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Everything posted by BillsfaninFl

  1. Hey! You're on to something. If we can get Ralph suspended we may win a few more games.
  2. Okay. Here's the plan. We line up with three QBs in the backfield standing side by side. The other team has no idea who will get the snap. The long snapper hikes the ball to one of them and they split up. Now they keep lateraling the ball back and forth, forcing the rushers to keep changing direction and going all over the field. By then, the rushers are winded and our receivers are open. Pass complete. Call that play as our first 15 downs and their defense will be exhausted. We can't lose.
  3. To you, perhaps. But not to them. If you take pride in any of your accomplishments, then you understand why a guy wants to be remembered for the highlight of his career, instead of the end of it.
  4. Overrated by who? The players and coaches put him in the Pro Bowl several times. He wasn't a glamour pick who was always self-promoting. He was a blue collar type who played well consistently.
  5. So, if the team could move to Canada (1/4 mile away from N.Y. state), you would be against that? Especially since it is likely that the spot could be the closest place they will end up. It's a moot point, because it is a blue sky idea that Kelly and his buddies wish for, but what would be wrong with it? You could still get to the stadium in approximately the same amount of time and there is no problem going to our Canadian brothers' house. Consider this: 1. In Ontario, there are buyers who have the cash to purchase the team (and keep it close by.) 2. There would also be a lot more money available for building a modern stadium (with a dome that should have been built in Orchard Park.) Sellouts would be more likely because of it being a dome as well as being located between Buffalo and Toronto. 3. There would probably be several more corporations willing to pay for luxury boxes, making the team financially competitive with Boston, Dallas and the rest of the league. 4. Many players and staff members would still choose to live in New York state (the only way there would still be a benefit to the state economy.) 5. The area has a reputation for being a tourist destination and having a thriving economy and population. Buffalo is unfairly thought to be the opposite. 6. Ontario will support the team better than NY, who favors the Jets and Giants. 7. The NFL will be happier with the franchise, because it will add money and fans to the whole league. 8. The fans will be happier because the team will be able to acquire and keep elite players; and win more games.
  6. Sadly, if that is the strategy, there will be no one worth trading for by July. I'd like to believe that the staff is confident that they can coach up these guys to perform better, instead of the scenario where Wilson continues to keep the organization operating on the cheap, but the moves made all point to the latter.
  7. I think you broke the record for the number of answers to your own post. Not only are you drinking the Kool Aid, but you must get off reading your own responses. Your repeated attempts to respond to every criticism displays your personal issues. Let it go; you are embarrassing yourself.
  8. Apparently, you are confused. This chat room is about Bills, not Braves.
  9. I wish I could agree with you, but I doubt if any coach has complete autonomy and the Bills have one of the top five meddling owners. Contracts definitely are influential. The Bills do not outbid other teams for elite players when attempting to make trades or sign free agents. In fact, the team also has an unsettling history during the last fifteen years, by letting their top players leave when they are due for that "fat contract," and failing to attract elite coaches. Nix and Gailey may be capable, but the Wilson factor will doom them to being just the latest three year staff members. That cycle will not change until the team is sold.
  10. So typical. You write "can't we all get along" immediately after offending a lot of the politically active guys and gals. I'm not sure which group should be offended, the people you say are negative, or the people who are delusional after a decade of proof that the Bills suck. I'm an independent, but that has nothing to do with my opinion about the Bills organization. I have been a fan of the Bills for 50 years, and have never been as unhappy with them as I am now. But the fact that old Ralph is screwing us fans is not misplaced criticism: it is logic. While I will continue to root for them, I reserve the right to be critical until some real progress is made. It's called a reasonable expectation.
  11. PLAYERS: It's actually evolving in the wrong direction. The recent trend toward more money being guaranteed is making things worse. There should be no overall team cap - just a positional cap for players. No one should be making as much money as ten other starters. I believe that there should be a guaranteed pay to offer a safety net because of the physical risks involved. But I disagree with the ridiculous paychecks being handed out. I agree with adjusting salaries based upon performance, as stated above. True, stats do not tell the whole story, but that's true for almost any job. Many people have someone evaluate their performance at least annually with bonuses and future raises impacted accordingly. Of course, the other key factor is how the organization is doing. OWNERS: After their initial investment, owners are in a low risk mode for the rest of their tenure. So they are more like bankers or stock brokers who make handsome profits/commissions no matter what happens. In essence, the owners are getting guaranteed paychecks also. FANS: These are the real owners. They pay all the bills and salaries, but have no voice in controlling costs because the business is a monopoly. Would-be pro competition in football is crushed (in the U.S.) or gobbled up by the NFL (see AFL of the 1960s) or starved (the CFL). The greed of owners and players is a runaway problem that will not be solved until the cash cow gets sick. Only fan rebellion will stop the bleeding, but that may not happen for a long time because the sport is so addictive to fans (like me). I don't want fans to walk away or a strike or lockout to happen, and I hope the government continues to give preferential treatment to the NFL. So I can't really B word too much about this because I am part of the problem.
  12. I hope you are right. He is an unknown quantity, but so was "he who must not be named" that plays for the Patriots.
  13. Save the foot massage for Gathier. He left the field on day 1 and didn't play day 2 or 3 because of a sore foot. He missed 5 games last year with foot problems. Gathier's got talent, but I'm afraid he is damaged goods that will not return to his previous level of play.
  14. He isn't even on the practice field. He's nursing a sore foot. He missed part of last season with a sore foot. If the Bills pull the trigger on this trade it will be one more example of how they get fleeced by other teams.
  15. That's not really a fair comparison. Reed was a short route player and Evans was usually down the field. Therefore, the passes to Lee were often not accurate enough to be caught.
  16. I have been on record saying #1 all last season. I believe the coaching was poor throught the Jauron era, but it got worse when Dick got desperate to save his job. The other thing I was vehement about during the season is that to be competitive in the AFC East, the Bills must go to a 3 - 4 on defense. One of the few things I consider a plus this off season is that they are going to make that defensive change. Regarding your second item, I believe the O-line will be improved because Levitre and Wood will be in their second season and there is no way the team will have as many injuries to that line as they did in 2009. Of course, new staff/new system is a negative factor, but even if they do not win more games, at least they will be more entertaining if they can have more than one sustained drive and score more points each game.
  17. Proof that there isn't much to talk about regarding the Bills.
  18. You must have heard a rumor that a team is dropping out of the league. The Bills will have a top 5 draft position in 2011.
  19. Poor draft by the Bills. And the new staff's credibility is declining. I'll give just one example but I could list half a dozen. Gailey and Nix definitely were not interested in "one year wonders," then they drafted WR Easley, who had five catches in three years but one good season in 2009. It's the same old BS.
  20. Yes. I'm not thrilled with what has happened this offseason, but I'll jump on board and pay the $315 again and hope.
  21. If that's how you feel, what does that make you for participating here?
  22. I can't believe it. The Bills take a player in the second round that grades out at 5.3, when almost everybody else's picks are graded at 7 and 8. The Bills take a flashy player they don't need in round 1 to suck in the fans and take a lower level pick in round 2 instead of some good players still out there. Nothing has changed. It's the same dysfunctional organization with the same "hope we get lucky" picks. This year we will be watching a reply of the 2009 games.
  23. Forget the emotionalism and complaints. I would like to know the opinions of those who are logical about their conclusions. What picks do you agree with or disagree with and why?
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