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Everything posted by Conch

  1. No, Lee doesn't deserve a higher rank than 33. Quite frankly 33 is 20 spots too high for Lee. Quit blaming everyone but Lee. Lee quit 28 games ago plain and simple. I have said it before and will say it again, once he signed his big fat contact he laid down. He barely even tries.
  2. Why do you have to use a 6th grade derogatory? The guy was a lousy coach, why attack his manhood?
  3. You are totally wrong. The time to drop this song was about 30 years ago. It should have gone the way of the Mean Weenie from Bells Supermarkets long, long ago.
  4. So he smokes pot and makes poor driving decisions....hmmm, could be a perfect fit in a backfield with Marshawn.
  5. I am on board 100%. Does felton have another PS year of eligibility? Roosevelt also makes the PS at least for part of the year.
  6. NFL drug testing is a complete joke. Almost as bad as pro baseball. NBA testing is non existent. Golfers are hitting the ball close to 400 yards but do not need testing. Lance Armstrong is a great example of what drugs can do for you as long as you are extremely careful and know how to avoid detection. Sports in this day and age is a disgrace. But watch out for the drug test when you try to get a job flipping burgers at McDonald's......
  7. Please don't ruin Dolomite by associating him with Lynch. And watch at the early Dolomite movies, they are classic.
  8. Victory belongs to the most persevering. -- Napoleon He who takes the greatest risk wins the war. -- Phillip of Macedon to Alexander
  9. TE hit a lot of deep balls in last years camp. Come game day, not so much.
  10. This is the only NBA game I have watched this season and I watched about 15 minutes of it over the last two periods. 1. I watched way too much of the NBA this year. What was I thinking? 2. What a putrid game pro basketball has evolved to. Even my dog became sick watching it. 3. The refs were horrendous. Why is it okay to hack a Celtic but not a Laker? And I hate the Celtics. 5. The announcers were worse than the refs (even now I am not sure that is possible!). They gave verbal sex to Kobe the same way Al Michaels gives verbal sex to Pig Ben. 6. The only player I remotely liked was that fat boy Baby Davis. But how can anyone possibly be so fat when you play pro basketball? 7. Game plan - Offense -- shoot from any angle all the time and hope it goes in. Defense -- hack em. We played this in the 8th grade gym. 8. I just don't get it. It is not entertaining and it certainly is not a team sport.
  11. Easily Easley could be the equivalent of Andre Reed. Both 4th round picks from 2nd tier football schools. That would be awesome
  12. You made it through in a quick seven years! Good job.
  13. Holes in 2010 Offense LT RT (Green is a career journeyman) C (Hang is almost average) WR #2 Slot receiver TE's (young or unproven) QB RG (if Wood doesn't come back 100%) Installation of a brand new offense and new terminology. Defense Depth at DE Depth at NT (Troup is a rookie) ROLB (Maybin is a ?) LOLB (Kelsay) Installing a brand new defense, new terminology and about half the players are playing a brand new position for them. Other than those few holes this team is ready for a SuperBowl run.
  14. Agreed. I bet if TE got a brush cut Bills fans would compare him to Johnny U.
  15. so if someone gives us an elevated ranking like #21, they are intelligent. If they give us an accurate ranking like #29, they are dumbasses?
  16. No means no. Taking into account he Colorado episode, Ben is a predatory rapist. Those who throw Lynch in the same sentence are just wrong... Lynch is knucklehead.
  17. You guys are quite full of yourselves.
  18. Somebody, anybody please bring professional football back to Buffalo.
  19. And there are those of you who always believe whatever an athlete says.
  20. Let's beat this like a dead horse..... Ben should be in jail not given time in front of a mike at home on a tranquil farm with mommy and daddy holding his hand, without no one asking really hard questions and telling people how sorry he is, how much he will prove he is a good person at heart, etc, etc, etc... He is rapist and a predator and should be out of the NFL. But come some Sunday night in the near future, Al Michaels will get down on his knees in front of Big Ben, and ask Ben's forgiveness because someone allowed the girl in the bathroom to falsely accuse him. He will go on to to vocalize what a courageous man Ben is for persevering in the worst of circumstances and how Ben's reputation suffered and he is working so hard to repair it. The football player that was with him, Colon, what is his thought..."We can't put ourselves in situations and we have to watch out for people that will harm us" Hey you big, fat, overpaid jock....How about helping a poor girl getting raped by your 6-5 250 lb drinking buddy? They all make me sick. This pervert needs to be in jail for 10 to 20 and Colon needs his @ss-kicked.
  21. There are two types of people on this board. Those that see Lee for what he has become (overpaid and unproductive) and those that see what he used to be (very productive). We'd all like to see him become productive. But until he produces the jury is out big time on this dude and I for one see a marked difference once he took the big pay day. Go check the dates and the before and after stats. Could it be that Capt Check-down check-downed because Lee wasn't getting open?
  22. TE was Lee's QB before and after Lee signed his fat deal. The line sucked before and after Lee signed his fat deal. Once he signed his fat deal Lee laid down. Look at the stats, stats don't lie. Lee is a number 2 receiver at best and #3 on many teams. Start Hardy, Johnson & Roscoe and the production will be at least the same as when Lee is in there. TO did draw the double coverage and Lee did not elevate his game.
  23. If you can guarantee that we will not be worse than 6-10, go to Vegas and bet your house on the Bills winning 6 or more. Otherwise you are as unprepared to back up what you say as the so-called experts.
  24. In the third game of the season I think the reaction of the NO defense after our 27-7 drubbing said it best. (Our only score came on special teams -- a Brian Moorman pass play). Something like "This team could not score on us if they had all week. They ran a Pop Warner offense." They knew everything without even trying.
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