because of it. dont think he was worth 6.5 million that is for sure. Yes terrel would maybe be an ok option but it would be at the cost of our other players being developed. hardy may be good given a chance. won't know with him riding the pines. I honestly believe S. Johnson will be awesome. The guy can play. and roscoe, i'm pretty sure he wasnt used in the proper fasion and think he'll excell with a compitant coach. nix or gailey said that they look at some of our players differently than some of us fans do and the recievers could be one example of that. now josh reed, i am sorry to see him go. He was one of my favorite playes. an awesome blocker, usually reliable and almost always good for a first down. I'm not sure why they let him go. but no one has picked him up yet. not even new england. they still may, but if he was THAT good i think he would have been signed by now. so is it a big deal? i think not.


    5. i realize the bills havent made too many free agent aquisitions, but they said this right from the get go. I think they want to go younger and be able to pick the people they want and mold them the way they want to. we all know the redskins never made it work and i cant really think of any team that HAS bought itself a championship. could we have maybe added a few more playes. yes. but its apparent these guys have a plan. I dont think jason taylor would have put us over the top this year.do you? its fine for the jets to try something like this because thet are much closer than us. but in no way does it guarantee them a damn thing. the problem with finding short term solutions to problems is that they are short term solutions. they need to find long term solutions if we are to stay competitive for awhile.


    6. they got rid of the T.V.'s!


    7. we still have the draft. and then i gotta listen to all the people who didnt like who they picked. God I hope they have a good draft that everyone likes but realistically that aint going to happen. I can see them picking spiller or someone many feel we dont need and tsw melting down after that. I personally want the best player available with a nod going to the needs. will i be upset if spiller gets picked? no. i think he's a gamer. do i want a left tackle? yes, but if the one available isnt much better than what will be available later in the draft, i'd like to upgrade anywher we can.


    8. dwan edwards was more than a role player. he was one of the better free agents available. and andra davis is no slouch. now i will give you this, cornell green may be a role player. but we had a huge hole to fill and he should fill it ok till we get someone else.


    9. we have 2, yes two, strength and conditioning guys and got rid of one that obviously wasnt helping.


    ok i guess i am done for now. I don't expect to change your mind. its doom and gloom for you. I wouldnt be so sarcastic if there was ever something positive you wrote but its pretty rare.there are a handfull of people that are like you here on tsw. you guys can all hang out and be depressed together. Misery loves company . I like our direction. we havent had a direction in so long. so you can be your usual negative self, and I will remain my postive self and life will go on. I guess we'll know in a year or two who was right.


    and to all-sorry for any spelling errors. too tired to go back and check again



    Pretty good summary. On top of it you can say that the philosophy you hear out of Nix and Gailey sounds a lot more like what you hear out of real football guys. Not a lot of talk about "how hard it is to sign free agents in this league." I even read Nix talked either Dwan or Davis off the plane to sign a deal. I, perhaps in the minority, am extatic we are not signing the pro bowl team from 2003....

  3. Hey idiots at One Blow Drive, wake the hell up! Are you going to sign anybody with any talent? Anybody who's not a relative of someone who "may" be good in the league or offensive linemen who nobody's ever heard or cared to hear of?


    Are you really that pathetic that Bill Cowher would rather hit buzzers with Shannon Sharpe and Dan Marino on a pre-game show, rather than coach your awful, no-talent having rotten franchise?! Now, you may be saying "Hey, T.O. signed up to play for us last year!" Again, wake the hell up! Owens signed here because nobody wanted him! "Oh, but he said we were his first choice to go to." Listen, if you buy that then you need some serious psychological attention. What did you want him to say, "Nah, I kinda was hopin to go to the Giants, or the Dolphins or the Pats, this was really my 32nd choice on the list." How big of an idiot would you have to be to believe T.O. actually wanted to be here? We should be thanking him for allowing us to have him here. His half hearted routes that he ran were better than any other guys at full-speed all year. Did T.O. honestly think he was the "missing piece" to our puzzle to get to the playoffs? If I were him, the very first day I showed up for workouts I would've looked around at the (throat clear) talent we had and vomited everywhere, that is, if he actually cared. Fact is last year was an audition for him to get with another team.


