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Everything posted by SWVABillsFan

  1. Wood is a nasty tough player. Wilfork is the same way. The end result was the win. At some point in time you have to be nasty towards other nasty players to let them know you aren't going to let it happen. Next time I hope Wood drills him and all the other patsy d-linemen.
  2. I sure would have liked to see a Brady/Branch interview like last week. Did you see the one after the win against the Chargers? Oh, out right smiles, bragging, laughing. I like the modest interviews the Bills have been giving, laughing if something funny is stead but going back to the business of the discussion. Chan, keep em' all level headed and straight. Keep focused players.
  3. I am not sure that God is smiling on the Buffalo Bills right now as football is a man made game and thus won't be in Heaven. I do however give God the thanks and all the praise for being who he is. If God is so blessing the Bills may he continue to pour out his bountiful blessings upon many, and as Bills fans regardless may we continue to give him thanks, praise, and honor. Blessed be the name of the Lord.
  4. Yeah, let's go from one bad religious fanatic to another. Romney is a Mormon, and if you know anything about them, they are to cult like to be Christian. If he falls for that garbage......
  5. There is only 1 tru and living God, creator of universe, man, and all that is. When addressing Him it would be wise to be thankful, respecting, and accepting. When truly starting a thread about God see if the Word of the Lord falls into alignment with what you say.
  6. The team apparently is still approving of the one I like. muahahahahahaha
  7. http://blogs.buffalobills.com/2011/08/05/what-gailey-told-thigpen/ Thigpen has been showing good stuff in practice, so has Fitz. On BuffaloBills.com Chan told Thigpen Fitz is the man going in. Not to overly start anything; but, overall for the long run isn't Thigpen the better deal? Feet, arm, head, etc.... If you remember last year Chan liked a more mobile Qb and hinted around before he chose Edwards that the one he had in mind had better feet. So I just wonder, will there be a change before the season, or possibly by week 1 or 2? While I never had anything against Fitz I just believe Thigpen has a way better skill set to play the position. Thoughts?
  8. Have you been watching any of the practices? Chandler might be the real deal. I like how he just grabs anything upstairs with little effort. See ya Nelson.
  9. Until we get the NE and NY monkees off our back.... Can't forget about the fish either.
  10. The 1st problem to correct is worrying about what Ms. Pelosi says. I can be considered needy and work 2 jobs, 1 minimum wage, I ask for nothing.
  11. Why don't them fat cats cut their pay, benefits, and such and quit paying a thousand dollars for a frreking toilet seat. Look closer to within. You can't take it with you.
  12. Seeing how as I am not a complete NFL statistic analyst, I would like to know more of the positives/negatives of the two types of defenses. While I understand it is only Madden and not a lot transfers I have noticed if I run a 4-3 the line gets many more tackles and if a 3-4 the LB's do. To me with 2 big ILB's the 3-4 should thrive more if you have taller faster OLB's to cover and rush. Should the ILB's or the OLB's get the majority of the pass rushing calls? Your thoughts and opinions please.
  13. When Poz was 1st interviewing before the draft I had good hopes for him being the big prototypical Penn State LB. Then his play and his injuries. I liked when I seen him start making a lot of tackles, then started noticing that while he had good hustle and found the ball plenty, it was always too late. Perhaps with a better front line he would have succeeded more.
  14. What moves are done by the brass are done by the brass. When they are done they are done. It does of course suck seeing the Bills suck for many years now. I just wish at times when they have an opportunity to get a game changing player they would. Until then all I can do is root for whomever they get and try to do my best to "Lead the Charge".
  15. Oh I hope they cut Maybin. I still wonder why they let some players, like Orakpo, go by?
  16. With Free Agency in a frenzy and all I was just wondering what might be the release date of Madden 2011?
  17. I like Poz and I think he adds a lot to the team. I think he still needs some work and around the right talent can go from good to great. He needs to be a little more aggressive and take some better angles. Right now with who the Bills have for him to leave would be a slow down in progress. If money is the question then why in the world would you keep never was and never will be Maybin?
  18. He always had a strange way of looking at things and I loved the camaraderie.
  19. Dude, Kudos to you. love to see a vote, like or not; I bet more not.
  20. No many agreed with that. I still don't. Wonder if Washington will trade him for Orakpo? If Elvis was still alive and a Bills fan he'd have shot the tv when Maybin (or defintely not) was drafted.
  21. This is the most argued pick yet. Brass, you got a lil' tarnished here.
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