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Everything posted by Conch

  1. This is not what anybody is saying. Most are saying that Edwards will enter camp as the number 1 QB but that the others will be given an opportunity to win the job. No one has said TE is a lock for the starter. No one of credibility that is. Most people on these boards read and write at the 3rd grade level. Most do not know how to translate the sentences that they read into thoughts intended by the writer and produce reliable conclusions.
  2. Like this years team he will be better than last year simply because they will have a professional level offense. Unfortunately our competition is also stepping up, we will have 4 to 6 wins.
  3. And all of the gerbil talk about Tom was true!
  4. I am okay with this given the fact that we have no real choices here. Do you pick the ugly sister, the prude or the B word?
  5. We would have run him outta town just like Malarkey and Jauron.
  6. The downfall started when Dick was retained after the previous season.
  7. About time he got 5 to 10. Either send him to prison or trade him to the Bills. Both sentences would be harsh.
  8. 1. Jets 12-4 2. Patriots 11-5 3. Dolphins 10-6 4. Bills 4-12
  9. So his rating is based on: Poz who has never played this position before Kelsay who has never played this position before Mitchell who probably won't start and I do not believe that he has played this position before Schobel who has never played this position before and probably never will play it. Might just as well make them a top five.
  10. What if I light a gaseous flatulence and there is no one in the forest to hear it? Did it really happen or does it only happen if the gas backs up into my colon just prior to ignition? Let me speculate......
  11. 1. I think Chris Johnson of the Titans is the biggest matchup problem. How can you possibly set this level of expectation for someone that has never carried the ball in the NFL? Oh, because he is wearing a Bills uniform. This is stupid. 2. The Bills offense will be different. It will be one of the worst. How do you know this about Chan? You talk out of your @ss.
  12. Unfortunately there are 5 guys on the O-line, 6 if you include a blocking tight end. Two rookies that played a year and a half are the only positives on the line. Give Wood a C because he missed a lot of time and is one broken leg bone away from calling it a career, and Levitre a B+. Hang can be given a C- grade if you are gracious. Cornell Green is a D- and Bell is an F. We may have a blocking TE (in Matthews?) but he may not even make the team. Just cuz Gailey is better than Jauron does not mean he has earned anything more than a C. Given that the offense and defenses are all new schemes the coaches should not be higher than a C.
  13. Most of my pessimism is a reaction to the over optimistic on this board that simply believe all the crap they read into a player making a catch in spring training or how fast or how much weight someone can lift. These over optimistic transpose all of that noise into bellicose announcements that below average players and a below average team will all of a sudden transpose itself and make the playoffs with pro bowl nominations for all. The over optimistic simply ignore the fact that every team in our division continues to improve at a rate that exceeds ours. The fact is this is still a below average team with no stars, except the punter. The over optimistic look at under performers like Lee Evans and think he is a top wide out. That ship sailed when he signed his fat contract.
  14. I was a fan of the Titanic until it sank. I am not optimistic that it will float again.
  15. Sure Ralph was leaning on Buddy & Chan, heck at 92 he leans on everything.
  16. But what this clearly depicts is how weak the NFL drug testing program is. First, Chris Sims is not the only NFL player that smokes pot. And I would venture a guess he is a heavy pot smoker, as an occasional user wouldn't be driving their 8 month pregnant wife when they are high as a kite. When was the last time a player was randomly checked by the NFL for drugs and caught with pot in his system? Baseball, football NBA's testing programs are a complete joke. Time for blood tests and time to get HGH, steroids and these idiots out of sports. The only time the NFL tries to catch a pot smoker is at draft time because owners want to make sure that they are spending their first contract dollars on players smart enough not to get high two weeks before the combine. After that they don't give a rats @ss. Personally, I partake and believe pot should be legal but if you are going to test players, test them and straighten this out. PS - i'd test mrs sims for pot and i f that came up clean, I'd test her for a brain. I don't know any woman that would let someone that is stoned drive them around when they are pregnant. Why wasn't she driving? My guess she was high herself. But high or not she endangered her unborn child just as much as Sims. Both should be cited for child endangerment.
  17. Paul is much better than the cookie cutter garbage that spews on the air these days. He had the longest running sports show on cable for a quite a time. He parlayed The Paul Maguire Show into College Football and then the NFL. He was always pretty honest in his assessment of the play. And he could hammer the drinks with the best of them in his day. I am sick of today's sportscasters kowtowing to the NFL. They never call out garbage like Vick or Pig Ben. I completely despise Al Michaels. No one sucks up to the big players like Al. Pig Ben could have raped a 12 year old boy or girl and Al would not say a negative word about his hero Ben....Al makes me vomit as much as Pig Ben.
  18. Other teams 3rd stringers would start at many positions on our team. That is the problem with this team. Besides QB, there are many #3 WRs, #3 RT&LTs, ROLB, and maybe even a couple of #3 tight ends on other teams that would start here. Heck, quite a few teams have #3 WRs that outproduce our #1 WR. Put a fork in Garcia.
  19. A man has to be able to live his life without rules that some idiot like you define for him.
  20. Really? The guy came in unblocked. That's not a line blocking issue?
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