    The guy was notorious for his on-and-off the field implosions and, in a year when he had every opportunity and every right to do just that, he didn't. I mean, half the reason I was excited when he signed here was because I wanted him to clothesline Jauron's melon off! Instead, he came...he got his 6 and a half mill, and left. Good for him. Good for every single NFL player who's played here in the last "decade of disaster" here in Buffalo. You know, there really is no good way to say this and I've came down hard on people who've danced around this subject, and I'm going to put this as respectfully as I can...Until Mr. Wilson passes on to a better place and/or the team is moved to who-the-hell-cares, this team will continue to be a joke, as will its "brass". Stop comparing us to the Raiders, that organization has a few championships under its belt...SUPERBOWL championships, not the 4 consecutive consolation prizes that always get tagged to our name out of pity. And in closing, I've said it before and I'll say it again, until this team proves it WANTS to win, this coming year will be 6 years and counting, that the Buffalo Bills get ZERO dollars from me for any tickets!


    So excited tonight is the night we pick which 7 games we will win this year! YEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...(BITE ME, BILLS!)


    Bandwagon fan...

  4. Did Brohm REALLY get a chance ?



    To prove he is a leader? Yes, as soon as he was put on the roster and I am sure if the ability to lead exists with any of them, the new regime has figured it out. I get the sense they understand why it's important to the team.




    London Fletcher or Takeo Spikes are the last few Bills I can remember that overtly demonstrated leadership. It may be happening in the locker room now, but it's not oozing out into the public eye.

  5. I agree, though i still call the NT the LT of defense, 3-4 defenses are only good when you have those pass rushers making an impact that the NT is opening for them. Those OLB are the second most important aspect, due to the fact they not only need to be strong enough to get to the QB, but skilled enough in pass protection as well (see Green Bay's Arron Kampman - sack master that was HORRID when moved to OLB)


    lets face it, the Bills will improve greatly with any pick that is a LT, QB, or Pass rusher. and please, stop saying you want Spiller, he's great but you already have two great backs, I'd love for Green Bay to have two backs as talented as Lynch and Jackson.


    Trade Lynch for Grant?

  6. I'd like to see him in the same offense for more then one season before I call him average, but there has to be a reason shannahan didn't want him, probably a lack of confidence.


    Living in DC, my observations include the following reasons:


    poor with intermediate game

    not a leader

    does not make quick decisions

    does not make good decisions

    wont win you any games


    McNabb is considered a 1000% upgrade by Skins fans I have spoken with

  7. Just like signing TO last year, I agree.


    We have GOT to fix our lines and get a franchise QB in here before we start throwing draft picks around.


    Then you should like this Nix quote I recently read:


    "I still firmly believe you have to play defense and you have to be able to run the ball to win championships," Nix said. "If we build a strong defense and a strong front offensive line, we can keep adding some talent, and that way we'll stay good for awhile."

  8. on ESPN first take and a recent Mort tweet:


    Corners like Darelle Revis always cite Bills' Lee Evans as one of toughest WRs to cover; Revis just did so on First Take. Evans needs help


    Still wanna trade him?



    Is that because it's hard to stay attentive knowing the ball wont come that way? or that he is just fast? Seriously, who cares if he is hard to cover? How did him being hard to cover win any football games? Most of the rational "Trade Lee" posts i read said he is a good player but little value to the Bills in the current state and might help us fill the more critical holes if somebody was willing to make a good deal for Buf.


    Herschel Walker was really good, but what Dallas got for trading him really helped them build a team.

  9. Maybin is a bust. He was horrible last year. 18 tackles, 0 sacks. Orakpo had 50 tackles and 11 sacks. This isn't even close.


    People love his "story" or his work ethic. None of that means anything if you have the frame of a WR. Maybe he can become a decent OLB. Anything's possible. But he'll never justify the #11 overall pick, and he'll never get out of Orakpo's shadow.



    Orakpo had one of the top front 4's in the game and was playing the correct position. No comparison...


