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oak tree 12

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Everything posted by oak tree 12

  1. it could not be due to the fact that we are missing our best d/lineman and pass rusher who teams have to account for on every play. really you guys who make these type of comments dont have a clue!!!!!!
  2. the main thing with this team the last 4 weeks is injuries. everyone ill say you cant use injuries as an excuse. well maybe thats true with teams like NE but with young teams like us its a big deal because we simply cant replace 5 or 6 starters and still have the same results. look @ SD they have great depth and they cannot get over their injuries same thing for the colts.
  3. like your thoughts however butler is going nowhere seeing they just resigned him. he was a tackle in collage and should get nothing but better as he is. we are missing him this last 3 weeks and its showing. your center idea is right on. the kid from cal can flat out play and the sad truth is we do not have a starting caliber center on this team. as you all know by now IMO preston should not be on this team. for a big guy he is a wimp. he plays with no physicality or nastiness and after what 4 years its very obvious to me that he cant paly the game @ guard or center. as much as i hate mel keiper he was right on when we drafted preston in the fourth round and he mocked us out!
  4. thanks for your opinion however you dont speak for me. your second point is incorrect espicially between 3 and 7. you are right about bills fanatics which i am i also love my sabers. you like schoop and dumb dumb good for you however IMO you need help! anyone who likes schoops personality or attitude definately has issues.
  5. thanks for your opinion however you dont speak for me. your second point is incorrect espicially between 3 and 7. you are right about bills fanatics which i am i also love my sabers. you like schoop and dumb dumb good for you however IMO you need help! anyone who likes schoops personality or attitude definately has issues.
  6. what did you expect? schoop tells everyone constantly he does not like football and often refers to them as the Toronto bills. i hate his arrogant as-. bulldog is nothing more than his dumb puppet. want an idea. after listening to WGR 24/7 for 20 years i could no longer stomach their station especially schoop and his sidekick. so i went out and subscribed to Sirius Radio and now i sit @ my computer or in my car and get to listen to gill brandt and pat kirwin and adam schine and tim ryan and on and on 24/7. the great part is its no very expensive either. try it you will definitely like it. i would never listen to GR again espicially between 3 and 7.
  7. are you freaking serious? man what a ridiculous comment on roscoe. i'll guarantee you one thing he would be 10 times better than mckelvin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. your out of your mind. dont you get it. reed gets it and is invaluable. hardy and johnson may someday get it but thats not a given. reeds injury is a major loss for this offense. who by the way also has 2 o/linemen out. secondly our defense has major injuries. our starters are starters for a reason and when they get hurt anyone who wants to see a backup or rookie preform is clueless. you do know we are in a playoff race and this is the second of 3 consecutive division games and we have already lost one to miami. this is a must win game. not a good time to have 4 or 5 starters out!
  9. when you get real and get a clue. what an absolutely ridiculous comment. we are down our best defensive lineman and best pass rusher.mcgee is playing on one leg and missed 2 games ,youboty missed 3 games and ko is injured. consequently Whitner is probably playing 4 different positions depending on the game and you have a beef with the guy. i wish we had a team of donte whitners because i dont think we would ever loose a game. please give me a freaking break!!!!!!!!!!
  10. try getting real you are truly clueless. punish him what do you think this is pee wee football unbelievable. i think its bed time i hear your mother calling you and when you get up tomorrow sing up for the bills football 101 class for bills fans wives. dumbest thing i ever heard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. listen man and this is coming from one of JP's biggest supporters. if anyone wants to compare trent edwards to JP as far a being a NFL quarterback then you simply have no clue about the game of football. JP is not only not in the same league as trent when talking about playing QB he is not even on the same planet. i like JP as a person and wish him well but the truth is that as a quarterback in this league he cant tie trents shoe laces and if anyone cant see that then they are simply clueless. if trent edwards stays healthy in another year he will be in the payton manning tom brady class. the kid is the next superstar QB in the NFL.
  12. hey the bills hold classes for football fans wives so they can understand the game i suggest you sign up for one of the classes.
  13. what a great idea trade a pro bowl tackle for a wide receiver. are you kidding me dumbest thing i ever heard of absolutly ridiculous. half the teams in the league dont have a quality LT let alone a young one and your brainstorm idea is to trade ours for a wide receiver no less get real!!!!!!!!!
  14. sullivan like the other 2 idiots @ WGR the arrogant wonder schoop and his stupid side kick bulldog dont have a clue. i used to listen to WGR 24/7 for 20 years but i couldnt take it anymore and subscribed to Sirius radio and now i never turn on those bunch of clowns.
  15. well just think about it. whats that tell us all about ellis. it tells me he is not ready to contribute yet. personally i feel that he needs to get in the weight room and get bigger stronger and faster. our coaches are not stupid if ellis was better than bryant then he would be playing more than him.
  16. i'm really starting to get nervous here. an o/lineman for the panthers is being held out his third week due to a concussion he suffered. then listening to hamden who spoke to him today it did not sound very encouraging. he said he didnt even discuss football or his injury and he didnt want him to talk to long. that does not sound very encouraging to me. if we have to play JP against SD next sunday our odds of winning go way down IMO. he is the same JP he has always been. no bomb no play or he fumbles or throws an int. he is unfortunatly mr 3 and out and our defense will be on the field all day again like they were in the arizona game.
  17. come on man get real. had he attended offseason workouts and OTA's and went thru training camp and learned the new offense like the rest of his teammates he would be his same old dominating self and would most likely like evans have a new deal in hand you dont get ready to play in the NFL(espically being away from anything football related for 8 months with a new offense to boot) in 4 weeks give me a freaking break.
  18. right now he could not tie mcgees shoe laces as a returner. he dances way to much. he needs to learn its the NFL pal.
  19. is bolden injury prone. you saw the hit i dont care who you are if you get pile drived into the ground and your head hit the ground with that much force anyone would get a concussion. we should be talking instead how he stood tall in the pocket knowing he was exposed and going to get killed and delivered a strike to the right receiver on time for a first down. its the difference between him and JP trent knows where to go with the ball and gets it out in a heartbeat. jp does not know where to go with the ball and cant make quick decisive decisions and gets sacked and turns the ball over.
  20. i dont know how you can make such a statement seeing hardy play the last 2 games. he simply is not ready for the NFL yet and after the last 2 games its very obvious that he is pressing way to hard and is no where near ready to start in this league and schonetr knows this. after dropping all those balls when given his chance the last 2 games you noticed he went right to the bench where he belongs @ this time. his time may or may not come this year but its quite obvious to everyone who has watched him that he is not ready to contribute on any regular basis @ this time.
  21. because vegas knows their s-it,they do not keep building billion dollar casinos because they are stupid. this is a very tough spot for the bills. traveling across the country against a good team that is coming home after 2 weeks on the road and off an embarassing defeat in their last game. the cards also play very well @ home they were 6 and 2 @ home last year. i will say this if the bills can somehow win this game then watch out however it will be a very hard game for the bills to win. the odds are definatly against us and vegas knows this thus making the cards the favorite.
  22. i dont know where you got the that they were activly trying to trade him thats total BS.
  23. who cares you could not pay me to listen to those 2 morons. i'de rather drink drano. schoop is so arrogent and full of himself that he makes me want to punch a hole in the wall plus he does not like the bills and constantly talks of them as the future toronto bills.
  24. do you even bother to watch any games. "roscoe the odd man out" i dont even know how to respond to that except to say that you are totally clueless!!!!!!!!!!!
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