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Everything posted by JimmyPage

  1. You have a school girl crush on losman. There was nothing natural about a guy defending a player the way you did in that lost achive , good thing for you we can't dig up those disturbing looks into your psychology. BTW where are you posting from , one of those san fransico bars with your buddy TheSenator?
  2. Lol nice try pea brain. That is funny coming from the #1 JP worshipper. You are probably the top beneficiary of that loss of the archive. It digging up those posts would expose you as one of the biggest fools that ever posted on any sports forum.
  3. They had a walk through the AFC which was weak at the time. In each of those seasons the it could be reasonable to say the top 3 teams were in the NFC.
  4. This team for the most part is mediocre on offense, it lives and dies on 3 or 4 key players. The pass blocking is ok. The run blocking needs a lot of work. Lynch is ordinary, they need to give the ball to fred jackson more than they do.
  5. 1. just using the word troll is about as lame as it gets 2. very few safeties are impact players, I don't see Whitner as one of them. He's solid but he doesn't make game breaking plays. With the 8th pick I expected a lot more. 3 Lynch IS overated, time will prove me right on that. The more of this 3.5 per carry crap you see the less appauled you will be. Don't worry it's ok I got the very same reaction going back 2 years+ when I was saying Losman is overrated. Ooooooh how could you, how dare you, no you should never say that about JP, that was the reaction. The more things change the more they stay the same. I received the same reaction to my assessment of magahee too. Anyways it doesn't make me tired of being ahead of the curve. 4.Kelly's super bowl performances left a lot to be desired considering the team he had. The super bowl is where the great ones excel.
  6. Go find your friend peter he's waiting to treat you to a drink.
  7. 1. These elephants we have for offensive linemen aren't opening up any holes 2. Lynch is no thurman thomas or anything close to it., 3.5 per carry is pathetic. Draft some mobile offensive linemen who can get out in front of lynch and do some run blocking, he needs all the help he can get.
  8. Hey moron was Dilfer the only QB that ever won a super bowl? And did you notice that Dilfer passed for a TD? Were you aware that even tough they wore the same uniform the NYG weren't the same team in both those superbowls? Do you think that Dilfer had the weapons Kelly had? No I guess that thinking isn't one of your favorite pastimes. Nice try moron.
  9. I would describe Edwards as a Chad Pennington with a stronger arm. Pennington killed opponents with ball control and was able to take mediocre teams further than most QBs would be able to.
  10. They are all gone from archives, but you already know that. You really can't hide from it, there are plenty of us here that clearly recall your rantings, so I think you should abstain from ever trying to come off as anything close to an expert.
  11. I can say this, Edwards seems very composed and might have the type of mental toughness needed to get it done. He immediately strikes me as being more intelligent than Jim Kelly. But he needs a better supporting cast than what he has now. The run game we have just isn't cutting it.
  12. In the super bowl he was up against better teams than he was in the AFC. The AFC was very weak in those years. And there IS a difference in the super bowl.... more on the line, more pressure, Kelly couldn't get it done.
  13. Not according to these experts he wasn't flawed. Maybe they attribute those superbowls to voodoo or an NFL conspiracy against Buffalo or global warming. Who knows what lurks in the minds of people that twist reality.
  14. Hey what beerball? Are you going to tell us again about how great Losman is going to be and how Edwards is only here to carry his clipboard? Huh expert?
  15. Hmm lets see, Kelly was capable and had 4 kicks at the can. Oh ok mr logical. Can you remind of of which superbowl it was that Kelly won? Hmmmm? And when you do try to keep your mind off ballwash.
  16. Howard Ballard I meant, I was typing too fast. As far as the misspelling of Reed and Hull no big deal, that's no big deal at all, it is not relevant to the conversation in any way other than nitpicking.
  17. It was primarily Norwoods fault? What is the conversion % of 47 yard FGs in the NFL? That is no chip shot. It shouldn't have come down to a 47 yard FG. The Tuna and Billicheck(sp) beat the Bills with a lesser team. They held the Bills to 19 points. So how many points would Kelly have put up without a team loaded with all pros? 9 or 10 points maybe? Not much that's for sure.
  18. As far as playing in the super bowl they were better. They won it with inferior offenses.
  19. Yeah that makes a lot of sense, we should all rewrite reality to suit Jim Kelly and the legend some people need to cling to. Truth is he was on a loaded team and went 0-4. No way on earth should we be seeking that now. We don't have Kent Hall , Thurman thomas, Andre Read, James Lofton, Howard Ballard, Jim Ritcher, Don Beebe etc. If Trent Edwards emulates Kelly there is zero chance of winning it all. Does this start to make sense to you now? We cannot win it with a clone of Kelly. He couldn't win it with a team full of all pros. Wake up, all of you, wake up from your Kelly worship. Calling someone a troll WILL NOT change fact and reality. That is nothing more than running from reality.
  20. I don't see Lynch as being any better than Travis Henry. In fact I am convinced Travis Henry was a better back. Jackson seems to have a good YPC. Maybe he should get more carries.
  21. You are looking at this wrong. You need to look at who was drafted AFTER Whitner. The Bills had a choice of Whitner or anyone drafter AFTER Whitner! You need to redo your entire post for it to make any sense. Right off the bat you can Look at JAY CUTLER. How many NFL scouts or GMs would say that Whitney has more value than Cutler? Also you said that whitner was the 4th best player in that draft? Are you serious? There are only 3 players from that draft better than Whitner? Must have been one very very weak draft.
  22. Enough with the Kelly worship. Edwards CANNOT be like Kelly if we want to win a super bowl. He needs to be BETTER. WHY? Because Edwards isn't likely to ever be surrounded with the all-pros Kelly played with. Edwards is going to have to do what Kelly could not do and he will have to do it with a lesser team. If Kelly went 0-4 with the offense he had, then he certainly wouldn't come out with a win playing on a lesser team, even if he had ten kicks at the can. Yeah, Kelly was such a master at audibles that he went 0-4 in superbowls. Kelly couldn't have asked for a stronger supporting cast, fact is, he simply wasn't a QB capable of winning super bowls. Kelly wasn't good enough, Edwards needs to go to a level beyond Kelly.
  23. If the bills had one of those QBs in place of "number 12" they would have won at least one superbowl.
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