    Put him at OLB with a solid run stuffing NT. If he still fails he can be labeled a bust.

  10. After what we have endured for the last decade, no player can be a sacred cow. Particularly not an overpaid underachieving wide receiver. Whatever people think about him, his production is not worth his salary. In 2009 he was 88th in catches, while 62nd in yards. He was paid and will continue to be paid among the top 5-10 WR’s in the game. There are plenty of WR’s thatt surpassed him in production with lousy QB situations, including Terrell Owens. If we could get a 1-2 round pick or a decent player in trade for him it absolutely should be considered. He is of little value to the team until we have an an OFFENSIVE LINE and a QUARTERBACK figured out and staffed appropriately.




    I believe that the new regime is smart enough to realize that making tough decisions is critical to rebuilding and no option is categorically out of question.

  11. My 2 cents:


    Like many career paths, in the NFL where you go to school matters. I am sure there are hundreds of players every year that are good enough to play in the NFL but never get the visibility, and dozens of Kurt Warner/Andre Reed/Fred Jackson/Jason Peters/Wes Welker types who would actually be stand out starters.


    I guess the problem is you have very little time to assemble a roster and for every one good NFL caliber player in the UDFA category (solid performance from lower tier programs) there are scores which won’t make it. You have to rely on the filters that are in place (college level football) for the conventional ranking.


    Hopefully you can find comfort in the trend which is, it seem after the 4th round all the projections fall off anyway as none of the experts tend to be accurate in the later rounds since the talent pool offers less distinction.

  12. There is pattern per wikipedia, see below add a 4 game suspension and the the last year of his current contract, maybe they figured they'd try to get something for him now and maybe there is more to the story. You feel like there has to be something more to ship him off for a throw away pick....


    Legal troubles:


    Holmes has acknowledged selling drugs on the street corner of his hometown of Belle Glade, Florida as a teenager; he says that his mother's influence and a desire to play professional football made him decide to stop.[8]


    Holmes was arrested in Miami Beach, Florida on May 27, 2006 for disorderly conduct.[9] Charges were subsequently dropped after Holmes paid a fine. Holmes was arrested for a second time on June 18, 2006 for domestic violence and assault in Columbus, Ohio.[10]


    On July 7, 2006, Holmes appeared in Franklin County Court in Columbus, Ohio for both a pre-trial regarding the domestic case and hearing regarding the traffic ticket. He plead no contest to the traffic ticket and agreed to pay a fine. While Lashae Boone, the mother of Holmes' daughter and the victim in the assault case, requested that the domestic violence and assault charges be dropped, the prosecutor refused. Boone and their daughter accompanied Holmes to court. The charges were later dropped.[11]


    On October 23, 2008, Holmes was arrested in Pittsburgh and cited by officers for possession of marijuana.[12][13] He released an apology after missing a game, stating that he wished to "focus all of [his] efforts on helping our team win on the field and achieve its ultimate goal."[14]

  13. C.J. Spiller Clemson RBC KR--------------------voted off by Beerball

    *Derrick Morgan Georgia Tech DE43 -------Voted off by turftoe

    *Joe Haden Florida CB KR---------------Voted Off By Astrobot

    *Bryan Bulaga Iowa LT LG

    *Dez Bryant Oklahoma State WRF KR--Voted off by BuffaloBlood

    *Jimmy Clausen Notre Dame QB-------------------Voted Off by Celtic_Soulja

    *Rolando McClain Alabama ILB OLB43----------------Voted off by Billsfaninmaryland

