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Everything posted by metzelaars_lives

  1. The question is fine, but spelling "alert" with two l's could be considered stupid.
  2. Listen, I know sometimes I tend to be a jerk on here, but let me try and be diplomatic about this: Seinfeld is the greatest show of all-time. HOWEVER, the last three seasons of Seinfeld are horrendous (basically after Susan dies and Larry David leaves the show). But when Seinfeld was in its absolute prime (92-95), Curb doesn't even sniff it. Thus, I would put Curb ahead of Seinfeld the first two seasons and certainly the last three seasons, but well below Seinfeld in its prime. I mean come on, the Keith Hernandez episodes were on the last couple nights- those are absolutely untouchable. And with Curb, yeah I get it, Larry David unintentionally offends someone with something he says and everyone has an issue with him, you have to admit it does get kind of redundant after a while...
  3. a) who would watch that show and b) oh my god, TO's ex-fiancee is absolutely f'n gorgeous
  4. See: Will James 2008 Florence will get cut. Do people forget that Youboty may have been the best CB on the entire team before he got hurt last year?
  5. Elaine: "Oh, you scared me!" Crazy Joe Davola: "Good. Fear is our most primal emotion." Crazy Joe Davola: "So tell me Kramer, you still afraid of clowns?" Kramer: "Yeah..."
  6. Colin Cowherd is unbearable, as are Mike & Mike. Dan Patrick thinks he's way cooler than he actually is. I agree- ESPN radio is by and large unlistenable, although Rome is still the best interviewer and gets the best selection of guests in the biz. Colin Cowherd however, makes me long for the days of Jim Brinson
  7. I'm just saying that this is a Bills forum, you don't need to slide in cheap shots about politics. Rest assured, Jerry would side with me on this one sir.
  8. Don't bring your politics in here, talking about "whacky leftists," and then quote the Dead. I'll stay here on team left along with Jerry and co. and you can stay over there with non-whacky people like Jerry Falwell, Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh and Ted Nugent.
  9. Yeah Billsfreak, the Sabres goathead jerseys were better than the Montreal Canadiens'
  10. I think, like everybody, I prefer every uniform the Bills have ever had to this one, but I think making the top 10 is a little harsh. Call me crazy, but I think the white jerseys with the blue pants are kinda sweet. On the contrary, the Sabres' uniforms are an utter embarrassment. I was home over Christmas and I went to a couple Sabres' games and seeing grown men walking around in those things- they look ridiculous. We like to think we are a traditional hockey city- and we are- but we have worse uniforms than say, the Nashville Predators, the Florida Panthers and certainly, the Phoenix Coyotes. We have the second worst uniforms in the entire league next to the Atlanta Thrashers' home uniforms, which are, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the worst uniforms in the history of professional sports.
  11. Who drinks Miller Lite in the first place? I mean I would take it over Coors Light and Bud Light, but really, if you live near a liquor store and have access to fine beers from all over the world and can't come up with anything better than Miller Lite, I question you sincerely.
  12. I was on phish tour in Wisconsin last weekend and I was wearing a Bills shirt and I ran into a dude in the parking lot who asked me if I was a Bills fan and I said, "obviously," and he said that one of his best friends was a Bills player during the early 90's and asked me if I knew who he was and I said, "obviously" and he said do you want me to call him and you can talk to him? So I said "of course." So next thing you know I'm on the phone with a Bills player, who was by no means a glorious player, but a player we all know and in my drunken stupor (no drugs mind you), I could think of three things to ask him: first, "Dude I had season tickets from 87-94, how insane were Bills fans back then?" To which he said, yes, they were in fact, insane. Second, "do you still keep in touch with any of the guys?" To which he said, "Not really, just Jim and Kent." And finally, "do you think Jim Kelly really has a plan to keep the Bills in Buffalo?" To which he said, "Absolutely yes." That's all I got. True story.
  13. Alright Girly. GED's are really easy to get these days, you should look into one...
  14. F*ck the current state of baseball with all the steroids and everything? OK, maybe. But f*ck the game of baseball? You guys are losers. I think you need to watch Bad News Bears, Major League, The Natural and Field of Dreams and then come back here on Monday and try and say that.
  15. Hey Todd Girly- a couple things. First of all, unless you are in elementary school, I would think that you would have outgrown such a lowbrow, offensive term. Suffice to say, that is not the preferred nomenclature. Secondly, I found it ironic that you used said derogatory term and then two words later, addressed multiple people by saying "your." That's my take.
  16. Oh come on, Dick Enberg is awesome, the "oh my" is classic. We tend to revere the days of yore when it comes to sports, but we are lucky to have seen some of the best broadcasters- Michaels, Musberger, Enberg, Bob Cole, Jack Buck, Harry Kalas, Jon Miller, etc...
  17. That is the funniest post I have ever read. Congrats. Agree about the robots, ads over cheerleaders. Disagree with anyone that disses Collinsworth. Maybe he's a little dorky, but his analysis of the game of football is vastly superior to anyone in the business. Speaking of cliches, anyone want to bet that in the 4th quarter of the opening monday night game, the announcers won't be saying, "well to those of you who questioned whether or not Tom Brady is back, I think he answered with an emphatic 'yes' tonight," chuckle, chuckle...
  18. Why would I have to be from NY or Boston to give a take on the fans? I have known and even lived with fans of both teams, been to both stadiums and spent a good amount of time in Boston and NY. I know the deal. Red Sox fans will have you believe that you'll never truly understand what it's like to be a fan of a sports team unless you're a Red Sox fan. Oh you're a Bills fan? You might like them, but you could never understand the passion that Red Sox fans have. That being said, I went to Rockies-Red Sox in '07, it was a random Wednesday night game against a no-name opponent at the time (although they ended up meeting in the WS that year), and before the game, you would've thought the Super Bowl was about to go down inside that stadium.
  19. Fair enough. But go to any towny bar about 45 mts. outside of Boston and listen to people talk with that stupid accent all night and let me know how long before you want to blow your brains out. People in Mass are incredibly abrasive if you're not from there, while I find people from/in NY to be fairly welcoming.
  20. Wow. Another person not from NY or Boston that likes the Red Sox over the Yankees, what a surprise. You're not one of those college-aged kids with an Abercrombie shirt, a popped collar, scruffy hair and a Red Sox hat and has never even been to Boston, are you? I'll tell you what, go to a game at Fenway and then go to a game in NY and then tell me that Yankees fans are more annoying.
  21. Cole's are right there. And do not discount the Anchor Bar- especially if you're looking to get the full Buffalo experience, getting a seat in the live jazz room is always pleasant. Anchor Bar's wings are right there, it's just in a schitty part of town. And yes, it is a good restaurant, all of their food is good.
  22. Believe me, it's up there as far as advantages to living in Buffalo. American strip clubs suck.
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