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Everything posted by JimmyPage

  1. Beerball The Senator the Dean They are all very quiet these days. They were like a pack of dogs for their boy losman spewing very insult and filthy name under the sun on JP's behalf. If you thought Edwards was drafted to replace their boy you were as good as gone. Now they are in denial. I wonder why. They won't let this post either they'll beg the mod to get rid of it and me.
  2. Yes they are they still here they just deleted my last 3 posts. lol The worms are lurking just under the surface. They don't want the I told you so that they deserve.
  3. They NEEDED to question something they are die-hard Losman fans. They even tried to invent that BS about him not being able to play in bad weather.
  4. When the pick was made most of these experts were saying that we wasted the pick because we already had JP and a 3rd rounder was too high a pick to waste on a backup Qb. I told them he wasn't drafted as a backup and they called me every name in the book. Talk about eating crow. Yeah hahaha Live and learn.
  5. 1. Kelly had a far far better supporting cast. 2. I'm not convinced Kelly did more for the city of Buffalo, In fact at first he made it clear it was the last place he wanted to play. And even as a multi-millionare he stiffed a bunch of local suppliers when his downtown bar failed, that's pretty low. 3. Edwards might win a superbowl, I see it coming.
  6. If the equation wasn't clear already these last two game should cement it. We had no chance in Arizona with Edwards out of the lineup. This team is night and day with him in there. On how many drives did the Bills fail to make a first down on today? Edwards sustains drives and that helps keep opponents' offenses from getting on a roll. The Bills have a shot of beating a team like Arizona with Edwards in there. On the other hand the Bills would have lost today with Losman at QB, no doubt in my mind.
  7. It takes someone with knowledge to know that very few safeties ever make an impact that justifies a pick as high as the Bills burnt on Whitner. He is a good safety but certainly not the rare safety that is considered an impact player from that position. When you draft that high you are or should be looking for an impact player. Anyone can make a safe pick at that slot and come up with a steady player. How many game changing plays has Whitner made in his career? And BTW Lynch is overrated time will PROVE that. This hope that his average per carry is due to the Olines he has run behind so far will die out as he contonues to be pretty much what you see right now. He's better than willis magahee but not as good a back as travis henry was.
  8. So would any QB. Some people never learn.
  9. Hasn't this excuse of it being the coaches run it's coarse yet? Come on already, wake up , Losman is in his 5th year, it has nothing to do with the coaches. The lengths Losman fans will go to to make him out to be a player amazes me.
  10. I think most fans see that one bomb and are ok with two catches. He should have at least had a half dozen.
  11. Do you get the sexes confused?
  12. the jets only scored 17 off turnovers the jets arent prolific, the arizona defense is swiss cheese
  13. I'm a fickle fan because I don't support a 1st round bust? I suppose fans that criticized mike williams when he was with the Bills are fickle. I suppose the fans that criticized rob johnson were fickle too.
  14. Jauron should have given some of them a bus ticket out of the NFL.
  15. Someone jog my memory, what was it we gave up to move up to draft Losman?
  16. If Losman could have made that block it would have been the best play of his sorry career in my opinion.
  17. You keep going back to the offense didn't score 17 in the 1st 3 qrts in any game but this one. Who cares about that , it's meaningless. Guess what, the game isn't 3 qrts long. The Edwards lead offense outscored the Losman lead offense in ALL 4 games!! THE LOWEST SCORING GAME THE BILLS HAD WAS WITH LOSMAN AT QB AND YOU ARE DECIDING TO LOOK AT IT WITH BLINDERS ON YOU WANT TO SCRATCH THE 4TH QRT BECAUSE GUESS WHAT....HE DREW A BLANK THAT'S WHY. HERE IS A QUIZ... THE BILLS HAVE PLAYED 5 GAMES SO FAR THIS YEAR. WHO WAS THE QB IN THE ONLY GAME THAT THE BILLS OFFENSE FAILED TO SCORE 20 OR MORE POINTS???? ANSWER: YOU GUESSED IT >>>GOOD OLD 1ST ROUND BUST JP LOSMAN
  18. This a a classic case of someone opening his mouth and inserting his foot. The jets weren't just a benefactor of turnovers. One of the turnovers was an interception in the endzone on the game's last play. 17 out of the 56 points came off of turnovers, that still leaves 39 points The jets had Td drives of 83 yards 80 yards 73 yards 49 yards 40 yards 29 yards The Losman lead Bills scored 17 Wake up and smell the toast burning
  19. Who cares about his stats through 3 quarters? There are 4 quarters in football. In hockey there are 3 periods and they never ever award a shutout to a goalie who stops everything for the first two periods.
  20. See you are focused on identifying the defense as why we lost the game. That is not the only area of concern. Part of my reaction to this game was this....is that all that our 5th year 1st round pick can do at QB? Set aside how bad the defense played for one second. Losman was still Losman even after he implied that he was a victim of bad OCs in the past. He was the exact same bum out there last sunday! New OC and all, Losman was still Losman. Yet these people were saying that he proved why he deserves another shot in the NFL. I think what he proved was that it had zero to do with OCs and that the Bills made a mistake going with him as the backup. He should have been cut.
  21. Yes I do think Trent would have done better. The other thing is that I don't accept the notion that...we would have lost anyways. Because it's not just that we lost it's how we lost. With Losman only putting up 17 it tells me that with him in there we are toast. Set this game's score aside as far as it being winable or not, Losman's performance is what is bothersome. This game demonstrates to me that if it comes down to him at QB we are done. He really cannnot seem to put up points against anyone.
  22. This reminds me of that video where the kid is crying....leave brittany alone.
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