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Everything posted by BillsZubaz

  1. No. We are done with the Throwbacks for the year. We wore our white throwbacks during the opener against the Patsies, and at the Titans (Plus the preseason game). The Blue throwback made its only appearance last week..
  2. As I said. I have always liked it as a defensive scheme. I think we have some good personnel in place to run it. But again, maybe its not in the teams best interest. I know I am not a fan of the Tampa 2 style defense. Small fast players get hurt frequently.
  3. AFAIK? Agreed. A dominating mauling NT is hard to find.
  4. Thank you! This is what I put in the comment box: "I am considering canceling all Time Warner services. My Road Runner has been slow, my box keeps having to be reset and there are many channels I am simply not interested in. Frankly it isn't worth the $130.00 a month that I am charged!"
  5. I like you Cotton. I'm drinking your kool aid.
  6. WHAT A CROCK OF @#$@! Close enough to be blacked out in Rochester, but Not close enough to get the game!?!? I'm calling T/W to cancel my cable!
  7. That is my thinking...but all we can do is sit and watch.
  8. That is a LOT of ifs. But I am with ya. Man oh Man. That MNF loss and the lost to CLE now loom large! But, I suppose we wouldn't be rid of Dick if we won those games...I will take that trade.... Fewell fueled Bills are more fun to watch win or lose.
  9. God help me. I still get sucked right back in after 1 win and this kind of enthusiasm. I can't wait to see this board if the Pats and Fish drop a few games and the Bills manage to string together a few wins... We are gluttons for punishment and pain....
  10. We should have never left the 3-4 defensive scheme. Honestly, I have always liked the 3-4 as a defense. But now that it is the "in" defense in the league, I am almost apprehensive to switch to it (Although I still want to). Since so many teams run it, opposing teams will be used to seeing/game planning for it.
  11. Agreed. There is no telling how strongly Shaun Rodgers will be able to return.
  12. Ralph made out like a bandit in the situation....as it is now...
  13. That is a guy you would definitely want on your team. That being said, we have more pressing needs. Besides, Kyle Williams has had a solid outing this year. He has 43 tackles and a sack. Admittedly, I would like to see more sacks out of him. But - he has played most of the year on a bad knee and with a bad shoulder... even missing a game or two... I have been very happy with his disruptive ability and tackle total so far...
  14. Good coach. But I'm not heartbroken over this... "I am the walrus...goo goo Katchoo"
  15. Jiminy Cricket! What am I supposed to do now while I sit at my computer and drink bourbon through a straw?!
  16. What a complete an utter moron. He is obviously trying to hit the goalpost with his stick (which I see happen all too often) But how the hell do you chop your Goalie across the head?!
  17. Couldn't agree more. That horse is long gone, which is unfortunate. But, I suppose that is what happens when 2 teams are bad/mediocre for such a long period.... Personally, I can never let it go. I have nothing distain for Miami. However, I must admit that the Patriots have definitely surpassed them as my most loathed team....
  18. Eh. Doesn't matter. Half of this board wanted to cut him or bench him earlier in the week. Truth be told we have 3 solid safeties in Whitner, Byrd and Wilson. Plus Scott who has transitioned to a bit of a hybrid player.
  19. McCargo yes. Hardy no. Wide out typically take a year or two to develop. Plus, he was a bit of a project with not a lot of playing time under his belt. Throw in the torn ACL...and unfortunately...we haven't seen much of the kid. You may end up being right on this...but we can't call it yet.
  20. Ugh. I just threw up on my mouth a little bit. But having thought about it for longer than a nanosecond, I feel much better knowing that there is absolutely no validity to this thread and mooshocker is an incredible tool.
  21. It is sad but we now live in a very paranoid society. (Although hitching probably isn't the safest of activities...)
  22. And the lots open at 8 AM. If your there at 10 it will be time to head in to the game right when your grill gets going. Personally, I like to be there at 7:45 or so.
  23. This is one of the reasons he will go for around 10 million a year. If he signs another contract I believe that Denver no longer owes him the remaining balance on the previous contract. So offers for Shannahan would have to be in the 9+ million a year range. It would make no sense for him to lose getting paid 7 million for the next two years for effectively sitting at home. To sign for anything less than 9-10 million.
  24. I agree with you on the wife part. Pretty classless (although she does have a case of swine face) But in all seriousness, "not much to disagree with there"? First of all, as has been stated in several above posts, there are several successful small market teams. See Green Bay, Indianapolis, Minnesota etc... . Second of all, who is he to say no Superbowl winning coach would be interested in Buffalo. I'm sorry, if your being offered 10 million dollars, you are listening... I think some successful coaches could see this as an opportunity to bring a Franchise out of the cellar single handed.
  25. Playing Rob Johnson over Doug Flutie was not Wade's decision. Ralph Wilson essentially ordered this move. If the guy signing your paychecks tells you to do something...you do it... I don't think Wade is a great coach, but he isn't an idiot either.
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