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Everything posted by JimmyPage

  1. I'm not saying what I say because of Whitner. You are right Whitner talks big but falls short of the hype.
  2. These experts were calling Levy senile for 'wasting' a 3rd rounder on a QB when...get this...we already had JP.
  3. I don't know. I don't go there and don't intend to. Is there any reason to visit the Bills site?
  4. It couldn't have happened to a more pompous moron. The wearing a suit on the sideline thing gave an insight to the mindset of this clown. And don't give me any of this crap about Tom Landry or Vince Lombardy, that was a different era altogether where suits were more basic and wearing a suit wasn't formal. Nolan was trying to make a big deal out of himself. A self-impressed ahole, wearing $2000 suits on the sidelines where coaches stand next to 340 pound malodorous offensive linemen reeking of perspiration.
  5. I had the same reaction, I thought I was going to be reading the lyrics to a Journey song when I saw the title of the post. And then instead of just saying Kelly it has to be ..."number 12"...oh the drama. BTW with a loaded offense "number 12" lost all 4 superbowls. If "number 12' couldn't manage a win with those weapons he didn't have the ability to win a superbowl, period. He had the ideal situation , but surrounded by all-pros he still couldn't get it done. No, I don't look for Edwards to be another Kelly, instead I want a QB that can win one.
  6. Well if Lynch is 'fabulous' then the O line must blow because Lynch's yards per carry isn't anything to be proud of. So which is it , is Lynch overrated or does the high priced Oline suck? Myself, I think I think it's a little of both. I certainly wouldn't consider him a "fabulous' runner. In fact, Travis Henry was better than what Lynch has been to this point.
  7. I don't want him here and didn't want him here going back at least 2 years.
  8. I tell you what , people can make all the excuses they want for Losman saying that we weren't in the game anyways. But that is not the point. As a QB that cost what he did in draft choices he should be far better than what he is. That game made it clear that in his 5th year he is the same irratic QB he has always been. I don't care what the defense did I still came away knowing that this team is shot with him at QB. Even if the defense puts in a good game they won't beat good teams with Losman as the QB.
  9. That's great that he works hard but the result is what matters. 3.7 per carry or whatever his average is, doesn't really make the grade for a 1st round pick. He has to start contributing more if this team is going to do something big this season. They cannot keep relying on Edwards to put in near perfect performances.
  10. Yeah I seen him turning the ball over. He had one nice deep pass to Evans and looked irratic in spots like he always does. This team is not good enough to overcome his errors. If you think this team can function with that clown at QB you are certainly as much as loser as he is.
  11. It's about time they did something after the money that was spent on those bums. Now what we need it the starting running back to crack a 4 yard per carry average which should be a minimum for a 1st round pick. Lynch's average per carry has been far from impressive. I'm for giving more playng time to Jackson because his average is no worse and he is more of a threat as a receiver.
  12. Chance are this team would have been 6-0 right now if Edwards didn't get hurt. Anways everyone knew that as soon as Losman got in there we would lose. Which makes me wonder why he was kept as a backup in the first place. If Edwards gets hurt at the finish of the season before the playoffs start this will be a wasted season. This whole Losman deal is a fiasco as far as I'm concerned. Again I cannot figure out why they kept that loser around as a backup.
  13. Exactly 100% correct ! This team is like night and day with Edwards in there. The sooner this team shows Losman the door the better off it will be.
  14. I hope that loss isn't the difference between playing the AFC championship in Tennesee instead of Buffalo. We don't want another one of those music city miracles.
  15. We'd be undefeated now just like Tennesee. Too bad Edwards got hurt.
  16. Losman was handed the starting job without competing for it. They rolled out the red carpet for him. He couldn't have been put in a position of greater advantage, yet Losman is where he belongs now ...on the bench. I'm not sure he even deserves to be the backup. What more needs to be said ?
  17. So there you have it I've been saying the same thing. But the experts on the board say no way. I guess that means Whitner doesn't know what he's talking about.
  18. This is a completely different team with Edwards in there. Where are all the experts that said he had a rubber arm?
  19. I would have preferred the rope when obnoxious posters like Beerball , The Seneator and The Dean were given the green light to run wild with every insult in the book and were given control of this forum. Some of those insults by the way were highly perverse. As soon as anyone fired back they were booted. But it was condoned by this forum because apparently the mods were as extreme about losman as those 3 were/are. Now the 3 of them are hiding out like mice.
  20. yes but apparently the server crashed and that part of the archive was lost hmmmmm
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