    Brandon Graham Michigan DE43 OLB34--------------------voted off by Sven233

    Trent Williams Oklahoma LT RT-----------------voted off by tonyjustbcuz

    *Jason Pierre-Paul South Florida DE43---------------Voted Off By BGIOP

    Taylor Mays USC FS SS--------------------voted off by Art in RTP

    Mike Iupati Idaho OG OT

    *Earl Thomas Texas FS SS CB-----------------Voted off by HuuugeBills

    Dan Williams Tennessee DT34 DT43--------------------Voted Off by /dev/null #2

    *Everson Griffen USC DE43 OLB34

    *Bruce Campbell Maryland OT

    *Carlos Dunlap Florida DE43 DE34------voted off by Lockport Bills

    Sean Weatherspoon Missouri OLB43--------------------Voted Off by BillsFanInTexas

    Jared Odrick Penn State DT43 DE34-------------voted off by BGIOP

    *Golden Tate Notre Dame WRS WRF KR--------------------Voted Off by /dev/null

    *Ryan Mathews Fresno State RBF-----------------voted off by wizard

    Kyle Wilson Boise State CB---------------Voted Off By KOKBILLS

    *Anthony Davis Rutgers OT----------------------voted off by pushthepile

    Sergio Kindle Texas OLB34 OLB43 DE43

    Devin McCourty Rutgers CB----------------voted off by uticaclub

    Jermaine Gresham Oklahoma TE---------------Voted Off By SawchukBills

    *Maurkice Pouncey Florida OC OG


    Please Remover Bruce Campbell OT Round #1 and Charles Brown OT Round #2


    -------------------------------------ROUND 2-----------------------------------------


    *Brian Price UCLA DT43--------------------Voted Off by BillsFanInTexas

    Charles Brown USC OT

    *Jahvid Best California RBC KR--------------------Voted Off by /dev/null

    Jerry Hughes TCU OLB34 DE43 OLB43

    Brandon Spikes Florida ILB OLB34 OLB43---------Voted off by turftoe

    Daryl Washington TCU ILB OLB43

    Corey Wootton Northwestern DE43 DE34

    *Kareem Jackson Alabama CB--------------------voted off by Art in RTP

    *Demaryius Thomas Georgia Tech WRP

    Ricky Sapp Clemson DE43 OLB34

    *Dominique Franks Oklahoma CB KR----------------Voted off by HuuugeBills

    Colt McCoy Texas QB-------------------Voted Off By Beerball

    *Jonathan Dwyer Georgia Tech RBF----------------------------voted off by uticaclub

    Brandon LaFell LSU WRF-----------------voted off by pushthepile

    Patrick Robinson Florida State CB---------------Voted Off By KOKBILLS

    Nate Allen South Florida FS--------------------Voted Off By Astrobot

    Terrence Cody Alabama DT34 DT43--------------------Voted Off by /dev/null #2

    *Damian Williams USC WRF---------------------Voted off by Celtic_Soulja

    Rodger Saffold Indiana OT OG

    Dexter McCluster Mississippi WRS KR-----------------voted off by wizard

    Tyson Alualu California DT43

    Tim Tebow Florida QB-- Voted off by BuffaloBlood

    *Rob Gronkowski Arizona TE---------------Voted Off By SawchukBills

    Vladimir Ducasse Massachusetts OG OT

    *Chad Jones LSU SS OLB43---------------Voted Off By BGIOP

    *Arrelious Benn Illinois WRF KR---------------------Voted off by Billsfaninmaryland

    Koa Misi Utah DE43 OLB34

    Brandon Ghee Wake Forest CB--------------------voted off by Sven233

    John Jerry Mississippi OG OT

    *Morgan Burnett Georgia Tech SS--------------------voted off by BGIOP

    *Aaron Hernandez Florida TE FB-----------------voted off by tonyjustbcuz

    Toby Gerhart Stanford RBF--------voted off by Lockport Bills

  14. He was considered a good prospect coming out. It appears he has the arm and the smarts. I think I read somewhere about a confidence problem. So by process of elimination I guess it's that or attitude. And it's always possible a different environment or experience could rectify that.





    link to college highlights:

  15. It's hardly "irrelevant." Some guys are injury-prone and/or prone to taking more sacks. RJ was injury-prone AND took more sacks behind the same O-line as Flutie. Kelly was not injury-prone, even behind a weaker O-line later in his career. He missed maybe a game a year at most towards the end of his career.



    Not a TE fan but he hs actually took some beatings that he played through.


    For Kelly:


    he did't start 16 games in 87, 89, 90 91, 94, 95, and 96 and missed a playoff game against houston as well.


    so out of 11 years, he started all games 4 years... and there were 5 seaons he missed multiple games.

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